Transcript Document

Resurrection Lutheran Church
November 21, 2010
Welcome to Worship!
Amid scoffing and slander from those who sarcastically call him Messiah and king, Jesus reveals that to
be Messiah and king is to give one's life for others. Here he uses his power to welcome a despised sinner to
paradise but puts his own death into God's hands. Luke 23: 33-43
4:00 – 5:00
in the Sanctuary
Join Us for the Pie Social
Bring a pie to share during our fellowship time
at the very popular Pie Social is TODAY starting
at 5:00 pm!
Thanksgiving Worship will follow
at 6:00 pm.
The Worship space will be decorated
for Advent following the worship service.
Get in the holiday spirit and lend a hand?
Thank you from Boy Scout Troup #791
Thank you for supporting the Boy Scout
"Scouting for Food Project." Their efforts in
their neighborhood and your gifts will provide
about 500 pounds of food to be used by Christ
Lutheran Church Pantry, Hope House,
and families who need a special gift of love
during this time.
Cooks for Christ
If you like to cook, would like to volunteer your
We are organizing teams to prepare and deliver
meals to folks in our congregation during times of
need, i.e., recuperating from surgery, accidents or
other events in their lives.
Please contact Judy Troast if you are interested.
Phone: 540-972-5541, [email protected]
New Member Orientation
Mark your calendar for
December 4, 9 – 12 Noon
For more information, see the back side of
the “For the Record!”
YOUTH SERVICE – January 30, 2011
All Middle and High School Youth
are welcome to participate!
Would you be interested in being a Worship Leader, an Usher, an
Acolyte, or a Greeter? Want to sing, or play an instrument, or read
the lessons of the day? Are you creative? Can you help write a
skit for the service? Want to build props for the skit ?
Youth Participation Meeting on Sunday, December 5 at 12:15pm
Pizza will be provided.
Please contact
Terri Ann Evers or Amy Burcher.
December NAF Event:
Christmas Luncheon at
Chancellor’s Village
NAF (Nifty After Fifty) will celebrate the holiday season with a
luncheon at noon on Tuesday, December 14, at Chancellor’s
Village on Route 3 in Fredericksburg. The December hosts are
Barb and Warren Lee. The menu will be lemon-pepper chicken,
rice, green beans, rolls, and dessert; the cost will be
approximately $10.
Please sign up on the NAF bulletin board by Sunday, December 5.
If you have special dietary needs, contact Barb at 972-6873.
If you have ideas for NAF events in 2011, please contact the
Baileys or the Martins.
Progressive Dinner & Lock-in for Resurrection Lutheran
Christ Lutheran High School Youth
Where: Start at Resurrection Lutheran Church
When: December 31, 2010 5:30 pm – January 1, 2011 9:00 am
Cost: $10.00 per person
We will meet at Resurrection Lutheran at 5:30 pm and then be transported by adult
drivers for the refreshments. The appetizer will be served at the home of a youth
(still need a Host), the meal at the Meyer’s home, then dessert at the Taylor’s home.
We will return to Resurrection by 10:00 pm for a night of games, movies, snacks,
fellowship and fun.
Note: Friends are welcome! Remember that everyone must have a reservation and
turn in a signed permission slip from their parents by December 23. No one may
enter or leave the church after 10:00 pm.
For a permission slip and to make
a reservation contact: Ms. Terri Evers at
the Resurrection Lutheran church office 540-786-7778
The Thursday night Bible study is led
by Bob and Terri Kuckuck. All are
welcome! Please contact Bob and
Terri Kuckuck with any questions.
Please!!! It is important that you fill in the “FOR THE RECORD”
slip found in your Worship Bulletin each Sunday!
One per family will help with planning. FOR THE RECORD is
also used to verify voting members, to help the church office
keep up with changes in addresses, and by the Outreach Team.
there is usually some information on the back
– like TODAY!
Take a moment and fill it in now! Thanks for your help!!
Senior Social Gathering will include NAF
Wednesday activities as part of the
schedule. All Seniors are encouraged to
mark your calendars to include the
Wednesday Senior Social Gatherings at
11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Y’all come!
Note: We are not meeting Nov. 24, but will resume Dec. 1.
Donated to Christ Lutheran’s
Food Pantry
November: Canned Holiday Foods
(i.e. Cranberry Sauce, Stove Top Stuffing, Instant Potatoes,
Canned Yams or Sweet Potatoes, Vegetables)
Was November 17th!! Sorry if you missed it.
Virginia LARCUM Conference
DECEMBER 3 – 4, 2010
Downtown Fredericksburg
Featured Presenters:
Bishop James Mauney
Rev. George Handley
“Growing Grassroots Ecumenism”
Information Brochures can be found on “The Big Green Board”
Please call the church office for
changes in schedule for
November 24!
Blessings and Peace,