The American Dream Act

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The American Dream Act
Created By: Charmayne
and Jenny
• Illegal immigrants have lived in the US for
all their lives and want nothing more then
to further their education and be
recognized as what they are, Americans.
• The Dream Act would provide a path to
citizenship for undocumented immigrants
under 35 who came here before they were
16 years old, if they complete two years of
college or serve in the military.
Problem If Not Addressed
• 18 to 30 year olds will grow up in the United
States, attend school, earn terrific grades, go on
to attend college or join the military. Then one
day, a fateful connection will be made, usually
regarding their parents, and their lives will turn
upside-down overnight with threats of detention
and/or deportation.
• They are smeared with inherited title, an illegal
Juan Ramirez
“On a Sunday much like today I was walking across the stage to
receive my bachelors degree, tomorrow I would find myself in
As an undocumented student, I’ve heard about the risks of traveling,
but I chose to do it anyway. I was determined not to let fear stop me
from achieving my dreams... I looked out the window to see where
the bus had stopped and I saw men in green uniform. They made
their way to the bus…Eventually, the agent made his way to me,
tapped me on the shoulder, to get my attention while I was on the
phone, and asked, ‘Excuse me, sir, are you a US citizen?’…He
asked for my ID. I gave him my college ID. He again asked, ‘Are you
a US citizen?’…Moments later, I was getting a hold of my
belongings before stepping off the bus with the agent. I felt every
one’s eyes on me.”
• Students will have an opportunity to further their
education and contribute to our country, for
example, joining the armed forces.
• Country would gain more educated citizens
• Act will generate $36 billion for the US economy
over the next forty years
• Only illegal immigrants that have been here
since childhood, have been a person of good
moral character, and have a high school diploma
will qualify.
• 70% of Americans are in favor of passing the bill
• Only about 50,000 students will be eligible to apply for
residency under the Dream Act. Its not high considering
there are 30 million illegal immigrants in the US.
• Easier to attract more illegal immigrants to come over
• We will know the amount of aliens that are eligible to
apply 7 years after the enactment of the Act.
• An alien who has gained permanent residence under this
Act, but hasn’t had the conditional basis removed, will
not be eligible for Federal Pell grants or any educational
opportunity grants.
What we want done
• Get the Dream Act passed so high school
illegal immigrants graduates, can have an
opportunity to go off to college like
everyone else
• We want to stop them from putting the act
to the side. The longer the Act is on hold,
the more they have to wait to further their
• Start a petition
• State our cause and prepare papers
stating what we are petitioning
• Go around and collect signatures showing
support of all the people who support our
• Turn copies off all the signatures we
collected to our senators Mark Kirk and
Dick Durbin to win their support
Senator Dick Durbin
Dick Durbin
101 W. Grand Ave. #200
Chicago IL, 60610
(312) 527.3667
Senator Mark Kirk
Mark Kirk
Northbrook Office
A. 707 Skokie Boulevard Suite 350
Northbrook IL, 60062
B. (847) 940.0202
C. Fax: (847) 940.7143
Waukegan Office
A. 20 S. MLK Drive
Waukegan IL, 60085
B. (847) 662.0101
Cited sites
• – the –dream
– act – have – a –shot- this time – around/
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