Introduction to Data Management and Data Entry: Protocol

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Transcript Introduction to Data Management and Data Entry: Protocol

Introduction to Data Management
and Data Entry: Protocol Level 1
June 17, 2008
Michael Lee & Forbes Boyle
Data Entry Tool Author & CVS-EEP Project Manager
• We'll go through each part of the Data Entry Tool for Level 1
Sampling Protocol: Planted Woody Stems
 Explanation of the Data Entry Tool
 Setting up the Data Entry Tool
 Data Entry Steps:
 Step 1: Project Planning
 Step 2: Level Protocol Choice
 Step 3: Data Entry
 Step 4: Error Checking
 Step 5: Report Generation
 Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS
What is the Entry Tool?
• A Microsoft Access* database.
– Don't be intimidated! It doesn't feel like a database.
• Based on VegBank ( data
• Modified to fit our needs – we continue modification
as the protocol evolves.
• It is a single file on your computer, with the
extension .mdb. This file can be downloaded, copied
as a backup, and sent to others so that they can see
or use your data.
*Designed in Access version 2003, works also in 2002 (XP) and 2000. Not supported in
Access 97 or earlier. Works in Access 2007.
What does the Entry Tool do?
• Organizes the process with the Main Menu.
• Forms that allow efficient data entry – lookup data
quickly and avoid redundant typing.
• Data validation ensures that problems are flagged
and then resolved.
• Reports summarize the final data.
• Reports also are printed to provide a basis for
Monitoring (VMD).
• Quality Assurance, Advanced Features.
Getting the Entry Tool
• It can be downloaded from the website:
– cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.2.5
You're Ready to Start
• Double Click the CVS_EEP_EntryTool_v210.mdb file
icon to open it in Access.
• If Access is new on your computer, it may ask for
your name as part of the Office setup.
• Next, in Access 2003 (but not earlier versions), you
may get up to two messages:
– Do you want to open a file with Macros?
– Do you want to block unsafe expressions?
These can be turned off, see Access help on security.
Confirmation Messages
• Confirmation Messages are a part of Access that asks you to
be sure you want to edit data in certain ways.
– e.g., deleting rows, updating a lot of data at once.
• These need to be turned off to use the entry tool.
• It can do that for you
automatically, click "Yes, turn
off confirmation messages" if
• Messages will be turned back
on after closing the entry tool.
• The entry tool can remember
this preference and stop asking
each time the tool is opened.
Using Access 2007:
1) Enabling Macros
Using Access 2007:
2) The Microsoft Ribbon: Ctrl F1
Using Access 2007:
3) Compact and Repair
Welcome to the Entry Tool
• The Entry Tool keeps track of when records are
added or updated, and by whom.
– This can help track down what happened with data that
may not make sense.
• Select your name if it's in
the list, or enter your
initials and name.
• You can check the box to
log you in automatically
next time.
• Make sure the date and
time are correct.
The Main Menu
• Tabs show the order of tasks.
• Help boxes on the right are turned on by default.
Hover the mouse over something and help will
tell you more about it. ("x" icon turns help off.)
• You can change who is
logged in, view tips on
using the database,
hide the Main Menu,
and quit.
Step 1: Project Planning
• You can plan for a project already in the database, or create a
new project.
– As noted in the protocol, you will need a unique project label from
EEP, as well as a project name. You need these before you start, as
plot names depend on them.
• Calculate how many plots you need based on disturbed area.
For riparian projects only, wetlands are different.
– You can store required plot info with a project, or just use this as a tool
to calculate number of plots needed.
• Enter length and width in feet.
– You can use other units if you wish, or you can enter raw area.
• Press "calculate!" to show the number of plots needed.
Step 1: Project Planning
Step 2: Choose a Level
• The level chosen will change the appearance
of later forms and the main menu options.
• More information about the five levels is
available with the link at the bottom of the
• Go to the next tab.
Step 3: Data Entry: Level 1
• Plot Data
• Planted Woody Stems
• You can also check for and view logical errors
on this tab.
• The "extras" tab can be
used to enter people,
projects, references,
species, etc.
Plot Data
• You can make new plots.
