Transcript Slide 1

Dates and Places of Existence
Physical Appearance
Food and Hunting
Religion and Ceremonies
Paintings and Carvings
Daily Life
Development of Language
And LOTS More!!!
Dates and Places of Existence
About 200,000 years ago, Neanderthals
migrated throughout Africa, Europe, and
Asia.(1)Humans migrated because of weather,
food, and water. In Australia, South and North
America, these warmer places had more
plants and animal life, so that could be why
the migrations occurred.(2) These migrations
could take hundreds of years.(3)
• Neanderthals were usually 5 ft. – 6 ft. tall, and
they weighed between 140 pounds and 180
pounds.(4)Their skulls bulged at the side and the
back.(5) Scientists believed Neanderthals were
dim-witted and since they walked differently and
they had dislocated hands, nobody wanted them
as ancestors.(6)It turned out that the only reason
this happened was because the Neanderthals had
a bone-crippling disease called Arthritis.(7)
• Neanderthals usually only lived until the age of
40 or less.
• Neanderthals usually used tools made of
stone during this time.(8)They made knives
and scrapers. The scrapers were made out of
a little stone called flint.(9) They also made
weapons out of deer antlers and stones to
make an axe.(10) Neanderthals needed
patience and practice to make these tools.
With these tools, Neanderthals could make
weapons to hunt and to make better
• Neanderthals were very smart, and they made
more advanced shelters than early hominids.
In Russia, remains of animal hides were found
to show that they stretched the hides over
mammoth bones. (12)This protected the
Neanderthals from the wind. Later discoveries
tell that Neanderthals also lived in caves or
built animal skin huts.(13)
Food and Hunting
Since Neanderthals were very good hunters,
all they ate was what they hunted.(14)The
Neanderthal men would go out and women
would stay at a camp or gather plants for
food.(15)Sometimes, the Neanderthals would
use fish as bait to catch other animals, but
they usually used arrows, spears, or
daggers.(16)Neanderthals made weapons out
of deer antlers so that they could use them to
hunt bigger animals.(17)
Religion & Ceremonies
The Neanderthals buried the dead, which some
say proves they were religious.(18)Discoveries
of Neanderthal grave sites show that they
decorated the bodies of the dead with paint
and beautiful clothes, which also might show
that the Neanderthals were religious.(19) The
Neanderthals usually ate deer meat during this
time.(20) Neanderthals believed the deer meat
was the religious food.
Neanderthals used bone needles to sew
animal skins into clothes, blankets, and tents
to keep them warm.(21) These clothes had to
be warm, or the Neanderthals would freeze.
They might have been the first homind group
to actually sew their clothes, instead of just
draping animal skins over themselves. (22)
Paintings and Carvings
Neanderthals carved mostly animals over
30,000 years ago. Scientists found a carving of
a deer.(23)Neanderthals also painted symbols
that looked like a kind of language.(24) Some
of these paintings go back to around 15,000
B.C. Most of these painting were of animals
including: bison, deer, oxen, and horses.(25)
• Fire was made by a dagger that would sharpen
a stick so that it could hit the other stick and
make a flame.(26) Or Neanderthals used two
stones and hit them together on a stick and
made fire. Long bones of animals were used to
make tools and daggers.(27)Their use of fire
helped cook food and scare off big, frightening
animals! It also provided heat and light.
Daily Life
• Neanderthals were hunters. They spent most
of their day hunting for food and preparing it.
The Neanderthals had to be prepared for
dangerous animals so they sometimes made
weapons and tools.(28) At the end of a day,
the Neanderthal men, woman, and children
sat in front of the fire. The food was buried in
the dirt for safekeeping. Before going to sleep,
the Neanderthals might have shared thoughts
and stories.(29)
• Answer these three questions right and you
will get a free Neanderthal!
• 1. Did the Neanderthals walk upright? If so,
then why?
• 2.If Neanderthals were good at doing
anything, name one thing they were good at
• 3. Why did scientists think that Neanderthals
were religious?
1. Did the Neanderthals walk upright? If so, then why? Answer:
Yes, they did, unless they had a severe form of the crippling
disease called Arthritis.
2.If Neanderthals were good at doing anything, name one thing
they were good at doing. Answer: They were very good at
hunting, making fires, and building shelters.
3. Why did scientists think that Neanderthals were religious?
Answer: Scientists thought Neanderthals were religious
because they found at Neanderthal grave sites that
Neanderthals decorated the dead with clothes and
Prize Booth!
• If you have answered all three questions right
then here is your Neanderthal! Instead of one
Neanderthal, we will give you four!!!
• Finally, we conclude with some facts. Neanderthals
were born hunters; they were very good at hunting.
(30)Studies show that Neanderthals were religious,
and their religious food was deer meat.(31) When
Neanderthals were about to sleep, they shared
thoughts and expressed their ideas.(32) Some say
Neanderthals walked upright and had deformed
hands, which they did, but it was because they had a
bone-crippling disease called Arthritis.(33)
Neanderthals also did not live long, usually they died
near or before the age of 40.(34)
1. “Neanderthals,”
5. California Visits Ancient Civilizations, Macmillan/MacGraw Hill: New York, NY, 2007, pp, 70-84.
6. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Facchini, Fiorenzo, A Day with Homo Sapiens, Books: Connecticut, Twenty-First Century, 2003, pp. 14-26.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
Endnotes ( continued)
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. “Neanderthals,”
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.
34. Kearns, Marsha,“Neanderthals,” Early Humans. Creative Teaching Press: CA, 1993.
California Visits Ancient Civilizations.
Macmillan/McGraw Hill: New York, NY, 2007.
Facchini, Fiorenzo, A Day with Neanderthals, Books:
Connecticut, Twenty-First Century, 2003.
Kearns, Marsha.“Homo Habilis.” Early Humans.
Creative Teaching Press: CA, 1993.
“Neanderthal.” Neanderthal.
“Neanderthal.” Neanderthal.