Building Blocks & their use in BASIC

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General Building Blocks & their use in BASIC

Building blocks in general are common to most of the languages including C The objective is to introduce basic programming concepts such as program structure, variable declaration, conditional and looping constructs, and the code/compile or interpret/run style of programming This acts as an introduction to these concepts for students who have no prior programming experience.

Variable Declaration

     Variables are place holders for data a program might use or manipulate. Variables are given names so that we can assign values to them and refer to them later to read the values. Variables typically store values of a given


. Types generally include: Integer - to store integer or "whole" numbers Real - to store real or fractional numbers (also called float to indicate a floating point number) Character - A single character such as a letter of the alphabet or punctuation. String - A collection of characters In order to use a variable within a program, the compiler needs to know in advance the type of data that will be stored in it. For this reason, we declare the variables at the start of the program. Variable declaration consists of giving a new name and a data type for the variable. This is normally done at the very start of the program.

                      


These allow variables to be combined or assigned values.



Means let the variable be equal to.

In assignment statements, the value on the right side of the = sign is copied into the variable on the left side, thus the statement 10 LET X = 4 has the effect of assigning the value 4 to the variable X Addition


Means add two or more values together.

10 LET A = 1 20 LET B = 2 30 LET Y = A + B Subtraction


Means subtract one value from another 10 LET X = 1 20 LET C = 4 30 LET X = X - C x = ____________ Multiplication


Means multiply two values together 10 LET D = 2 20 LET Z = D * 3 Z = ___________ Division


Used to divide one value by another 10 LET E = 8 20 LET W = E / 8 W = ___________ Exponential 10 LET F = 2


Means a number raised to the power of, ie, 102 means 10 * 10, and Y3 means Y * Y * Y 20 LET V = F ^ 3 V = ___________

     


precedence are, The arithmetic operators are evaluated in a pre-determined order. This order may be over-ridden by the use of parenthesis (brackets). The rules of operator 1 Exponential ^ 2 Multiplication and division * / 3 Addition and Subtraction + 4 The operators are always evaluated left to right Parenthesis can be used to override the order of precedence. Consider the following equation, Y + B X = ------ C

  In BASIC, we might be tempted to write this as, 10 LET X = Y + B / C HOW-EVER, this is wrong, as because of operator precedence, division is always performed before addition. Thus, the value of B gets divided by the value of C first, and the result is then added to the variable Y.

 Brackets can be placed around terms to instruct BASIC about how to perform calculations. BASIC always performs those calculations inside brackets first, so the above statement is actually written as 10 LET X = (Y + B) / C


 Most programs need to make decisions.  The relational operators used to compare two values as part of the decision making process are,   = Equal to > Greater than < Less than  <> Not equal to   <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to

Use in BASIC

   There are several statements available in the BASIC language for this. The


statement is one of the them.

When the condition associated with the IF statement is true, the program statement following the THEN keyword is executed.

Examples:   10 IF A < 6 THEN PRINT Z 20 IF Z = M THEN LET X = M


 This includes an


statement, which specifies the block (statements) to be executed when the IF statement is not satisfied (ie, fails).

 10 IF DEPT = 3 THEN LET RATE = 3.00 ELSE LET RATE = 1.00

Back to calculations in BASIC      In BASIC, all calculations must be performed on the right hand side of the = sign. The statement 10 LET -C = Y is wrong, because you cannot do assignments ( - ) on the left side. The statement should be re-written as, 10 LET C = - ( Y ) This has the desired effect of negating the value of Y.

    


Names given to variables which represent data can be a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters. Some BASIC versions only recognize the first two characters. The first letter of the data name must be ALPHABETIC and lowercase letters are treated as uppercase.


Data names should be meaningful and self explanatory. It is pointless having cryptic variable names.


 Character strings are used to store non-numeric data, ie ABCD and ALFRED are both character strings. The rules for character strings are the same as those for numeric variables, except that the last character must be $ Examples, NAME$ ADDRESS$ TEXT$ X$

Assigning string variables,

    10 LET A$ = "Mud in your eye" 20 LET X$ = A$ 30 LET N$ = "" 40 REM "" is a null string 


            The PRINT statement in BASIC is provided to allow the displaying of text and the value which variables contain, on the screen. There are many variations to the PRINT statement.

10 PRINT D When executed, the value of D will be displayed at the current cursor location.

10 PRINT "D" This prints whatever is inside the quotes, ie, D 10 PRINT A,B The comma specifies that the value of B should be displayed at the next TAB position. These are every 14 characters.

10 PRINT "A";"B" The semi-colon specifies that the next item, B is is to displayed immediately after the previous item.

10 PRINT A;B In this case, a space will occur between the values of A and B.

Referring back to the first program, the displayed result can be made easier by changing line 50 as, 50 PRINT "The distance covered is ";Distance;" miles."

Loops or Iterative Constructs

 Virtually all programming languages have a facility to allow a section of code to be repeated (iterated). There are several variations to iterative or looping constructs. For the most part, they fall into two categories: FOR loops and WHILE/DO loops.

Programming language "C", C++


for (i = 1; i <= 10; i = i+1) { printf("Hello World\n"); }  In each of the following examples, the code will output "Hello World" 10 times. Basic For i = 1 To 10 Print "Hello World" Next i

While loops

Programming Language While constructs "C", C++, Java, Perl Basic while (


) {


} While

condition statements


Program Structure

     Virtually all structured programs share a similar overall structure: Statements to establish the start of the program Variable declaration Program statements (blocks of code) The following is a simple example of a program written in several different programming languages. We call this the "Hello World" example since all the program does is print "Hello World" on the computer screen.

Language Basic "C" Example program print "Hello World" #include void main() { printf("Hello World"); }

 Continued in the next part……