Introduction to Java - Tonga Institute of Higher Education

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Transcript Introduction to Java - Tonga Institute of Higher Education

Hash Tables
Tonga Institute of Higher Education
Hash tables are another data structure that can hold
Hash tables are very good at insertion and searching
No matter how much data you have, insertions, searches and
sometimes deletions are close to O(1) time
When hash tables become too full, performance degrades very
Hash tables are based on arrays, and arrays are difficult to
You cannot move from data item to data item in any kind of order
Therefore, you must make sure you have an accurate
idea of how much data you will store.
Also, you must not need to visit the data in any order.
Arrays are Useful
Arrays are useful in certain situations
If you have a system to keep track of your employees,
you can use an array
Each employee record occupies one cell of the array
The array number could be the Employee ID number
So looking up employee data is easy if you know the
Employee ID number
Array Shortcomings
However, when arrays get very large, they take a long
time to search through them.
Unordered arrays take a long time to search for items
Ordered arrays take a long time when new data items are added
Search: O(log N) time
Insert: O(N) time
Let’s say we are asked to make a English dictionary and
put it on the web
Search: O(N) time
Stores 100,000 English words
Each word needs to be quickly accessible
Sometimes, new words are added
A hash table is a good choice for a dictionary
Search: O(1) time
Insert: O(1) time
Hash Tables
Hash tables use an array behind the scenes
The index of each cell is calculated using a formula
Hashing – Converting a value from one set to another
Hash Value or Hash - A number generated from another value like a
string of text
The hash is substantially smaller than the text itself, and is
generated by a formula in such a way that it is extremely unlikely
that some other text will produce the same hash value.
Hash Applet
Hashing – Addition Formula
Simple formula where we add digits
1, B = 2, C = 3, …, S = 19, T = 20, …, Z = 26
 CATS = 3 + 1 + 20 + 19 = 43
So the index of CATS would be 43
 But
this is not a good choice
If we restrict ourselves to 10 letter words, the last word would
potentially be:
zzzzzzzzzz = 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 +
26 = 260
So the range of indexes would be from 1 to 260. (a to
But we know that there are more than 260 words
This is because many words add up to 43: bails, was, tin,
tick, give, tend, moan,
Hashing – Multiplication by Powers
Formula - 1
With normal numbers
Each digit can be from 0 to 9. (10 different values)
Each digit position represents a value 10 times as big as the digit
position to the right
7 * 1000 + 6 * 100 + 5 * 10 + 5 * 1
7 * 103 + 6 * 102 + 5 * 101 + 5 * 100
This guarantees that every possible number has a unique
numerical value
Hashing – Multiplication by Powers
Formula - 2
With letters
We can apply the same idea to guarantee that each letter
sequence has a unique numerical value
Each character can be from a to z. (26 different values)
Each character position represents a value 26 times as big as the
character position to the right
A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, …, S = 19, T = 20, …, Z = 26
(3 * 263) + (1 * 262) + (20 * 261) + (19 * 260)
(3 * 17576) + (1 * 676) + (20 * 26) + (19 * 1)
This guarantees that every possible letter combination has a
unique numerical value
Hashing – Multiplication by Powers
Formula - 3
But even this is not a good choice
If we restrict ourselves to 10 letter words, the last word would potentially
26 * 269 + 26 * 268 + 26 * 267 + 26 * 266 + 26 * 265 + 26 * 264 + 26 * 263
+ 26 * 262 + 26 * 261 + 26 * 260
This number is very big: 269 alone is 5.4295E+12!
This value is too big for an array to store in memory!
This is because every single letter combination computes into a unique
index. Not every letter combination is a word! (Example: afwe, oijaw,
Hashing – Modulo Operator
The Multiplication by Powers formula
 Gives
us a unique number for every letter
combination up to 10 letters long
 Has too many values
We need a way to compress the huge range of
numbers into a range that that is smaller
 Our
English dictionary will have 100,000 values
We can use the Modulo operator (%) to
accomplish this
Modulo Operator
The Modulo operator gives us the remainder
when one number is divided by another
Example 1
 13
% 10 = 3
 13 divided by 10 results in a remainder of 3
Example 2
 26
 26 divided by 5 results in a remainder of 1
So what is the remainder for these?
