Causes of colour

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EECS 274 Computer Vision
Pyramid and Texture
Filter, pyramid and texture
Frequency domain
Fourier transform
Gaussian pyramid
• Reading: FP Chapters 8 and 9, S
Chapters 3 and 4
Scaled representations
• Big bars (resp. spots, hands,
etc.) and little bars are both
– Stripes and hairs, say
• Inefficient to detect big bars
with big filters
– And there is superfluous detail
in the filter kernel
• Alternative:
– Apply filters of fixed size to
images of different sizes
– Typically, a collection of
images whose edge length
changes by a factor of 2 (or
root 2)
– This is a pyramid (or Gaussian
pyramid) by visual analogy
A bar in the
big images is a
hair on the
zebra’s nose;
in smaller
images, a
stripe; in the
smallest, the
animal’s nose
Gaussian pre-filtering
G 1/8
G 1/4
Gaussian 1/2
Solution: filter the image, then subsample
• Filter size should double for each ½ size reduction. Why?
Subsampling with Gaussian pre-filtering
Gaussian 1/2
G 1/4
Solution: filter the image, then subsample
• Filter size should double for each ½ size reduction. Why?
• How can we speed this up?
G 1/8
Compare with...
Why does this look so crufty?
(2x zoom)
(4x zoom)
• Can’t shrink an image by taking every second
• If we do, characteristic errors appear
– In the next few slides
– Typically, small phenomena look bigger; fast
phenomena can look slower
– Common phenomenon
• Wagon wheels rolling the wrong way in movies
• Checkerboards misrepresented in ray tracing
• Striped shirts look funny on colour television
Resample the
checkerboard by taking
one sample at each
circle. In the case of the
top left board, new
representation is
Top right also yields a
representation. Bottom
left is all black (dubious)
and bottom right has
checks that are too big.
Sampling scheme is
crucially related to
Constructing a pyramid by
taking every second pixel
leads to layers that badly
misrepresent the top layer
Open questions
• What causes the tendency of
differentiation to emphasize noise?
• In what precise respects are discrete
images different from continuous images?
• How do we avoid aliasing?
• General thread: a language for fast
changes --- The Fourier Transform
The Fourier transform
• Represent function on a new
– Think of functions as vectors,
with many components
– We now apply a linear
transformation to transform
the basis
• dot product with each
basis element
• In the expression, u and v
select the basis element, so a
function of x and y becomes a
function of u and v
• basis elements have the form
e i 2 (uxvy )
• Measure amount of the
sinusoid with given frequency
and orientation in the signal
F ( g ( x, y ))(u, v)   g ( x, y )e i 2 (uxvy ) dxdy
e i 2 (ux vy )  cos( 2 (ux  vy))  i sin( 2 (ux  vy))
F ( g ( x, y ))(u, v)  FR ( g )  iFI ( g )
Fourier transform
A: how much of a frequency component
ϕ : where of a certain frequency is
convole sinusoidal s(x) with a
filter whose impulse repose h(x)
another sinusoid of the same frequency
but magnitude A and phase ϕ
Tabulation of magnitude and phase
response to each frequency
To get some sense of what
basis elements look like, we
plot a basis element --- or
rather, its real part --as a function of x,y for some
fixed u, v.
We get a function that is
constant when (ux+vy) is
constant, e.g., (u,v)=(1,2)
The magnitude of the vector
(u, v) gives a frequency, and
its direction gives an
The function is a sinusoid
with this frequency along the
direction, and constant
perpendicular to the
Spatial frequency component
Here u and v
are larger than
in the previous
And larger still...
Phase and magnitude
• Fourier transform of a real
function is complex
– difficult to plot, visualize
– instead, we can think of the
phase and magnitude of the
• Phase is the phase of the
complex transform
• Magnitude is the magnitude of
the complex transform
• Curious fact
– all natural images have about
the same magnitude transform
– hence, phase seems to
matter, but magnitude largely
• Demonstration
– Take two pictures, swap the
phase transforms, compute
the inverse - what does the
result look like?
This is the
of the
cheetah pic
This is the
of the
cheetah pic
This is the
of the zebra
This is the
of the zebra
with zebra
phase, cheetah
spctrum of an
image is rather
with cheetah
phase, zebra
Various Fourier Transform Pairs
• Important facts
– The Fourier transform is linear
– There is an inverse FT
– if you scale the function’s
argument, then the transform’s
argument scales the other
way. This makes sense --- if
you multiply a function’s
argument by a number that is
larger than one, you are
stretching the function, so that
high frequencies go to low
– The FT of a Gaussian is a
• The convolution theorem
– The Fourier transform of the
convolution of two functions is
the product of their Fourier
– The inverse Fourier transform
of the product of two Fourier
transforms is the convolution
of the two inverse Fourier
• There’s a table in the book.
