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International Business

Chapter Two The Cultural Environments Facing Business

Chapter Objectives

• • • • To understand the major causes of cultural differences and change To grasp behavioral factors influencing countries’ business practices To become familiar with cultural guidelines for companies that operate internationally To learn to discuss the problems and methods of learning about cultural environments 2-2

Culture Defined

Culture: society beliefs the specific learned norms of a that reflect attitudes, values, and Major problems of cultural collision are likely to occur if: -a firm implements practices that do not reflect local customs and values and/or -employees are unable to accept or adjust to foreign customs .


Fig. 2.1: Cultural Influences on International Business 2-4

Cultural Dynamics

• • • Cultures consist of societies , i.e., relatively homogeneous groups of people, who share attitudes, values, beliefs, and customs. Cultures are dynamic; they evolve over time. Cultural value systems are set early in life, but may change because of: -choice or imposition -contact with other cultures.


The Nation as a Point of Reference • • The basic similarity amongst people within countries is both a cause and an effect of national boundaries.

National identity is perpetuated through the rites and symbols of a country and a common perception of history. Subcultures may link groups from different nations more closely than certain groups within nations.


Cultural Formation and Change

• • • Societal values and customs constantly evolve in response to changing realities.

Cultural imperialism the imposition of one culture upon that of another.

is brought about by Certain elements introduced from outside a culture may be known as creolization, indigenization, or cultural diffusion.


Language as a Cultural Stabilizer • • Isolation from other groups, especially because of language, tends to stabilize cultures.

Some countries see language as being so important that they regulate the inclusion of foreign words and/or mandate the use of the country’s official language for business purposes.


Map 2.2: Major Languages of the World 2-9

Fig. 2.2: Importance of Major Language Groups: Two Views 2-10

Religion as a Cultural Stabilizer

• • Religion is a major source of both cultural imperatives and cultural taboos.

Major religions include: -Buddhism -Christianity -Hinduism -Islam -Judaism 2-11

Map 2.3: Major Religions of the World 2-12

Social Stratification Systems

• • Ascribed group memberships are defined at birth; they may include gender, family, age, caste, and ethnic or national origin.

Acquired group memberships professional organizations.

are based on one’s choice of affiliation, such as political party, religion, and social and Social stratification affects both business strategy and operational practices.


Factors Affecting Work Ethics

• • • • The desire for material wealth vs. the desire for leisure ( Protestant Ethic) The expectation of success and reward Assertiveness ( Hofstede’s femininity index) m asculinity vs. Needs satisfaction (Maslow’s Hierarchy) Motivated employees are normally more productive, and higher productivity leads to lower costs.


Fig. 2.4: The Hierarchy of Needs and Need-Hierarchy Comparisons 2-15

Factors Affecting Relationship Preferences • • Power distance subordinates , i.e., the psychological and social distance between superiors and Individualism vs. collectivism – Individualism represents a desire for personal freedom, time, and challenge.

– Collectivism environment.

represents a dependence on the organization as well as a need for a safe 2-16

Factors Affecting Risk-taking Behavior • • • • Uncertainty avoidance, i.e., one’s tolerance of risk Trust , i.e., one’s belief in the reliability and honesty of another Future orientation , i.e., the need for immediate vs. delayed gratification Fatalism , i.e., the belief that life is pre destined, that events are “the will of God” 2-17

Factors Affecting Information and Task Processing • • Selective perception of cues Communication context low-context cultures [explicit] high-context cultures [implicit] • Information processing monochronic [work sequentially] -polychronic [multi-task] Whereas idealistic cultures are principle driven, pragmatic cultures are detail driven.


Factors Affecting the Communication Process • • • Spoken language Written language Silent language color associations -conversational distance -perception of time -kinesics [body language and gestures] Problems in communication may arise, even when nations share the same basic language (e.g., British, Canadian, and American English).


Managerial Issues Associated with Cultural Differences • • • • Accommodation of foreigners Cultural distance [degree of similarity] Culture shock and reverse culture shock Managerial orientations – – – polycentric ethnocentric geocentric 2-20

Map 2.4: A Synthesis of Country Clusters 2-21

Factors Affecting Strategies for Instituting Cultural Change • • • • • • • • Value systems Cost/benefits of change Resistance to change Participation in decision-making Reward sharing Role of opinion leaders Timing Opportunities to learn from abroad 2-22


• • Culture is dynamic and evolves over time. Economic development and globalization are two engines of cultural change.

In addition to being part of a national culture, people are simultaneously part of other cultures, such as social and professional associations and business and government organizations. [continued] 2-23

• • Host cultures do not always expect firms and individuals to conform to their norms; in some instances they may choose to accommodate differences in traditions. International firms should make a concerted effort to identify ideas and behaviors in host countries and foreign cultures that can be usefully applied across the whole of their organizations.
