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Business Letters
Letter Formats
Full-block format
All parts flush left, singlespace paragraphs with extra
return between paragraphs
Block format
Writer’s address, dateline,
complimentary close, and
signature line indented to
Semi-block format
Same as above, but with
paragraphs indented 1/2 inch
Inquiry Letter
Used to obtain information
about something
You are gathering information,
not selling yourself
The letter should be short and
Inquiry Letter
Might be able to avoid this type
of letter with a phone call
But, with large companies this
may be the best approach
Send it to the human resources
department if you can’t locate a
Format – Inquiry Letter
Opening Paragraph
Why are you writing?
 What is your interest?
Call to Action
Brief Close
Networking Letter
What is a networking letter?
Written to someone you don’t
Typically someone referred
you to them
NOT applying for a job with
this type of letter
Networking Letter
Asking for advice/suggestions
You probably want to follow-up
this type of letter with a phone
Cover Letter
Answers three questions
What is this about? (hook)
 What does it have to do with
the employer? (benefit)
 What should the employer do
about it? (call to action)
Use only black or blue ink.
Letter Components
Includes address and the date
of writing (if not on letterhead)
Date Line
Used on papers that have
letterheads. Separate from
Inside address
Name of person addressed,
person’s title, name of
organization, and full address.
Letter Components
Formal greeting end with
colon, informal with comma
Dear Dr., Professor, Mr., Ms,
1st paragraph
Tell why you are writing letter.
Include how you found out about
job, internship, etc.
Middle paragraphs (1-2)
Use positive statements
 Stress what you can and will do
for the company, business, etc.
Letter Components
Body, cont.
Last paragraph, Call to Action
Politely request something
 Tell them what you would like
them to do
Please contact me…
I look forward to speaking with
Light colors
White, gray, cream, etc.
Résumé and letter on same
Design your own letterhead
Some tips…
Sell yourself…how the company
benefits, not how you would
Don’t thank the recipient. He/she
hasn’t done anything yet.
Preferred is “I would
Avoid “Enclosed is…” Rather,
use the word enclosed as an
adjective when possible: “The
enclosed résumé…”
Do more than spell-check.
Employment Skills
Interpersonal skills
Teamwork skills
Analytical skills
Oral communication skills
Computer skills
Written communication skills
Leadership skills
Work experience
Internship experience
After the interview…
Send a thank-you letter
within one or two days after
the interview.
Any written correspondence
should be responded to in
Thank-You Letters
Should always be sent
following an interview, faceto-face meeting, or possibly a
phone conversation
Can be a business letter or
might be good in e-mail
Use the letter to reiterate
topics discussed during the
Thank-You Letters
Place emphasis on those
things that make you most
qualified for the position…be
Try to send your thank-you
note within 1-2 business
If you interviewed with more
than one person…send a
note to all of them
Final Thoughts
DO NOT use a standard form
cover letter for all job
applications… Why???
Write each letter from scratch
and personalize them
Always follow the rule:
Proof…Proof…Let someone
else Proof….PROOF!!!