Sampling in 1D takes a continuous function and replaces it with a
vector of values, consisting of the function’s values at a set of
sample points. We’ll assume that these sample points are on a
regular grid, and can place one at each integer for convenience.
Sampling in 2D
Sampling in 2D does the same thing, only in 2D. We’ll assume that
these sample points are on a regular grid, and can place one at each
integer point for convenience.
A continuous model for a
sampled function
• We want to be able to
approximate integrals sensibly
• Leads to
– the delta function
– the following model
Zero everywhere except at integer points
The Fourier transform of a
sampled signal
F(u,v) is the Fourier transform of f(x,y)
• Transform of
box filter is
• Transform of
Gaussian is
(Trucco and Verri)
Fourier transform of the
sampled signal consists of a sum
of copies of the Fourier
transform of the original signal,
shifted with respect to each
other by the sampling frequency.
If the shifted copies do not
overlap, the original signal can
be reconstructed from the
sampled signal.
If they overlap, we cannot
obtain a separate copy of the
Fourier transform, and the signal
is aliased
If they overlap, we cannot
obtain a separate copy of the
Fourier transform, and the signal
is aliased
Nyquist theorem: sampling rate
must be at least two times the
cut –off frequency for perfect
Smoothing as low-pass filtering
• The message of the FT is that
high frequencies lead to
trouble with sampling.
• Solution: suppress high
frequencies before sampling
– multiply the FT of the signal
with something that
suppresses high
– or convolve with a low-pass
• A filter whose FT is a box is
bad, because the filter kernel
has infinite support
• Common solution: use a
– multiplying FT by Gaussian is
equivalent to convolving
image with Gaussian.
Sampling without smoothing. Top row shows the images, sampled at every second pixel
to get the next; bottom row shows the magnitude spectrum of these images.
substantial aliasing
Sampling with smoothing (small σ). Top row shows the images. We get the next image by
smoothing the image with a Gaussian with σ=1 pixel, then sampling at every second pixel to
get the next; bottom row shows the magnitude spectrum of these images.
reducing aliasing
Low pass filter suppresses high frequency components with less aliasing
Sampling with smoothing (large σ). Top row shows the images. We get the next image by
smoothing the image with a Gaussian with σ=2 pixels, then sampling at every second pixel to
get the next; bottom row shows the magnitude spectrum of these images.
lose details
Large σ  less aliasing, but with little detail
Gaussian is not an ideal low-pass filter
Decimation and interpolation
Decimation (downsampling):
Use an “ideal” anti-aliasing filter h(n)
In practice, use FIR (finite impulse response) filter
Interpolation (upsampling):
Use an “ideal” interpolation filter h(n)
In practice, use FIR (finite impulse response) filter
Applications of scaled
• Search for correspondence
– look at coarse scales, then refine with finer scales,
coarse-to-fine matching
– 4 × 4, 16 × 16, …, 1024 × 1024 versions of images
• Edge tracking
– a “good” edge at a fine scale has parents at a coarser
• Control of detail and computational cost in
– e.g. finding stripes
– terribly important in texture representation
The Gaussian pyramid
• Smooth with Gaussians, because
– a Gaussian*Gaussian=another Gaussian
• Gaussian filter operates as a low-pass filter
• Synthesis
– smooth and sample
• Analysis
– take the top image
PGaussian( I ) n 1  S  (G * PGaussian( I ) n )
 S G ( PGaussian( I ) n )
PGaussian( I ) 0  I
Use 3-tap FIR, h(n)=(1/4,1/2,1/4) in dowsampling and 3-tap FIR, h(n)=(1/2,1,1/2) for interpolation
The Laplacian pyramid
• Analysis
– preserve difference between upsampled Gaussian pyramid
level and Gaussian pyramid level
– band pass filter - each level represents spatial frequencies
(largely) unrepresented at other levels
• Synthesis
PLaplacian( I )i  PGaussian( I )i  S  ( PGaussian( I )i 1 )
– reconstruct Gaussian pyramid, take top layer
 ( I  S  S G ) PGaussian( I )i
LoG and DoG
DoG (difference of Gaussian) is widely used as an approximation to LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian)
DoG ( x, y,  )  G ( x, y, k )  G ( x, y,  ) * I ( x, y )
 L( x, y, k )  L( x, y,  )
( x y )2
G ( x, y ,  ) 
e 2
 2
L ( x, y ,  )  G ( x, y ,  ) * I ( r )
LoG (r ,  )   2 2 L( x, y,  )
  2 ( Lxx  Lyy )
  2 L, diffusion (heat) equation
L( x, y, k )  L( x, y,  )
 2 L  lim
k 0
k  
L( x, y, k )  L( x, y,  )
k  
(k  1) 2 2 L  L( x, y, k )  L( x, y,  )
(k  1) 2 LoG  DoG
Laplacian pyramid
Different levels represent different spatial frequencies
Stripes give stronger response at particular scales as each layer corresponds to the band-pass filter output
Filters in spatial frequency domain
• Fourier transform of a Gaussian with std of
σ is the a Gaussian with std of 1/ σ
• It falls off quickly in frequency domain and
operates as a low-pass filter
• Convolving an image with Gaussian with
small σ  all but the highest frequencies are
• Convolving an image with Gaussian with large
σ  like an average of the image
Example use: Smoothing/Blurring
• We want a smoothed function of f(x)
g x   f x  hx 
• Let us use a Gaussian kernel
h x 
 1 x2 
h x  
exp 
2 
• Then
H (u )
 1
H u   exp  2u   2 
 2
G u   F u H u 
H(u) attenuates high frequencies in F(u) (Low-pass Filter)!