– You must specify project, team, and plot, and
sampling level for all new plots.
• Or edit existing plots (choose from the
Basic Plot Data Entry Tips
• The Plot Form matches the Plot Data Sheets closely.
• Tab between boxes (Ctrl-Tab out of big ones).
• Use Alt-Down Arrow on your keyboard to see the
contents of a picklist without the mouse.
Basic Plot Data Entry Tips
Asterick: New
is being
pick the
is edited
for editing, and is
being saved
Basic Plot Data Entry Tips
• Press escape once to cancel editing one field.
• Press escape twice to cancel editing a row/plot.
Picklists: Selecting Multiple Items
• For some picklists in the Plot Data form, you can select more
than one option.
– Soil Drainage, Plot Placement, Salinity, Topography, Hydrology,
Homogeneity, Stand Size, Season, Physiognomy
• Initially, double click in the picklist or select [multiple].
• Then in a pop-up white box, use ctrl on your keyboard and
click any number of values.
– Press Escape on your keyboard to cancel.
– Press Enter, Tab, or click another field to save selected values.
• The field will show [multiple] after you
are finished entering, but if you
double click that field again, it will
show you which values are selected.
Planted Woody Stems
• There's a link directly from the Plot Data
– Or you can link from the Main Menu (Data Entry tab)
Basic Planted Woody Stem Data Entry Tips
• You can add new stems on the blank bottom line
• You can edit plot header information (date)
• Notes are available for uncertainty and internal
• Use keyboard arrow keys, and the "Enter" key.
• Help is available at the bottom of the form.
Magic Species Picklist
• Species names are difficult in
– Many species names.
– The names are often quite
similar (e.g., same genus).
• The entry tool uses "Magic
Species Picklists" which limit the
species based on the first two
letters of genus and 2 letters of
species (and one letter variety, if
• Enter 2 letters of the genus name
and 2 letters of the species name
and then arrow keys or mouse to
select your species.
• If only one species matches, it
is selected for you.
disable this feature.
• Enter "*" to reset the list.
• Configurable in Main Menu >
Options > Advanced Features
Can’t Find Your Species?
• What if S. alba was recorded in the field? Genus?
Unknown Species
• There are three "unknown species" scenarios:
– 1) Genus or family is known, but not the species.
• Fill in "sp." "sp. #2" or "sp. #3" etc. in the "unknown species"
column. This separates distinct unknown species within the same
genus (e.g. "Carya sp." "Carya sp. #2")
– 2) The data enterer can't understand what's written on the
form (e.g., common name or unreadable)
• Use the species "DONTKNOW" which is a flag for a project director
to make a determination later. Use notes field.
– 3) The species was not known in the field.
• Use the "unknown" species.
• Applies to all forms where
you enter species.
Step 4: Error Checking
• Check for errors in all plots in Main Menu > Data Entry. Some
errors are just warnings that a stem is large.
• Fix errors by filling in required fields, confirming values, fixing
mismatches, etc.
• Ignore errors that are not really errors, or nothing can be
done about them.
– Ignoring an error once ignores one error on one particular row.
– Ignoring an error everywhere will ignore this type of error for all the
data in the entry tool (use caution!).
– Just because you ignore an error doesn't make the problem go away.
If some systematic error was made, it would be good to explain it in
the plot notes.
• Check for errors again, as fixing one error could have created
a new one.
Step 4: Error Checking
Help and Errors
• Turn on help at the bottom of the main forms, move
mouse over something and you’ll see more
information about it (orange box).
• Check for errors (optionally after each plot, see Main
Menu > options)
Step 5: Reports
• Summary of stems per plot in Excel.
– Can choose a subset of plots in "Customizable Stats."
• Can be copied and pasted into a Word document and
used in larger written reports.
Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS
• First check for and resolve any errors.
• Then close the Entry Tool.
• Optimal, though Optional
– To speed upload, zip the Entry Tool File (with WinZip or
Windows Compressed Folders).
• See Main Menu > Options
for how to ftp your
data file to CVS.
Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS
Try everything with example data
Plan a project
Enter plot data for new plots
Enter some planted stems
Check for errors
– Fix some errors
– Ignore some errors
• Create a simple report