Holy Communion in the Armenian Church 1-4 - Arak-29

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Church Calendar
Year of Church and Home 2007
Why A Church Calendar?
Commemorate Key Events
• Life of Christ
• History of the Church
• Examples of Faith - Lives of the Saints
• New and Old Testament Models and
• Rhythm of a Christian’s life
Feast Days, Saints, Fast Days
Sunday of each week is the Day of the Lord
(Giragi, as in Gk. Kyrie eleison, 'Lord, have
Feasts - Fixed or Moveable
Saints' days Srpots- Mondays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Saturdays
Fast Days Bahots- Wednesday and Fridays
Saints' Days
over 100 Saints' days
89 Biblical Saints
Saints from first 5 centuries of
Armenian Church saints - through
15th century
Saints As Inspirational Examples
Saints are inspirational examples for our lives:
Why were the saints, saints?
Because they were cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful,
Patient when it was difficult to be patient;
And because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still
And kept silent when they wanted to talk;
That was all. It was quite simple and always will be.
Author Unknown.
(quoted from Saints for Children: from the Tradition of the Armenian
Church, by Louise Kalemkerian and Barbara Hovsepian, Diocese of
the Armenian Church of America, New York, 1983).
Some of the Major Saints
St. Mary, Mother of God
St. John the Baptist
St. Stephen
Sts. Thaddeus and
St. Santukht
St. Apkar
St. Sarkis
St. Hripsimė
St. Gayanė
Sts. Nunė and Manė
St. Gregory the
Sts. Sahak and Mesrob
Holy Translators
Sts. Vartan and
St. Nersess the Great
St. John of Odzun
St. Nersess Shnorhali
St. Gregory of Nareg
St. Gregory of Datev
Fast Days
160 Fast Days per year
All Wednesdays and Fridays
Lent 48 days before Easter
Fasts often preparatory, the week
before major feast days
Major Fast Days
Nativity (6 days)
Easter (Holy Week, 6 days)
Transfiguration (5 days)
Assumption (5 days)
Exaltation (5 days)
Great Lent (48 days)
Fast of Catechumens (5 days)
Fast of Elijah (5 days, Summer, ending on Feast of Holy
Fast of St. Gregory (5 days)
Fast of the Cross of Varak (5 days, beginning of Fall)
Fast of Advent (5 days)
Fast of St. James of Nisibis (5 days, beginning of Winter)
5 Seasons
The Armenian Church Calendar is divided into 5 seasons,
each marked by a key holiday, which is the highpoint of the
• Christmastide (50 days starting on the Sunday nearest November
25 through the Saturday following January 6 through beginning of
• Eastertide (9 weeks before Easter Day and 15 weeks after Easter, a
moveable feast between March 22 and April 25)
• Transfigurationtide (starts 100 days after Easter)
• Assumptiontide (4 weeks, starts Sunday closest to August 14 )
• Exaltationtide (starts the Sunday closest to Sept. 14 at the
Exaltation of the Cross through beginning of Advent)
Tabernacle Feasts
Christmas (Surp Dznunt, Asdvadzahaydnutyun, Theophany) January 6.
Easter (Surp Zadig,Surp Harutyun) (movable) (March 22-April 25) First
Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (March
21)), commemoration Christ's Resurrection.
Transfiguration (Vartavar, Baydzaragerbutyun) 100 days after Easter,
Christ's divinity is revealed on Mt. Tabor
Assumption (Asdvadzadzin, Verapokhum) Sunday closest to August 15.
St. Mary is transported to heaven at her death (assume = take up) or sleep
(hence this holy day is also called the Dormition)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Khachverats) Sunday closest to
September 15. (Խաչվերաց khach=cross, verats=raising). commemorates
3 events (1) 1st-century raising of the Cross by the brother of our Lord St.
James, (2) the Discovery of the Cross in 326 by Emperor Constantine’s
wife St. Helen at Golgotha where Jesus was crucified, and (3) the recovery
of the Cross from Persian captivity in 629.
Christmas – January 6 – Christ's Birth, Baptism and
Adoration of the Wise Men
Presentation of the Lord – Feb. 14, 40 days after Christ's
birth (Տեառնընդառաջ Dyarn=Lord, ĕnt=to, arach=forward)
(Luke 2:29-32)
St. Sarkis – at the end of the Fast of Salt and Bread,
traditionally believed to have been established by St.
Gregory as a national fast for Armenia's conversion
Sts. Vartanants – Thursday before Lent. AD 451 – St.
Vartan defends Christian Armenia against the Persians at
Lent – 40 days ending on the Friday before Palm Sunday
Annunciation – April 7, Archangel Gabriel announces to St.