Band-pass filter and orientation
selective operators
Respond strongly to signals of particular
range of spatial frequencies and orientations
Oriented pyramids
• Laplacian pyramid is orientation
• Apply an oriented filter to determine
orientations at each layer
– by clever filter design, we can simplify
– this represents image information at a
particular scale and orientation
Reprinted from “Shiftable MultiScale Transforms,” by Simoncelli et al., IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory, 1992, copyright 1992, IEEE
Oriented pyramids
Gabor filters
Similar to 2D receptive fields
Self similar
Band-pass filter
Good spatial locality
Sensitive to orientation
Each kernel is a product of a
Gaussian envelope and a
complex plane wave
• Often use Gabor wavelets of
m scaled and n orientations
• Successfully used in iris
x(t )   ak k (t ), t  Τ
k : a given location w ithin a subband
 k (t ) : basis function pending on scale and orientatio n
• Key issue: representing texture
– Texture based matching
• little is known
– Texture segmentation
• key issue: representing texture
– Texture synthesis
• useful; also gives some insight into quality of
– Shape from texture
• cover superficially
Representing textures
• Textures are made up of quite
stylised subelements, repeated
in meaningful ways
• Representation:
– find the subelements, and
represent their statistics
• But what are the subelements,
and how do we find them?
– recall normalized correlation
– find subelements by applying
filters, looking at the
magnitude of the response
• What filters?
– experience suggests spots
and oriented bars at a variety
of different scales
– details probably don’t matter
• What statistics?
– within reason, the more the
– At least, mean and standard
– better, various conditional
Spots and bars
Two spots:
• Weighted sum of 3 concentric Gaussians
• Weighted sum of 2 concentric Gaussians
Six bars:
• Weighted sum of 3 oriented Gaussians
Filter response at fine scale
Filter response at coarse scale
Gabor filters at different
scales and spatial frequencies
top row shows anti-symmetric
(or odd) filters, bottom row the
symmetric (or even) filters.
Final texture representation
• Form an oriented pyramid (or equivalent set of
responses to filters at different scales and
• Square the output
• Take statistics of responses
– e.g. mean of each filter output (are there lots of spots)
– std of each filter output
– mean of one scale conditioned on other scale having
a particular range of values (e.g. are the spots in
straight rows?)
Texture synthesis
• Use image as a source of probability
• Choose pixel values by matching
neighborhood, then filling in
• Matching process
– look at pixel differences
– count only synthesized pixels
Figure from Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling, A. Efros and T.K. Leung,
Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 1999 copyright 1999, IEEE
• Model textures with filters, random fields, and maximum
• A set of filters is selected from a general filter bank to
capture features of the texture and store the histograms
• The maximum entropy principle is employed to derive a
distribution p(I)
• A stepwise algorithm is proposed to choose filters from a
general filter bank.
• The resulting model is a Markov random field (MRF)
model, but with a much enriched vocabulary and hence
much stronger descriptive ability than the previous MRF.
• Gibbs sampler is adopted to synthesize texture images
by drawing typical samples from P(I)
Texture synthesis at multiple scales
Texture synthesis on surfaces
Texture synthesis by tiles
“Analogous” texture synthesis
Dynamic texture
• Model the underlying scene dynamics
– Linear dynamic systems
– Manifold learning
• Used for synthesis
• Video texture
linear model
nonlinear model