Role of Scapulothoracic Muscles To Provide Stabilization

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Transcript Role of Scapulothoracic Muscles To Provide Stabilization

Management of the Scapula in Glenohumeral Instability Steven A Stratton, PT, PhD, ATC

Steven A. Stratton, PhD, PT, ATC

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General Physical Therapy Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Manual Therapy Spinal Rehabilitation Sports Physical Therapy

Shoulder Complex

• • • •

Sternoclavicular Joint Acromioclavicular Joint Glenohumeral Joint Scapulothoracic Joint

Shoulder Complex

Sternoclavicular Joint

Acromioclavicular Joint

Anterior Superior

Glenohumeral Joint

Shoulder Capsular-Ligamentous Complex

Scapulothoracic Joint

Scapulothoracic Joint

(Retraction) (Protraction)

Scapular Rest Position

Stability of the Shoulder Complex

Stability is maintained by the glenohumeral ligament complex, the compressive forces of the rotator cuff, the glenoid labrum, negative intra articular pressure, and normal kinematics of the scapula as part of scapulohumeral rhythm.

Scapulohumeral Rhythm

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Scapulohumeral rhythm is the coordinated interaction of the scapula with a moving humerus to keep the angle of the humerus and glenoid of the scapula within a physiological tolerable range.

Likened to a “ball on a seal’s nose”.

Rowe CR, Zarins B. Recurrent transient subluxation of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg Am 63: 863-872, 1981.

Scapulohumeral Rhythm

The coupled motion of the arm and scapula provides dynamic stability for the shoulder complex in various positions of everyday activities and athletic movements.

Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Contribution

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Shoulder Elevation: 3 degrees of Glenohumeral (GH) joint motion for every 2 degrees of Scapulothoracic (ST) joint motion.

McQuade found up to 4.5:1 ratio under heavy shoulder loading in scapular plane of arm elevation.

McQuade KJ, Smidt GL. Dynamic scapulohumeral rhythm: the effects of external resistance during elevation of the arm in the scapular plane. JOSPT 27(2): 125-133, 1988.

GH joint with ST contribution seeking a position of stability relative to humerus.

Patterns of Scapular Dyskinesis

Type I = abnormal motion around a horizontal axis so that the scapula has abnormal anterior tilt; the clinical manifestation is prominence of the inferior medial scapular border on arm motion.

Kibler WB. Management of the scapula in glenohumeral instability.

Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow

Surgery 4(3): 89-98, September 2003.

Patterns of Scapular Dyskinesis

Type II = abnormal motion around a vertical axis so that the scapula has abnormal lateral or external rotation; the clinical manifestation is prominence of the entire medial scapular border.

Patterns of Scapular Dyskinesis

Type III = abnormal motion around a sagittal axis so that the medial scapula translates superiorly and the lateral scapula translates inferiorly; the clinical manifestation is prominence of the superior medial border.


With Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), there is tissue laxity and more fragile ligaments and tendons; therefore, the EDS patient is predisposed to joint laxity causing hypermobility, which increases the vulnerability of the joint to injury.

Joint Hypermobility

Since joint laxity may predispose the person to experience joint instability, then improving joint stability must come from the muscular system.

Joint Stability

Joint stability by “muscle stiffness” via gamma-muscle spindle system has been found to be one of the important variables in joint stabilization.

Muscle stiffness has been described as the “spring-like” quality of muscle.

When muscle has high stiffness, increased force is required to cause lengthening of the muscle.

Johansson H, Sjolander P. Receptors in the knee joint ligaments and their role in biomechanics of the joint. CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 18: 341-368, 1991.

Joint Stability

In the shoulder, a link has been established between neural structures and mechanoreceptors in the capsule and ligaments of the glenohumeral joint.

Vangsness CT, Ennis M, Taylor JG. Neural anatomy of the glenohumeral ligaments, labrum, and subacromial bursa. Arthroscopy 11: 180-184, 1995.

Joint Stability

In the spine, Panjabi found the smaller deeper spinal muscles which attach to the lumbar vertebrae provide ‘segmental stability and control’ rather than ‘movement’.

Panjabi MM. The stabilizing system of the spine. Part I. Function, dysfunction, and adaptation and enhancement. J Spinal Disorders 5: 383-389, 1992.

