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Overview of the STL &
Assorted C++ features
Junaed Sattar
November 19, 2008
Lecture 12
Stands for Standard Template Library
set of C++ template classes to provide common
programming data structures and functions
officially (from SGI's STL site):
library of container classes, algorithms, and
provides many of the basic algorithms and data
structures of computer science
Basic Characteristics of the STL
a generic library, meaning that its components
are heavily parameterized:
almost every component in the STL is a template.
make sure that you understand how templates
work in C++ before you use the STL!
Categorized in the following groupings
Containers and algorithms
generalization of pointers, which applies to any object
stored in container classes
Concepts, Modeling, Refinement
classes for containing (holding) other objects and related
algorithms for data manipulations
rules about the set of types that may correctly be
substituted for the formal template parameters
Miscellaneous utilities
Includes classes vector, list, deque, set,
multiset, map, multimap, hash_set,
hash_multiset, hash_map, and hash_multimap
Each of these classes is a template, and can be
instantiated to contain any type of object
Generic algorithms manipulate data stored in
these container objects
Container: Vector
Avoids managing dynamic memory by hand
vector<string> SS;
SS.push_back("The number is 10");
SS.push_back("The number is 20");
SS.push_back("The number is 30");
// Loop by index
for( int ii=0; ii < SS.size(); ii++ ) {
cout << SS[ii] << endl;
Algorithm Example
// Reverse the elements in the Vector
reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
// Loop by index
for( int ii=0; ii < SS.size(); ii++ ) {
cout << SS[ii] << endl;
The number is 30
The number is 20
The number is 10
STL class to represent position in an STL
i.e. objects that point to other objects
An iterator is declared to be associated with a
single container class type
i.e. to access a vector of strings, we require an
iterator to vector<string>
input_iterator: Read values with forward movement.
Write values with forward movement.
forward_iterator : Read or write values with forward movement.
These combine the functionality of input and output iterators with the
ability to store the iterators value.
bidirectional_iterator: Read and write values with forward and
backward movement.
random_iterator: Read and write values with random access. These
are the most powerful iterators, combining the functionality of
bidirectional iterators with the ability to do pointer arithmetic and
pointer comparisons.
reverse_iterator: Either a random iterator or a bidirectional iterator
that moves in reverse direction.
Iterators: Vector
vector<string> SS;
SS.push_back("The number is 10");
SS.push_back("The number is 20");
SS.push_back("The number is 30");
vector<string>::iterator cii;
for(cii=SS.begin(); cii!=SS.end(); cii++){
cout << *cii << endl;
Another example
#include <iostream.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <algo.h>
#include <iterator.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
int n = atoi (argv[1]);
vector<int> v;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) v.push_back (i);
random_shuffle (v.begin(), v.end());
// print
copy( v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>( cout, "\n"));
Sort: STL Style
void sort( iterator start, iterator end );
void sort( iterator start, iterator end,
StrictWeakOrdering cmp );
sorts the elements in the range [start,end) into ascending order
if strict weak ordering function object cmp is given, then it will
be used to compare two objects instead of the < operator.
Example sort
vector<int> v;
sort( v.begin(), v.end() );
And also,
int array[] = { 23, -1, 9999, 0, 4 };
unsigned int array_size = 5;
sort( array, array+array_size );
Compare function
bool cmp( int a, int b ) {
return a > b;
sort( v.begin(), v.end(), cmp );
Auto pointers
Pointers, but do not require explicit deallocation
i.e. does not have to be “delete”-ed
but only individual pointers, not arrays
again, this is a templated type
similar to garbage collection in Java
Auto Pointer Example
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class X {
X() { cout << "constructing\n"; }
~X() { cout << "destructing\n"; }
void f() { cout << "Inside f()\n"; }
int main() {
auto_ptr<X> p1(new X), p2;
p2 = p1;
// transfer ownership
X *ptr = p2.get(); // can assign to a normal pointer
return 0;
More STL Reference
The STL Book (it's in the course outline)
STL Homepage: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/
Another tutorial on the STL
allows grouping of entities (classes, functions,
variables etc) under one name
similar to a Java package
helps to create sub-scopes for identifiers
To declare a namespace:
namespace namespace_identifier {
// declare entities here
Example usage
namespace Probability
double pdf, cdf;
double *distribution;
class GaussianDistribution {
int main()
using Probability::GaussianDistribution;
GaussianDistribution GD;
The using keyword
used to introduce a name from a namespace
into the current declarative region
i.e. using Probability::pdf
also can be used to introduce entire
using namespace Probability
utility of namespaces
functionality of namespaces is especially useful
to avoid redefinition errors
also known as naming collision
in the case that a global object or function uses the
same identifier as another one
commonplace in large projects, multiple
programmers working on the same program
“Collision avoidance”
namespace Cars {
double velocity = 10;
namespace Planes {
double velocity = 1000;
int main(){
cout << Cars::velocity << “\n”;
cout << Planes::velocity << “\n”;
Namespace using scope
using, using namespace are valid in the declaring
code block, or global scope if declared at the
beginning of the program
remember, curly braces create code blocks In
C++ Exceptions
react to unexpected circumstances in code
place suspect code under inspection
using exception handlers
using a try block
control goes to exception handlers in case of
all the catch blocks
// place your code here, for example:
ch = new char[100];
throw 100;
catch( std::bad_alloc ex ){
cout << ex.what();
catch( int exi ) {
cout << exi;
// catches everything else, default hander
Exception Throwing
thrown exception can be of any type
basic types (int, char, float... )
any object derived from the standard class called
exception is declared in the header
virtual member function what returns a nullterminated character sequence (char *)
override in derived classes to contain some sort of
description of the exception
User-defined exceptions
functions throwing exceptions:
void GetRoots() throw (int)
void GetRoots()
throws an integer exception (catch int)
can throw any type of exception
void GetRoots throw ()
cannot throw any type of exception
Custom Exception Class
class CustomException: public exception
virtual const char* what() const throw()
return "Custom exception happened";
int main() {
try {
CustomExcpetion custEx;
throw custEx;
catch( exception& e ){ // reference to base is ok
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
Standard Library Exceptions
thrown by new on allocation failure
thrown by dynamic_cast when fails with a
referenced type
thrown when an exception type doesn't match
any catch
thrown by typeid
thrown by functions in the iostream library
C++ structs:
C structs do not have methods. Only data.
Same as classes, except by default, everything
is public (classes have everything private by
C has no concept of data-function binding
struct Complex {
double real, imaginary;
Concluding remarks.