Welcome to our Open House

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Transcript Welcome to our Open House

Welcome to our Open House
Mr. Doody – Room 226
Who am I?
• Family
Bachelor Degree from Eastern
Illinois University, Major in
Accounting, Minor in Economics
Masters Degree from the
University of St. Francis –
Endorsed in Mathematics and
Social Studies
First year of teaching!
Substitute taught in many districts
for 3 ½ years
Percussion Instructor at Argo
Community High School, Summit,
IL for 12 years.
My Family….
Emmerson and Olivia
Introduction to
5th Grade
• Transition Year
– Fifth grade can be difficult because students are switching classes,
taking notes, and are responsible for following up on missed
– New, larger building.
– Many students.
– Procedures that are new.
Expectations and Procedures:
P.B.I.S. ~ Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
BE Respectful
BE Responsible
BE Safe
Classroom Rules &
1. Listen Carefully
2. Follow Directions.
3. Work Quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.
4. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.
5. Respect school and personal property.
6. Work and play safely.
Consequences/Behavior Steps:
1. Verbal warning
2. Behavior Slip placed on desk. The student will write their name on it.
3. Behavior slip moved to white board
(The student will sit out during intramurals)
4. Three Behavior slips moved to the white board in one week results in minor
**Three minor infraction result in an after school detention.
5. Major behavior problems will be referred to the assistant principal for
immediate action. A major referral form will be completed and parents or
guardians will be contacted immediately.
- Positive recognition of good behavior
- Individual PAWS to be used at school
store or in drawings
- Class PAWS
*Class Parties for holidays and special events will be
organized by the students. Parents may be asked to provide
nutritional snacks.
Starr Testing: Measures individual student growth throughout the school year.
Administered in the fall, winter, and spring. Please, encourage your child to do his/her
PARC Testing: State wide test given to all students the first two weeks in March.
Please, make sure your child has a supply of #2 pencils. A good nights rest and a
healthy breakfast helps the student focus during testing.
Grading Scale:
100 – 90
89 – 80
79 – 70
69 – 60
59 – 0
Grades will be updated on Power School weekly. Late and missing
assignments will be graded according to the guidelines in the school
Grading Weighting:
Quizzes =
Homework/ = 25%
class work
• Homework
• Homework is assigned daily.
• It is the student’s responsibility to record assignments in
the assignment notebook each day. We are working on
this. I’d like to have your help in checking the notebook
every day.
• Upcoming tests and projects are posted on the school’s
web-site and updated each week at www.summithill.org .
* * If your child is absent, please arrange for the work missed to be sent home
with another student or picked up in the office. It is easy to fall behind!!
Late & Missing Assignments
• Late Assignments
Late and missing assignments will be graded
according to the guidelines in the district handbook.
Homework Help
• If your child is struggling with a particular problem or assignment
and you are unable to help him/her, please initial or sign that
problem so that I know he/she attempted to complete the
• This will let me know your child needs reteaching or more support
with that skill.
• Extra help is available. I will offer study group sessions during
intramural time. Those that want to attend are welcome to do so.
• Study Hall is available during intramurals. Students are allowed to
go to study hall if they need to catch up.
• Academic Assistance is available after school. Please send a note
with your child letting me know he/she will be staying after. Include
in the note how your child will be getting home from Academic
Assistance. If I feel there is a need for this service or your child can
benefit from this program, I will contact you first and see if it is ok for
your child to attend Academic Assistance.
• Math meets daily from 12:22 to 1:07(45 minutes)
• NEW Math Series – Go Math!
Common Core based (real world applications)
Whole number computation and place value
Fact mastery
Problem solving and application skills
*Your child will have math homework each day.
Reading/Language Arts
Our reading and language arts block meets daily from 8:30
to 10:00 a.m. (90 minutes)
Common Core Based
Fluency/Oral Reading
Reading Improvement Time (Testing)
Grammar skills
Theme and Fantasy Unit
Writing skills
Science/Social Studies
~ The curriculum is divided into three key areas; Life
Science, Earth Science, & Physical
~Concepts are developed through hands-on activities.
Social Studies
~ The students will study American History from Colonial
America to the Civil War.
Class Schedule
Physical Education:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:00 to 2:45 p.m.
(45 minutes)
Special Classes
Monday & Wednesday from 2:00 to 2:45 (45 minutes)
1st Term – Art
2nd Term – Music
All Year – Tech will “push in” to this classroom
• Please, feel free to contact me anytime throughout the school year
at: (815) 464-2285 or e-mail me at [email protected].
• Weekly Newsletter: Posted on district website, www.summithill.org.
• Please sign-up for Parent Conferences before you leave. Schedule
for November 24th and 25th, 2014.
• My classroom expectations and procedures are posted on my
webpage. Please review this information with your child, sign and
date the final page, and have your child return it to school ASAP.
Thank You
Good night and drive safely!