Transcript Chapter4

Computer Networks

Chapter 7 – Transmission Media

Transmission Media Categories

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The transmission medium is the physical path between the transmitter and receiver in a data transmission system The nature of both, the signal and the medium determines the quality of transmission The media can be divided into two categories:

Guided media – physical medium exists

Unguided media – the air is used as a medium

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Twisted-Pair Cable

Insulated copper wires in spiral pattern.

Widely used for analog and digital transmission

One of the wires transmits the signal, the other is used as ground reference

The twist is introduced to reduce the interference

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Twisted Pair Cable - Applications

Most common medium for many applications

Telephone network

Between house and local exchange (subscriber loop)

Within buildings

To private branch exchange (PBX)

For local area computer networks, 10Mbps or 100Mbps, or 1000Mbps

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Unshielded vs. Shielded Twisted Pair Cable

 

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)

Ordinary telephone wire


Easiest to install

Suffers from external electrical and mechanical interference Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

Metal braid or sheathing that reduces interference

More expensive

Harder to handle (thick, heavy)

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UTP Categories

  

Category 3

up to 16MHz

Voice grade found in most offices

Used with 10BaseT, IBM Token ring; Arc Net Category 4

up to 20 MHz, the use is same as Cat 3 Category 5

up to 100MHz

Commonly pre-installed in new office buildings

Used with 10BaseT, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, ATM

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UTP Categories-cont.

   

Category 5E (enhanced)

Up to 100MHz, similar use as Cat 5, Category 6

Up to 250 MHz, similar use as Cat 5

Lower attenuation and longer distances than Cat. 5 Category 6E – enhanced Cat 6 Category 7 (draft)

Up to 600 MHz

Used for high speed transmissions

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UTP Connectors

  

Standard – RJ45 Can be inserted in only one way Easy to manipulate

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The attenuation depends on how thick the conductors are and the frequency at which is used

Performance of UTP

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Coaxial Cable

Central core conductor, enclosed within an insulator sheath which is encased by an outer conductor covered by outer sheath.

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Coaxial Cable - Applications

   

Television distribution

Cable TV (RG-59)

Lately, only the last part is kept, the rest is replaced by fiber Long distance telephone transmission

Can carry 10,000 voice calls simultaneously

Being replaced by fiber optic Short distance computer systems links Local area networks, 10Base2 (RG-58), 10Base5 (RG-11)

Obsolete (rarely used today)

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Coaxial Cable - Connectors

The most common connectors used with coaxial cable are BNC connectors

Ordinary BNC connector to connect a single wire

T BNC connector – to connect two wires

BNC terminator – to terminate the end of the wire

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Coaxial Cable - Performance

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Amplifiers every few km

Closer if higher frequency

Up to 500MHz Digital

Repeaters every 1km

Closer for higher data rates The performance depends on the diameter of the cable and the frequency used

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Fiber-Optic Cable

   

Consists of three components:

the light source (laser or light emiting diode)

the medium (ultra-thin fiber of glass)

the detector (generates electric pulse when light falls on it) Light pulses sent down a fiber spread out in length as they propagate.

The attenuation of light through glass depends on the wavelength of the light (0.85, 1.30 and 1.55 micron are used for communication) Wavelength l = c/f , c is the speed of light

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Fiber-Optic Cable - Structure

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Optical Fiber - Transmission Characteristics

   

Act as wave guide for 10 14

to 10 15 Hz Portions of infrared and visible spectrum Light Emitting Diode (LED)


Wider operating temperature range

Last longer Injection Laser Diode (ILD)

More efficient

Greater data rate Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Wavelength Division Multiplex (WDM)

Fiber 1 spectrum Fiber 2 spectrum Spectrum on the shared fiber Prism Shared fiber Prism

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Fiber-Optic Cable – Propagation Modes

The density of the core remains constant from the center to the edges The density of the core varies from the center to the edges

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Uses step-index fiber and highly focused source of light


Fiber-Optic Cable - Connectors

   

Common connectors ST- used in cable TV SC – used in computer networks MT-RJ – a new connector with a size of RJ-45

