Aim: Why didn’t the German people stop Hitler?

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Transcript Aim: Why didn’t the German people stop Hitler?

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Nazi Germany
Democratic Country
n Rule
1 – Nuremberg Laws – laws that stripped German
Jews of their rights to freedom, property & life.
2 – Mandatory military service for all males, children
were forced to join Hitler Youth so they could be
3 – Government controls all media. All Anti-Nazi ideas
were illegal & punishable by law.
4 – Important members of German society were forced
to join the Nazi Party & contribute money.
1 – Gestapo – the German secret police; used
thousands of informers to intimidate Nazi opponents
into silence.
2 – Used the Gestapo to arrest & execute political
1 – tremendous desire for people to “fit in” with their
Pressure fellow citizens. Many Germans were unwilling to risk
their lives going against the government.
“For evil to succeed;
good people must remain uninvolved.”
- Why is this quote true in the case of the Nazis and the
Jewish people?