Transcript Slide 1

School Campaigns
Arne Menn, seecon international gmbh
School Campaigns
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School Campaigns
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1. School Campaigns
2. Awareness Raising at Schools
3. How to make a School Campaign
4. Ongoing Activities
5. Applicability
6. Advantages and Disadvantages
7. References
School Campaigns
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1. School Campaigns
From School to Community
A good School Campaign finds a balance between provision of sound
water and sanitation facilities, and educational, behavioural and
promotional aspects. (SCHAAP et al. 2001)
If these conditions are created, children come to school, enjoy
learning, learn better and take back to their families and communities
concepts and practices on water, sanitation and hygiene.
Ecological sanitation (EcoSan) education at a
primary school in Kenya (2009).
 source: [Accessed:
School Campaigns
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1. School Campaigns
• Promoting those practices that will help prevent water and
sanitation-related diseases
• Promoting the wise use of water and favourable hygiene behaviour
 The combination of
adequate facilities,
correct behavioural
practices and education
is meant to have a
positive impact on the
health and hygiene
conditions of the
community as a whole,
both now and in the
 source: IRC 2007
School Campaigns
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2. Awareness Raising at Schools
Why Schools?
Schools provide unique opportunities for awareness raising:
• Reaching thousands of children with water, hygiene and sanitation
• Schools usually have or can create educational material.
• They provide an entry point to the community as a whole, because
children take back to their families concepts and practices on water
and sanitation.
A school campaign in Nepal: Involving the
family and wider community into the
 source: KROPAC, M. (2009)
School Campaigns
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2. Awareness Raising at Schools
Example: School-Led Total Sanitation in Nepal
(MOOIJMAN et al. 2010)
In Baijalpur village in Kapilvastu, Nepal, school children lead the
community sanitation drive. In a country where only 39 per cent of the
population have access to a toilet, Baijalpur village is setting an
example: Today, every home in the village has a latrine.
1. Step: Training of teachers by UNICEF (2005).
2. Step: Education and training of children of the Shree Pancha Primary
3. Step: The children began to campaign and educate their often
illiterate parents and neighbours about the benefits of
constructing a latrine.
4. Step: After one year, the residents of Baijalpur had achieved the
goal of constructing a latrine in all of the 314 homes.
School Campaigns
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3. How to Make a School Campaign
The Actors and their Roles: Participation in Planning
• Main actors: teachers, children, school heads, parents, the school
management committee and parent organisations.
• Secondary: health workers, other local government workers,
members of NGOs and community-based organisations, regional or
national government.
The vision: Main actors involved and their roles in a school campaign.
 source: (MOOIJMAN et al. 2010)
School Campaigns
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3. How to Make a School Campaign
Steps in a School Campaign
(IRC 2007)
• Assessment of current conditions
• Preparation of plans with the involvement of different stakeholders
• Development of training courses and materials
• Capacity building of all stakeholders involved
• Acquisition or development of water and sanitation education guides
• Construction of facilities and supervision of these construction
• Proper use, operation and maintenance of the facilities
• Training, re-training, supervision and support of the teachers
• Monitoring and evaluation
School Campaigns
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4. Ongoing Activities
Operation and Maintenance of Facilities
(SNEL 2003)
To prevent rapid run-down of
facilities, different kinds of
maintenance are necessary:
• Upkeep, cleaning and maintenance
activities to be done by teachers,
children and other users on a regular
• Minor repairs and preventive
maintenance such as greasing, bolts,
fixing taps, cracks, and broken doors,
once a week at least.
• Major repairs: Village mechanic,
block mechanic or engineering
School Campaigns
To ensure sustainability,
schools and communities
should cover all operation
and maintenance costs.
Possible funding options:
• Contributions from
parents, donations, general
school maintenance budget,
organisation of incomegenerating activities
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5. Applicability
(IRC 2007)
 Campaign objectives should be suitable to the children and the
country, as specific water, sanitation & hygiene issues may be
unique to certain countries, population groups or areas (e.g.
traditions/ norms).
 Usually, implementation of school programmes requires support at
regional (or national) level, especially in remote areas.
When selecting schools for the campaign one should consider:
• Useful to start with communities that are prepared and want to
• Existing basic school infrastructure: Create water and sanitation
facilities while basic improvements are made to the school.
• Involvement of politicians
School Campaigns
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6. Advantages and Disadvantages
• Schools can easily reach children
with water and sanitation
• Costs for building/replacing
facilities, soap, chlorine etc.
• Important step against spread of
diseases and intestinal parasites
• Process of passing on water and
sanitation information and
behavioural changes from school
to household to community
• Schools usually provide unique
systems for production and
dissemination of educational
School Campaigns
• Costs for operation maintenance
(upkeep, cleaning, repairing)
• Teachers have to be trained and
• Implementation usually requires
support at regional (or national)
level (government, NGO's)
• Community participation in
decision-making can be
complicated and takes time
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7. References
IRC (2007): Towards Effective Programming for WASH in Schools: A manual on scaling up programmes
for water, sanitation and hygiene in schools (Technical Paper Series No. 48). Delft: IRC International
Water and Sanitation Centre.
MOOIJMAN, A., SNEL, M., GANGULY, S., SHORDT, K. (2010): Strengthening Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene in Schools – A WASH guidance manual with a focus on South Asia (Technical Paper Series No.
53). The Hague, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
NAGPAL, T. (2010): Clean Start: Focusing on School Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: A Reflection from
GWC. Washington D.C.: Global Water Challenge.
SCHAAP, W. & VAN STEENBERGEN, F. (2001): Ideas for Water Awareness Campaigns. Stockholm: Global
Water Partnership.
SNEL, M. (2003): School Sanitation and Hygiene Education. WELL factsheet. Leicestershire: WELL
resource centre for water, sanitation and environmental health (Loughborough University).
School Campaigns
“Linking up Sustainable Sanitation,
Water Management & Agriculture”
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School Campaigns