 55
 73 % 73
 13 % 8
Hashing with the Modulo Operator
Using the Modulo Operator, we
can make every value in a large
range of values map to a value in
a small range of values
In the huge range, each number
represents a potential word, but
few of the numbers represent
real words
In the small range, we can make
it so half of cells are full
SizeOfSmallArray =
numberOfPlannedDataItems * 2
Then, we use a hash function to
map a value from the huge range
to the small range
IndexInSmallArray = KeyInLargeArray
% SizeOfSmallArray
This formula is only true for open addressing
We pay a price for
squeezing a large range
into a small range
 Sometimes, two values
from the large range will
equal the same value in
the small range
 We hope that not too
many words will hash to
the same index
 Collision - When we
Both words occupy have 2 large range
the same location
values that hash to the
same small range value
Handling Collisions
There are 2 main ways to handle collisions
Open Addressing – When a data item can’t be
placed at a particular index, another location in the
array is used
Linear probing
Quadratic probing
Double hashing
Separate Chaining – When more than 1 data item
needs to be placed at a particular index, linked lists
are used
Open Addressing - Linear Probing
In linear probing, when we try to insert
and have a collision, we search
sequentially for an empty cell
Example: If 53 is occupied we try 54
then 55 and so on until we find an
empty cell
The index is incremented until we find
an empty cell
At the end of the list, loop around and
continue at the beginning of the list
This is called linear probing because it
steps sequentially along the line of
To simplify
our examples
we will use
number keys
Hash Applet: Insert
Code View
Hash Insert
Open Addressing - Linear Probing
The original key is 472
Using a hash function results in
an index of 52
When searching for a
data item we follow these
Use a hash function on the
key to get an index for the
small range
Check the item located at
the index to see if it has the
same key
Keep looking until we find
an item with the same key
or we find an empty cell
The original key is 135
Using a hash function results in
an index of 53
Hash Applet: Searching
Code View
Hash Search
Open Addressing - Linear Probing
When we delete an item, we
can’t clear the cell
This is because the find routine
quits when it finds an empty cell
Therefore, we mark the cell as
being deleted with a -1
The insert code should then be
able to insert items in an empty
cell or a cell with a deleted value
If we cleared
413, how
would 532
and 472 be
Hash Applet: Delete
Code View
Hash Delete
Primary Clustering
When using linear probing, filled cells are
not evenly distributed in our array
Sometimes, there’s a sequence of empty
Sometimes, there’s a sequence of filled
Cluster - A sequence of filled cells
Clustering can result in very long probe
lengths. Therefore, getting to cells at the
end of a sequence is slow
The bigger the cluster, the faster it will grow
Linear probing is not used very often
because it suffers from too much primary
Avoiding Primary Clustering
If a hash table has many large clusters, the array may be
too small
Increasing the size of the array will help prevent further
This will require
The creation of a new and larger hash table
The copying of values from the old hash table to the new hash
Do not copy the values from the old hash table to cells that are next
to each other. This will create 1 huge cluster.
Instead, use the insert() method for the new hash table
This processing is called rehashing
Open Addressing - Quadratic
Quadratic probing eliminates primary
In linear probing, when we try to insert and
have a collision, we search sequentially for
an empty cell
In quadratic probing, when we try to insert
and have a collision, we search for an empty
cell using this formula
1st index = x
2nd index = x + 1
3rd index = x + 2
4th index = x + 3
1st index = x
2nd index = x + 12 = x + 1
3rd index = x + 22 = x + 4
4th index = x + 32 = x + 9
5th index = x + 42 = x + 16
At the end of the list, loop around and
continue at the beginning of the list
The index is increased until we find an
empty cell
This is called quadratic probing because it
steps sequentially along the line of cells
using squares of values
Secondary Clustering
Quadratic probing eliminates primary clustering
However, it’s performance can still suffer if many items
use the same key
For example, if 184, 352, 973, 1352 and 1705 all hash to
the same index, a probe for 1705 takes a long time
This phenomenon is called secondary clustering
Secondary clustering is not a serious problem
Quadratic hash tables are not used very often because it
can suffer from secondary clustering
Open Addressing - Double Hashing
Double Hashing is better than Quadratic Probing
Double hashing eliminates secondary clustering
The double hashing formula can be calculated faster
than the quadratic probing formula
The number of steps taken depends on the key
instead of the same sequence being used over and
over again (1, 2, 4, 9, 25…)
This is done by hashing the key a second time,
using a different hash function, and using the result
as a step size
The secondary hash function must follow these
Each step is different
It must not be the same as the primary hash function
It must never output a 0 because otherwise there
would never be a step and the algorithm would be in
an never-ending loop
Experts have found that the following formula works
stepSize = constant – (KeyInBigArray % constant)
At the end of the list, loop around and continue at
the beginning of the list
If the constant is 5, the step
sizes will range from 1 to 5!
HashDouble Applet
Code View
Open Addressing Hash Array Size
Double hashing requires that the array size be a prime
A prime number is a number that cannot be evenly
divided by another number
A prime number is required to avoid a situation like this:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, etc.
An array size is 15 (indices from 0 to 14)
A key hashes to 0 with a step size of 5
This results in a never-ending step sequence: 0, 5, 10, 0, 5,
The program would crash
Using a prime number make it impossible for any
number to divide evenly, so every remaining cell will be
Handling Collisions
There are 2 main ways to handle collisions
Open Addressing – When a data item can’t be
placed at a particular index, another location in the
array is used
Linear probing
Quadratic probing
Double hashing
Separate Chaining – When more than 1 data item
needs to be placed at a particular index, linked lists
are used
Separate Chaining
Separate chaining –
When more than 1 data
item needs to be placed
at a particular index,
linked lists are used
The idea of separate
chaining is easier to
understand for many
However, it requires
more code to implement
the linked lists
HashChain Applet
Code View
Separate Chaining Hash Small
Array Size
We know:
smallArrayIndex = largeKey % smallArraySize
The small array size must be a prime
Load Factors
Load Factor – The ratio of the number of items in an
array to the array size
loadFactor = numberOfItems / arraySize
In open addressing, performance degrades badly when
a load factor is above .5
In separate chaining hash tables, it is ok for load factors
to be higher than 1
Finding the initial cell takes O(1) time and searching through the
list requires time proportional to the length of the list which is
Thus, separate chaining hash tables are preferred over
open addressing hash tables. Especially when you don’t
know in advance how much data will be in the hash table
Hash Functions
What makes a good hash function?
