Transcript Document

Fast, simple access to all of the library’s journal article databases and more
Nyenrode Library
Welcome to the Discover tutorial. Discover provides you with access to the Nyenrode
library’s journal article databases and some open source databases. In one single search
you will find articles in databases such as EBSCO, ScienceDirect and Emerald.
In this tutorial, we will look at performing a basic keyword search and review some
important features available within Discover.
We’ll begin by conducting a search for Customer Relationship Management from the Basic
Search screen. Simply enter your search terms and click the Search button.
If you would like to target your results more precisely, you can click the Search Options link
to reveal all of the available search modes, limiters and expanders.
The search mode SmartText Searching allows you to search simply by using natural
language. You can copy and paste chunks of text (up to 5000 characters including spaces) to
search for results. When you click the SmartText Searching radio button, the Find field
grows to indicate that you can enter as much text as you want.
You can limit your search to scholarly journals by activating the Checkbox Scholarly (peer
reviewed) journals.
Select your desired limiters and click Search.
The result list is displayed. If available, select an article to read by clicking on the full text
link. You can view the Detailed Record by clicking the article title, or view a brief version of
the record by holding your mouse over the preview icon.
There are several ways to refine your search from the Result List. Apply limiters under
Refine Search or use the available facets (such as Source Type, Subject, and Geography) all
found in the left column. Click the Show More link when displayed to view all available
When refining your search results using limiters, source types, and facets, each item is
added to the Breadbox found at the top of the left-hand column. Clicking on a hyperlinked
subject term within the Breadbox executes a search for that term only. Clicking on the X
icon removes the term from the Breadbox and refreshes your search results.
Click the Share link above your Result list, to add your results or search to a folder, or to
create a personal search alert. An alert will provide automatic notification to your email
address whenever new information becomes available. Please note that you must Sign In
first to create alerts and to save the contents of your folder for next sessions. To create an
account click Sign In.
The Detailed Record includes an article’s citation information and links to full text, when
available. You can print, email, save, cite or export a single result using the tools in the right
column of the Detailed Record.
At any time during your session, you can click the Help link to view the online Help system.
Contact the Nyenrode library, T +31 (0)346 291310, E [email protected]