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*The MAHB: From Diagnosis
to Treatment
Eugene A. Rosa
Boeing Professor of Environmental Sociology
Edward R. Meyer Professor
Professor of Sociology
Washington State University
Woods Scholar, Stanford University
*Presentation at Global Visioning Conference,
Instituto Nacional de Ecologia
Universidad Autónoma Metripolitna
Mexico City, 10 November 2011
German philosopher Immanuel Kant:
There are really only two important questions:
• How did things get the way they are?
• What can we do about them?
Preliminary Question: How are things now?
Scientific consensus:
• Growing emissions driving climate change
• Precious resources (water, forests, fossil fuels) are being consumed at rapid rates
• Biodiversity is being destroyed
• Land use land cover changes are taking place at unsustainable rates
• Toxic and hormone-disrupting chemicals are being released everywhere
Kant’s first question: How did things get this way?
Anthropogenic Drivers:
Global Threats
Natural capital
Ecosystem services
Kant’s second question: What can we do about it?
MAHB activities since 2009:
• Established a coordinating committee at Stanford University
• Developed a general plan for the organization of the MAHB Network
1. Associates
2. Nodes
• Developed and re-developed a website and facebook page
• Attracted 13 nodes
• Now have over 1600 MAHB associates
• Workshops at Stanford University and Elsewhere
• Development of a several large-scale research proposals
• Seminar series at Stanford University
• Interpersonal networking to attract leading scholars and others
• Public appearances, media coverage, and briefings in academic publications
Principle Activity:
• international, collaborative network of scholars and practitioners
• Use the global network of research and knowledge to inform and
guide directed social change—a paradigm shift toward sustainability
Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior
Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere
MAHB Nodes:
• Stanford University
• Washington State University
• University of Oslo
• Norwegian Business School
• CICERO – Olso
• Lund University, Sweden
• University of Milan, Italy
• Lisbon University Institute, Portugal
• University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopa
• Universidade Federal d Santa Catarina, Brazil
• Sun Yat-Sen University, China
• TERI New Delhi, India
• Rhodes University, South Africa
What can you do?
• Follow MAHB Activities on its website
• Join as an individual MAHB Associate
• Develop a MAHB node, a local or larger collective of
researchers conducting research on MAHB general goals
Follow a few simple steps to sign up
Both for Associates and Nodes: Identifying and contact
information. and main research interests
Both sign-ups end with a box to respond to this question:
“What are 3 major unstudied questions related to
sustainability that you think that MAHB is uniquely
poised to tackle?”
*The MAHB—Millennium
Alliance for Humanity and the
Biosphere: From Diagnosis
to Treatment
Eugene A. Rosa
Boeing Professor of Environmental Sociology
Edward R. Meyer Professor
Professor of Sociology
Washington State University
Woods Scholar, Stanford University
*Presentation at Global Visioning Conference,
Instituto Nacional de Ecologia
Universidad Autónoma Metripolitna
Mexico City, 10 November 2011