 It
must be quick to compute
Addition is faster than multiplications, divisions and
 A hash table with many multiplications, divisions
and exponents is bad
 It
must also produce values that are evenly
distributed across the possible range of
Random distributions are even over the long run
Random and Non-Random Keys
Random Keys
If our keys are random, our initial formula works well
smallArrayIndex = largeKey % smallArraySize
Non-Random Keys
Often, we do not use random keys
For example, some companies may have an id like this
Digits 0-2: Supplier number (1 to 999) (Currently up to 70)
Digits 3-5: Category code (100, 150, 200, 250, up to 850)
Digits 6-7: Month of introduction (1 to 12)
Digits 8-9: Year of introduction (00 to 99)
Digits 10-11: Serial Number (1 to 99)
Digit 12: Toxic risk flag (0 or 1)
Digit 13-15: Checksum (Sum of other fields, modulo 100)
In this case, many numbers may not be used
How can we ensure that the hash function results will be truly
Non Random Keys
Don’t use non-data
Use all the data
Key fields should be reduced until every bit counts.
For example, the category code should run from 0 to 15
Also, the checksum is redundant so remove it
Every part of the key that has real data should contribute to the
key used in the hash function
Always use a prime number for the modulo base
If keys share a divisor with the array size, they may hash to the
same location, causing clustering
A prime number eliminates the possibility of this occurring
Folding - 1
Another good hash function involves folding
This means you divide the key into groups of digits and add the groups together.
This ensures that all the digits influence the hash value
For example, each US citizen is identified by a Social Security number
First, pick the size you want your array to be
Array size = 1000
smallArrayIndex = largeKey % smallArraySize
Therefore, use 1000 as the value used by the modulo
Therefore, the largeKey must be big enough to give a big range of values when the modulo
of 1000 is used on it
When folding, we break the number up like this
12 + 34 + 56 + 78 + 9 = 189
123 + 456 + 789 = 1368
This is better because using a modulo of 1000 with this number will give us a range of 1 - 999
Then, we get the remainder of a modulo operation to get our small array index
But this is not good because using a modulo of 1000 with this number will give us a range of 1 – 189
1368 % 1000 = 368
The size of the array changes the digit group size
Also, in real life, the smallArraySize would be a prime number. 1000 is used to
make the example clear
Folding - 2
If we want our array size to be 100
When folding, we break the number up
like this
12 + 34 + 56 + 78 + 9 = 189
This is ok because using a modulo of 100 with
this number will give us a range of 1 – 99
The size of the array changes the digit
group size
Hashing Efficiency
If no collisions occur, insertion and searching in
hash tables are O(1) time
 This
only involves a call to the hash function and a
single array reference
If a collision occurs, access times are
 The time described above
 Probe length – How many
O(1) + probe length
times we need to search
for a data item after the collision occurs
 As the load factor increases, the probe length
Open Addressing Linear Probing
The loss of efficiency with high
load factors is more serious for
open addressing than separate
Unsuccessful searches
generally take longer
During a successful probe
sequence, the algorithm can
stop as soon as it finds the
desired item, which is, on
average, halfway through the
probe sequence
 During an unsuccessful probe
sequence, the algorithm must
search the entire sequence
before it’s sure the item is not
Open Addressing Quadratic Probing
and Double Hashing Performance
Quadratic probing
and double hashing
performance is the
The performance is
better than linear
Higher load factors
can be tolerated for
quadratic probing and
double hashing than
linear probing
Separate Chaining Performance
A load factor of 1.0 is
fairly common
Smaller load factors do
not improve performance
Speed for all operations
increases linearly with
load factor
Open Addressing vs. Separate
Generally, if you use open addressing, use double hashing as it is
better than linear probing and quadratic probing
If you don’t know how many items will be inserted into a hash table,
then use separate chaining.
Increasing the load factor causes major performance problems with
open addressing
 Increasing the load factor degrades performance linearly with separate
When in doubt, use separate chaining
It is more work at first
But the reward is that adding more data won’t degrade performance too
Using HashTables in Java 1
Each string has a hashCode method.
Some hash codes
are the same!
Using HashTables in Java 2
The hashcode for a String object is computed
Where s[i] is the ith character of a string of
length n
The hash value of an empty string is defined as
hashCode Method
Using HashTables in Java 3
A Hashtable object exists in Java
Use the hashCode method to get the index to insert
strings in a Hashtable object
Put string into
It uses separate chaining
Get string from
Using a Hashtable object