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Fiber-Optic Cable - Characteristics

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Greater capacity (data rates of hundreds of Gbps

Smaller size & weight (easier to put in the ground than cooper cables)

Lower attenuation

Electromagnetic isolation (not susceptible to electric interference)

Greater repeater spacing (10s of km at least) Disadvantages

High cost

Difficult and expensive to install and maintain

Light is unidirectional – one cable needed for each direction

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Fiber –Optic Cable - Applications

  

Used with wavelength division multiplex (WDM) for long distance transmission of voice channels and data signals Cable TV Local Area Networks, 100Base FX, (Fast Ethernet) and 1000Base X (Gigabit Ethernet)

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Electromagnetic Waves in the Air

Besides through guided media, electromagnetic waves can spread through the atmosphere and outer space 10 4 10 8 10 12 10 16 10 22

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Radio Microwave Infrared UV Visible light X-ray Frequency spectrum of electromagnetic waves Gamma ray

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Wireless Transmission

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Wireless transmission is used in all types of

Wireless communication

Mobile devices

Satellite communication The frequencies used by the signal and the power of the signal are most important for this type of transmission

Frequencies 3KHz to 1 GHz are usually called radio waves

Frequencies between 1 and 300 GHz are called microwaves

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 

Antennas are used for both, transmission and reception of wireless signals

To exchange information the antennas need to be tuned to the same frequency Two types of antennas

 

Omnidirectional Directional

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Wireless Spectrum

Radio waves Micro waves

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Problems with Wireless Transmission

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Radio Waves

   

At low frequency, radio waves pass through obstacles well, but the power falls off sharply with distance (AM radio) At high frequency, radio waves tend to travel in streight lines and bounce off obstacles At all frequencies radio waves are subject to inerference from electrical equipment The governments license the users of radio transmitters

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Radio Waves (cont.)

  

Radio waves are omnidirectional

Signal spreads in all directions

Can be received by many antennae

Convenient for broadcasting Frequencies used

30MHz to 1GHz Applications

Radio, Television and Paging systems

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  

Microwaves are unidirectional

Focused beam

Careful alignment required Frequencies used

2GHz to 40GHz Applications

Wireless LANs, Satellite communication

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Infrared Transmission

   

A short range communication system – one room Line of sight must be provided Frequencies used

3 x 10 11 to 2 x 10 14 Hz Application

PC-to-PC short range transmission

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Spread Spectrum

A type of wireless transmission in which signals are distributed over several frequencies simultaneously

Developed to provide secure wireless transmission (for military purposes)

Used in wireless LAN to reduce propagation effects (multi-path interference and others due to the higher frequencies)

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Satellite Microwave

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Microwave onto which the data is modulated is transmitted to the satelite from the ground Satellite receives on one frequency, amplifies or repeats the signal and transmits it back to earth using on board circuit known as transponder.

A typical satelite channel has extremely high bandwidth (500 MHz) Satelites for communication purposes require geo stationary orbit (Height of 35,784km)

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  

A single satellite usually contains multiple transponders (typically 6-12) Each transponder consists of a radio receiver and transmitter and uses a different radio frequency (i.e., channel)

Multiple communications can proceed simultaneously and independently The degree of collimation of the microwave beem can be:

coarse, so that the signal can be picked in a large geografic area

focused, so that it can be picked up over a limited area

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Geosynchronous Satellites

   Place in an orbit that is exactly synchronized

with the rotation of the earth

Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) Distance required for geosynchronous orbit is 36,000 km or 20,000 miles.

The entire 360-degree circle above the equator can only hold 45-90 satellites.

This is because satellites need to be separated to avoid interference

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Network Connection accross an Ocean via Satelite

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Application of Satelites

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Television Long distance telephone Private business networks Internet when there is no other connection

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Satelites vs. Fiber

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Satelite advantages:

Sites that are not connected can easily use the satelite by installing a ground station Satelite disadvantages:

Very large propagation delay (due to big distances)

Very low security

Quality of transmission can become questionable due to external influences

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