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Integrated Hospital Management System
IHMS is the only system that can meet the challenges
of the 21st century. It is a multi-language, multihospital on-line data processing system for day to day
management. Its modules comprise comprehensive
management systems for all departments in a
IHMS makes information instant, easy to access, easy
to update and always available for those who need to
know and support decision taking.
Patient Appointment, Scheduling
& OPD System
Laboratory Management System
Materials Management System
Registration, Admission Discharge Transfer
Blood Bank
In-Patient Billing System
Operation Theatre Scheduling
Electronic Medical Records
OPD Management Module maintains Out-Patients information and provides interface with
Appointments, Investigation Centers, Pharmacy, etc. Every patient is given a Unique
Hospital Registration Number for identifying various patient care services offered in the
hospital including hospitalization details throughout his / her life.
Following are the functions of this module :
Fixing appointments for consultants
In case of Credit payment, generates bill for the services offered with Credit A/c code
and name of beneficiary and reimbursing Company for the treatment expenses
provided by the hospital.
Maintain record of collections shift-wise with cashier name
Generate cash collection and revenue summary reports for daily reconciliation and
auto-posting in accounting records.
Generates cash receipt for consultations, investigations & procedures.
This system provides registration of In-patient, advance booking of beds, surgery & other
facilities in the hospital. It automates ADT activities in the In-patient and Critical-care units.
Captures patients particulars, payment plan, pre admission clinical and allergy
information and admit a patient.
Reservation and transfer booking can be viewed from the system in real time
Stores and prints patient data on bar-code labels and ID cards.
Provides real-time data on bed status and occupancy within the hospital.
Can organize spaces, categories of accommodation and pricing
Optimize in-patient accommodation by an optional rescheduling feature based on
peak periods, Information on bed use
Covers emergency cases, new born admission, bed transfer and bed swapping
Used to discharge in-patient, also final diagnosis can be added .
This module covers extensively the complete billing functions involved from the date and
time of admission of a patient till discharge from the hospital for the various facilities
provided to the patient by the hospital. This Module facilitates following functions
Order management provides support for user in patient treatment area including
nursing station and critical care.
Consultants patient visit entry.
Transfer and Discharge Advice
Calculate bed charges automatically.
Generate Receipt for deposits/advances for amount collected from patients and bill
(interim) or bill (final ) for settlement.
Generate Deposits Exhaust List for collection of amount due from each patient on
medical expenses incurred by the hospital.
Generation of In-Patient Register, Billing Register, Collections Record, etc.
Facilitates integration with Doctor Accounting and Financial Accounting System
Laboratory system helps manage the administrative and operational functions in a laboratory.
Functions provided include order entry, order processing, progress reporting , worklist
preparation, appointment booking and management system as well as result reporting.
In brief, IHMS laboratory
 Provides processing of laboratory order entry and diagnosis result reporting
Provide charges for professional and technical fees according to patient’s financial
Tracks both patients and order progress, including patient’s waiting time,
procedures, start and end time, as well as material used for tests.
Lab module supports interface with lab hardware devices in two ways
Lab has integration with administration application like purchase requisition etc.
IHMS blood module covers every single minute detail, regarding blood transfers and storage.
The core of this module is it consists of concise records, and the immediate information
retrieval facilities that assists emergency cases. In brief, IHMS blood bank includes the following
Provides information on collection & availability of blood and its components
Maintains list of voluntary and other donors.
Online donor's information.
Easy tracking of blood units and stock out warning.
On every issue cross checking report is generated.
Discarded donors blood reports.
Reports on blood cross-matching, post transfusion reaction, plasma products converted from
blood as per the approved FDA format.
IHMS-Operation Theatre Scheduling is designed to assist in managing the hospital’s
main operation rooms. IHMS surgery reporting provides online entry of the data via a
terminal. Data is entered and stored in central patients’ database integrated with IHMS
module. In brief, operation theatre scheduling module :
Maintains surgical and medical stock information.
links with Patient Appointment & Scheduling module for advance booking and fixing
patient appointments for surgery.
Generates daily surgery schedule for necessary action by all concerned.
Facilitates recording of useful information about surgery performed
Generates Anesthesia Cum Surgery Register to be maintained in O.T.
Generates surgery billing through In-Patient Billing System.
This module tracks the vendor of, the charges for and current number of items in
your inventory and generates purchase orders.
Inventory items can be assigned to any category desired
Multiple vendors and vendor numbers can be assigned to each inventory items.
List price, last cost and average cost is kept for each item
Maintain minimum and maximum stock levels
Maintain purchase history if desired
Multiple markup factors and customer receipts available for outside sales.
Barcode capable
Automatic disbursement entry upon patient charge post
C S S D Management System
Pharmacy is an on-line interactive database system integrated with IHMS, to provide
drug inventory management and drug manufacture management. In brief
Support multiple pharmacies within the same hospital
Support multiple units of measurement
Gives complete control over drug inventory
Control restricted drugs at ordered time and dispensed time and check expired drugs
Supports alternative drugs and barcode labels
Allows the selection of drugs based on drug indication
Support drug to drug and drug to food interaction
Support financial analytical reports
Electronic medical records is the inevitable next step in the continued progress of
healthcare. Medicine may be the most information-intensive of all professions, and
hence making the transition to electronic medical records may be the most important
project that a medical practice can undertake.
EMR is unique as it
directly impacts the daily mission of medical practice: delivering patient care.
touches the lives of the health care providers, the administrative staff behind the
scenes, and the patients themselves.
As the impact of the electronic medical record reaches deep into the heart of the practice, the
stakes are high. While a successful electronic medical records project has the potential of
significantly improving the clinical and administrative efficiency of medical practices, as well
as enhancing overall quality of care, an unsuccessful project can be frustrating and
 Flexibility : IHMS is designed to answer medical, administrative and
financial issues, compatible with the magnitude of any hospital
 Complies with latest international health standards : IHMS complies with
international standards (ICD 910), (CPT), (HL7) and is designed to operate
any health facility raging from local clinics to major hospitals.
 Internet – intranet solutions : A complete internet – intranet solutions in
accordance with the customer’s specific requirement
 Build by object oriented tools with graphic user interface
 Integration with smart card : A patients entire medical history could be
stored on a smart card, allowing on-line availability of patient’s critical
 Interfacing with PACS for reviewing the complete medical records
 Multiple security