Transcript 1984:

“In general you could not assume that you
were much safer in the country than in
London. There were no telescreens of
course, but there was always the danger of
concealed microphones by which your
voice might be picked up and recognized;
besides, it was not easy to make a journey
by yourself without attracting attention.”
(Orwell 96)
Speaker: Winston
In the second part of the novel, the reader is exposed to some of The Party’s
more subtle methods of control. There are many forms of monitoring; like the
telescreens that everyone is aware of. However, in this line, Winston explains
the dangers of hidden monitoring as well. Even when one manages to
escape the city and the direct control of The Party, they are still in constant
paranoia of being heard. Even if you do not say or do anything in opposition
to Big Brother, simply wandering alone is enough to cause suspicion.
By this point it is obvious that Winston is against the party and Big Brother. So
the fact that even he is slightly paranoid of the microphones, shows exactly
how strong The Party’s control over the public is.
The Party knows that strength lies in numbers. This is why they use such intense
methods of control. It makes the citizens suspicious of each other, making the
Party their only ally by default. This ensures that the people of Oceania will
never form a strong personal tie to anyone else.
“I’ve been to school too, dear. Sex talks
once a month for the over-sixteen’s. And
in the Youth Movement. They rub it into
you for years. I dare say it works in a lot of
(Orwell 108)
Speaker: Julia
In this quote, Julia explains to Winston exactly how diligent the party is with
their system of control. From a young age, female party members are
conditioned to think that sexuality for any reason other than reproduction is
wrong. The importance of chastity and abstinence is repeatedly drilled into
young girls’ minds (as Julia states in the line “They rub it into you for years).
This proves that the party does not only control the public through
monitoring, but also internally.
The act of sexuality is so strongly restricted because it creates an
environment outside of the party’s control, which is why the party seeks to
destroy it.
They condition the minds of their members to believe absurd principles while
they are still young and impressionable. This way, as they grow up, the
principles of the party are the only ones they will know. By enforcing this in
educational institutions, the party convinces the youth of Oceania that
disobeying these orders is automatically an act of disloyalty to Big Brother.
“The list looked exactly as it had looked
before-nothing had been crossed outbut it was one name shorter. It was
enough. Syme had ceased to exist: he
had never existed.” (Orwell 154).
Speaker: Winston
Setting: Records of Department
One morning Winston realized that Syme had vanished. When he went out to
check Syme’s name on a club list his name wasn't there. This indicates that
Syme is an unperson now . Syme's intellectual mind caused him to get
vaporized. This shows that the party hates people who have more
knowledge then what they teach the students in school.
Vaporizing someone like Syme shows that the party is in control of everything,
even a party member’s mind. The party hates anybody who think differently.
Sending them to the ministry of love is a way to control these intellectual
mind. The party hates intelligence in this society. Every member in this society
is brainwashed, and is overpowered by the party.
“Doublethink means the power of holding
two contradictory beliefs on one’s mind
simultaneously, and accepting both of
(Orwell 169)
Speaker: Winston
This quote shows that doublethink is when holding two contradictory
beliefs in one's mind and their ability to hold two ideas at the same time
and believe them both to be right and this is the reality control.
The party is controlling society’s mind by making them believe certain
facts and what they shouldn’t be thinking. Newspeak was a way for
controlling their thoughts through language and doublethink was the
way of controlling their thoughts.
Even though Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, changing histories
goes against his personal believes.
“Stand out in the middle of the room.
Stand back to back. Clasp your hands
behind your heads. Do not touch one
(Orwell 174)
Setting: Mr.Charrington’s room
This quote shows how telescreen have more than one job, not only do they watch
society they also control the people. Telescreen symbolizes the dangers of
totalitarianism. Telescreens are constantly used to monitor and the citizens. This supports
the theme of control by using psychological and physical control by limiting people’s
A telescreen is to get into peoples head and control them and it also monitors
everyone’s action and speech. Telescreens are controlling every aspect of someone’s
life everyday; their minds, actions, speech, every movement and sound is heard.
Telescreens are everywhere in the society of Oceania except the proles’ area where
there is no telescreens and they are not controlled by the party.
In a moment when the telescreen tells Winston and Julia not to move they could do
noting except to stand gazing into one another’s eyes. Even the thought of running for
their lives and to get out of the house it was too late no such thought occurred to them.
It’s unthinkable to disobey the iron voice from the wall because they were in shock how
the telescreen was in the room that the proles inhabited. The entire time they’ve talked
so many things against the party and the party members and how they don’t believe in
BIG BROTHER anymore. Mr.Charringtons shop was the only place Winston and Julia
thought they weren’t being controlled and being looked after.
“One minute more, and the feral roars of
rage were again bursting from the
crowd. The hate continued exactly as
before, except that the target had been
changed.” (Orwell 189).
Speaker: Winston
This quote was said during day 6 of hate week, the Party announced
that Oceania was at war with Eastasia, and an ally with Eurasia, when it
was originally the other way around. While they were announcing this,
the crowd was furious, and yelling constantly towards the speaker. As a
result of that the Party decided to blamed it onto Emmanuel Goldstein.
Telling the citizens it’s a sabotage plan to take down the Party. Straight
away the people of Oceania reacted greatly to that announcement,
and started to destroy everything related to Eurasia instead.
The change in attitude from the citizens proves that the party is in
control of the citizens. The attitude change in the citizens don’t
necessary demonstrate that they accept what the party stated. It can
possibly be a forced action to protect oneself from being sent to the
ministry of love. This shows that the party has all the power to control the
citizen’s actions and nobody can overpower the party’s minds.