Assistive Technology Programs

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Transcript Assistive Technology Programs

The Assistive Technology Act
of 1998, as amended
Statewide AT Programs
This PowerPoint will allow you to…
• Briefly describe the history of AT legislation
• Describe the purpose of the AT Act
• Describe basic requirements for Statewide AT
History of AT Act Legislation
1988-Technology Related Assistance Act 1988 (Tech Act)
Defines AT devices and services, recognized value of AT
Creates state programs focused on use of AT
Oversight - National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
1994- Tech Act Reauthorized
Systems change activities to promote access to AT
Mandates stakeholder involvement in activity planning
1998- Assistive Technology Act of 1998
Systems change activities to promote access to AT
Alternative Financing Programs Introduced
2004-AT Act of 1998, as Amended
Focus on direct service by Statewide AT Programs
Oversight - Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
Purpose of the AT Act
Supports state efforts to improve the
provision of assistive technology to
individuals with disabilities.
Covers people with disabilities of all ages
and all disabilities, in all environments.
AT Act Entities
• Statewide AT Programs
• Alternative Financing Programs (AFPs)
• Protection and Advocacy for AT Programs
Statewide Assistive Technology Programs
Information about what assistive technology devices and
services are available and where to obtain them
Device loan and demonstration centers in which an individual
can try-out devices and/or borrow devices for a short period of
Funding resources for purchasing or acquiring assistive
Device exchange and Device Reuse that provide individuals with
used equipment at little to no cost
Affordable loan programs that allow individuals to borrow
money to purchase AT.
Alternative Financing Programs (AFPs)
Assists Individuals in obtaining affordable financial
loans to purchase assistive technology
Typical assistive technology purchased through this
funding include: modified vehicles, home
modifications, hearing aids, vision aids, and adapted
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive
Technology Programs (PAATs)
Offers legal and advocacy services to assist
individuals with disabilities obtain assistive technology.
Works with numerous funding sources, including Medicaid,
Medicare, private insurance companies, special education
programs, and state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies.
Goals of the Statewide AT
Increase access to and the acquisition of AT
across all ages & all disabilities in 4 functional
areas of life:
Community Living
Information Tech & Telecommunications
Lead Agency & Implementing Agency
Lead Agency
Controls and administers the funds made available
through the grant awarded to the state.
Implementing Agency
Carries out responsibilities under the Act through a
subcontract or another administrative agreement
with the Lead Agency.
State-Level Activities
Core Activities
• State Financing Systems (includes
alternative finance programs)
• Device Reutilization Programs
• Device Loan Programs
• Device Demonstration Programs
State Leadership Activities
Training and Technical Assistance
Transition Assistance
Public Awareness
Coordination & Collaboration
Statewide AT Program Requirements
– The program must geographically reach the entire
– The program must serve all disability types and AT
Statewide AT Program Requirements
• Advisory Council
Provides consumer responsive, consumer driven advice to
plan, implement, and evaluate state program.
• State Plan
Outlines three year plan for services developed with input
from Advisory Council.
• Data Collection
Annual collecting and reporting of data on activities.
• Program Review
Verifies state program is conducting program consistent with
intent of AT Act.
Program Planning
Use of Funds
• At least 60 % of funds must support State Level
• States can claim “flexibility” and use 70% of funds to
carry out only two or more State Level Activities
• States can claim “comparability” for a particular State
Level Activity if that service is already performed by
another in the state.
• At least 5% of funds used for State Leadership
Activities must be spent on Transition Activities.
• Funds cannot be used for direct payment of an AT
• Supplement vs Supplant - Funds cannot be used to
supplant (take the place of) other federal funding
required to provide service/ device.
• Activities carried out in state must comply with
Section 508 standards.
Additional Points of Information
• Sunset provision has been eliminated.
• Program was authorized for 6 years (20052010); therefore, reauthorization is long
• Federal and State agencies are not authorized
to reduce medical or other assistance or alter
eligibility for a benefit or service under any
federal law as a result of the AT Act.
Additional Points Continued
• Program now operates with formula-based
• AT Act authorizes a minimum award of
$410,000 for state grants programs. Some
Statewide AT Programs funded under the AT
Act receive a grant award below the minimum
provided under the statute ($410,000 for
states and $125,000 for territories).
Additional Points Continued
• Indirect costs are limited to no more than 10%
of each state’s grant award.
• Many State AT Programs have successfully
leveraged additional state, federal and private
funds which has enabled them to expand
programs and provide additional AT-related
services to individuals with disabilities.
Section 6 of AT Act
National AT Programs and Resources
• RESNA Catalyst Project -National Technical
Assistance Project for all AT Act Entities (Statewide,
AFP, Telework, PAATs)
• Center for Assistive Technology Act Data Assistance
(CATADA) National Technical Assistance for Data
Collection and Reporting Data
• Public Internet Site
For more information contact:
RESNA Catalyst Project
1700 North Moore Street, Suite 1540
Arlington, VA 22209-1903
Phone: 703/524-6686 Fax: 703/524-6630 TTY: 703/524-6639
Email: [email protected]