Advance Ship Notices

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Advance Ship Notices
Training Presentation for
Raytheon Supply Chain Platform (RSCP)
May 2015
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to:
> Create an advance ship notice (ASN)
> Save an ASN as a draft version
> Print shipping labels
> Check status of a shipment
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
ASN Business Process
ASN stands for Advance Ship Notice and is a document you would send to the buyer
via RSCP
Used to communicate when goods are ready for shipment
Provides a shipping label that can be applied to your packages
An ASN cannot be deleted after it has been sent, contact the Raytheon buyer if
incorrect information was sent.
Some Business Rules for ASNs:
> ASNs can only be created for ‘receivable’ goods
> ASNs should be applied to orders in an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Acknowledged with
Exceptions’ state
> ASNs can have up to 500 lines
> Create the ASN when you are ready to ship materials. Do not Create an ASN
weeks prior, or after the shipment has been sent.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
‘ASN Allowed’ Flag on Purchase Orders
A purchase order line can only be invoiced if the ‘ASN Allowed’ flag is set to ‘Yes’ on the
purchase order line (scroll right to see the data field).
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
States for ASNs
Shipped – supplier creates an ASN line with reference to an order in RSCP.
Archived – RSCP automatically transitions an ASN to this state after a specified
period of inactivity.
Shipped Unreferenced – supplier creates an ASN line (via upload or integrated
connection) that does not reference an order in RSCP.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Create Advance Ship Notices (ASNs)
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Locate the Purchase Order to Ship
1. On the navigation tree, go to Order Management – ASN – Create ASN
(or create ASN from the PO Details Page)
1. Enter the Order Number
2. Click Search
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Select PO Lines to Ship
4. Scroll to the right to view detailed information for each PO line
5. Select the PO lines that you want to include in the shipment
6. Click Next
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
‘Create ASN’ Form
The ‘Create ASN’ form has header and ASN line sections – most of the data comes from the PO.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
‘Create ASN’ Form
Fill in data about the shipment on the form – a red asterisk indicates a required field.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Create the ASN Record in RSCP
Once your data is filled in, you must send the ASN to Raytheon by clicking the Create ASN
button. You can save the ASN as a draft (see next section).
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
ASN Confirmation
You will see a confirmation message at the top of the page. The ASN number is a link that will
take you to the ASN Details page.
Once the ASN has been sent:
The ASN becomes a record in the system and can be located using ‘Search’
The state of ‘Shipped’ is applied to the ASN
The print buttons appear so that you can print shipping labels and get a copy of the ASN
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
How to Create Draft ASNs
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Save a ‘Draft ASN’ Version
To hold an ASN as a
draft version (and
delay sending), click
on Save Draft
(instead of ‘Send
ASN’) when you are
creating the ASN.
You cannot print a draft
ASN or the shipping
labels for it.
All information in the
header (required fields)
must be completed
before you save a draft
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Locate and Publish Draft ASNs
Go to Order Management  ASN  Draft Search
Enter search criteria to locate the draft, then click Search
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Locate and Publish Draft ASNs
From the ASN Draft List page, click on the ASN Number link to edit the ASN data
From this list page, you can also send the ASN or delete the draft by selecting a row
and clicking one of the blue action buttons.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Locate and Publish Draft ASNs
4. Once the ASN is ready to
send to Raytheon, click
Send ASN
You can also delete or
update the draft version
of the ASN
Note: Draft versions of ASNs are
not visible by users with other
If a draft is created by a user with
an administrator role (SAdmin), it
will not be visible to someone
using a regular user role (SUser)
until the ASN is moved out of draft
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Print Shipping Labels
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Print Labels for One ASN
To print shipping labels for a single ASN, open the ASN Details page and click the Print
Labels button.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Batch Printing for Labels
You can also print shipping labels for a set of ASNs. On the navigation tree, go to the ASN
– Print Labels workflow. Enter search criteria for the set of ASNs (for example, ‘ASN
Created’ date of today) and then click the Search button.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Batch Printing for Labels
Select the rows and then click the Print Labels button. Select to Open or Save the file.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Example of a Shipping Label
The labels open with Adobe Reader and the file is in a .pdf format. Use the icons to Save,
Print or Email the labels. The number of labels that print is based on the ‘Total Packages’ that
you entered when you created the ASN.
You need to attach the shipping label to the pack slip.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Check ASN Status
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
ASNs by Status on My Workspace
You can quickly see a list of recent shipments by going to My Workspace and the ASN
Summary section. Click on the number link for the Shipped state.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Search by ASN or PO Number
Or you can look for a specific ASN based on search criteria. On the navigation tree, go to
Order Management – ASN – Search. Enter search criteria and click the Search button.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
‘ASN Info’ Tab on Purchase Order
From the ‘Purchase Order Details’ page, you can click on the ASN Info link in the middle of
the screen to see all of the ASN lines associated with this purchase order.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
‘Shipped Qty’ on Purchase Order
Also, on the main (Order Details) tab, you can scroll to the right to see the Line Shipped
Qty for each order line.
Note: An order line (line item) can include multiple schedule lines (dates & quantities) for that item.
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Section Summary
We have learned…
How to create an ASN in RSCP
Save an ASN as a draft version
How to print shipping labels
How to check the status of a shipment
RSCP: Copyright 2015 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.