Panjabi MM. The stabilizing system of the spine. Part II. Neutral zone and instability hypothesis. J Spinal Disorders 5: 390-397, 1992.

Joint Stability

Lephart showed proprioception of the symptomatic shoulder was disrupted in patients with glenohumeral instability and improved after shoulder reconstruction.

Muscle Force Couples

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Dynamic equilibrium of the glenohumeral joint is attained through efficient function of several force couples acting to stabilize the humeral head during arm movement.

Force couples are muscles that are paired to control the movement or position of a joint or body part.

Shoulder Force Couples

The rotator cuff muscles help to pull the humeral head into the glenoid of the scapula while the deltoid muscle allows movement of the glenohumeral joint without compressing the rotator cuff muscles in the suprahumeral space.

The subscapularis working with the teres minor add an additional force couple.



Scapular Force Couples

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Scapular Protraction (Abduction)

Upper trapezius and upper digitations of the serratus anterior.

Scapular Retraction (Adduction)

Upper and lower trapezius, rhomboids and lower digitations of the serratus anterior.

Inman JT, Saunders M, Abbott L. Observations on the function of the shoulder joint. J Bone Joint Surg Am 26: 1-30, 1944.

Happee R, Van der Helm. The control of shoulder muscles during goal directed movements: An inverse dynamic analysis. J Biomech 28: 1179-1191, 1995 .



Scapular Force Couples

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Upper trapezius, levator scapula and upper digitations of the serratus anterior.


Lower trapezius and lower digitations of the serratus anterior.



Neuromuscular Control

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Neuromuscular control exercises are performed in protected positions of the joints.

Usually begin with closed kinetic chain exercises since they enhance compression of the joint and facilitate co-contraction of the agonist antagonist musculature, increasing joint stability.

Then progress to open kinetic chain exercises.


If patient very weak, then start with shoulder isometrics (no motion) in neutral position for shoulder flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, abduction; also scapular adduction with chin tuck seated.

All exercises have to be performed pain free.

Start with 5 second hold for 5 repetitions.


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Patient has to be educated in proper joint positions, proper technique, avoid heavy lifting, no excessive repetitive movements, and controlling pain while exercising.

Peripheral joints may have to be protected to exercise the shoulders or shoulder girdle.


EDS patient may need wrist support to perform TheraBand shoulder exercises.


Elbow joint may also need to be protected.


Closed Kinetic Chain

Closed Chain Scapular Motion

Scapular Clocks

Low Row

TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

Closed Chain Scapular Motion

– – –

Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

– – – –

Closed Chain Scapular Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

– – – –

Closed Chain Scapular Scapular Clocks Low Row (retraction/ext) TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

Closed Chain Scapular

– – –

Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

– – – –

Closed Chain Scapular Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

– – – –

Closed Chain Scapular Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

– – – –

Closed Chain Scapular Scapular Clocks Low Row TheraBand Neutral Shoulder

TheraBand Scapular Adduction

TheraBand Scapular Adduction with Shldr ER

TheraBand Prone on Elbows Shldr ER


Closed Kinetic Chain

Serratus Anterior with TheraBand

Subscapularis with TheraBand


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

– –

Side lying Shldr ER Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

– –

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

– –

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man) Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

Side lying Shldr ER

Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

Side lying Shldr ER

Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

– –

Side lying Shldr ER Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

– –

Side lying Shldr ER Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

Side lying Shldr ER

Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

Arms at Side

Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

Side lying Shldr ER

Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

Arms at Side

Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB


Open Kinetic Chain Exercises

– –

Side lying Shldr ER Standing Shoulder Abduction Open Can with DB

Standing Shoulder Flexion with DB

Prone Scapular Adduction with Depression

• •

Arms at Side Flexed Elbows, Thumbs Up (Prone Bird)

Prone Lower Trapezius (Super Man)

Supine Serratus Anterior with DB

Remember that all exercises have to be performed pain free, with a slower progression, and the patient must maintain all joints in a protected and properly aligned biomechanical position.

170 °



Joint Capsule/ Coracohumeral Ligament


Scapulohumeral Rhythm

Scapula = 60° Glenohumeral = 120° SC Jt.- 30° elevation 15° early (35°) AC Jt.

15° late (135°)

Closed Kinematic Chain



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scapula and Glenohumeral Joint 1.

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