Mary that she will bear a son, Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
Palm Sunday – Christ's entry into Jerusalem
Holy Thursday – The Last Supper, when Christ established
Good Friday – Crucifixion
Easter – Christ's Resurrection (Յարութիւն Harutyun) on the
3rd day after his crucifixion–Սբ. Զատիկ Surp Zadig, the first
Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox
(March 21)
Ascension – 40 days after Easter – when Christ ascended
into heaven. Համբարձում Hampartsum (Mark 16:19, Luke
24:50-51, Acts 1:9-11)
Pentecost – 50 days after Easter (Pentecost is Greek for
50) Arm. Հոգեգալուստ hoke=spirit, kalusd=coming, when the
Holy Spirit filled the disciples gathered in Jerusalem (Acts 2)
Holy Etchmiadzin Day after St. Gregory's emergence from
his captivity, when the Only (mi =one) Begotten (dzin =born)
i.e., Christ + descended (etch), founding the mother
cathedral and churches honoring Sts. Hripsimé and Gayané)
Transfiguration – 100 days after Easter, Christ's
divinity is revealed on Mt. Tabor (Arm.
Պայծառակերպութիւն (baydzara='bright',
gerbutyun='appearance') or Վարդավառ
(varta='rose', var='blaze') on this day people
sprinkle each other with water (Matthew 17:1-6,
Mark 9:1-8, Luke 9:28-36, John 1:14)
Assumption – Sunday closest to August
14. St. Mary is transported to heaven at her
death (assume = take up) or sleep (hence
this holy day is also called the Dormition)
(Arm. Վերափոխում verapokhum 'up, over' +
'change') (Blessing of the Grapes
Խաղողօրհնէք khaghoghorhnek=grape +
Exaltation of the Cross
Exaltation of the Cross – Sunday closest to September 15.
(Խաչվերաց khachverats = 'cross'+'raising'). The feasts of the
Cross celebrate the 1st-century raising of the Cross by the
brother of our Lord St. James, the Discovery of the Cross in
326 by Emperor Constantine’s wife St. Helen at Golgotha
where Jesus was crucified, and the recovery of the Cross from
Persian captivity in 629.
Holy Translators – mid-October. (Թարգմանչաց
Tarkmanchats='translators') commemorates the translation
of the Bible into Armenian using the Armenian Alphabet
invented by Sts. Sahag & Mesrob in 405, as well as other
Armenian Church Fathers and scholars, such as St. Gregory
of Nareg and St. Nerses Shnorhali
Advent – Late November through
Christmas. Յիսնակ Hisnak (from
յիսուն hisun='fifty') 50-day
preparation for the celebration of
Christ's Birth on January 6
The Year in Review
Christmastide – The Light in our midst, spread of Christianity, “Christian soldiers”
Sts. Sarkis, Vardan and Ghevond.
Eastertide – The Light within us. Lent, the period of “Spring cleaning” when we
clean and prepare the soil of our soul, reassured by the triumph of Easter,
Ascension, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the founding of
the Church universal and planting of the Armenian Church.
Transfigurationtide – comes in early summer when the sun is in full blaze, near
the longest day of the year. Christ’s Transfiguration at Vartavar reminds us of
his divinity, lest we in our enthusiasm believe we can go it alone.
Assumptiontide – comes as the fall harvest is ripe and ready to be reaped. At
Assumption we remember the example of Mary, the humble servant, Mother of
God, who was reaped and transported to heaven. At this time, we also
celebrate the Blessing of the Grapes (Khaghoghorhnek), from which we make
Exaltationtide – the days grow shorter, but our work has just begun. Exaltation
of the Cross and the Holy Translators remind us to take up our cross and to
assist our Creator with our works with the powerful symbolic tools – the Cross
and Bible.
Advent into Christmastide Again. Days grow shorter, but propelled by efforts of
passing year and drawn forward by faith that the light will come again, as it does
every Christmas.
9 services per day, Zhamakirk
ժամագիրք (Book of Hours).
monastic tradition.
most common in parish life:
• Morning Service (Aravodyan
Zhamerkutyun) առաւօտեան ժամերգութիւն
• Evening Service (Yeregoyan
Zhamerkutyun) երեկոյեան ժամերգութիւն
Daily Hours
Night (Kisherayin) Գիշերային Vigils
Sunrise (Arevakal) Արեւագալ
Morning (Aravodyan) Առաւօտեան
Terce (Jashu) Ճաշու
Sexte (Jashu) Ճաշու
None (Jashu) Ճաշու
Evening (Yeregoyan) Երեկոյեան
Peace (Khaghaghayin) Խաղաղային
Compline (Hanksdyan) Հանգստեան
Based on the Calendar, the Armenian
Church prescribes specific readings
appropriate to the day. You can find
these in the Lectionary (Jashots) or
on-line at www.armenianchurch.net
Time is one of our most precious resources.
It is important that we use our lifetime, the time
given to us, well.
The Church Calendar helps us to see time in a new
Most importantly, it teaches us to set aside some
time for contemplating our lives in light of our
Creator's design, by remembering the life of Christ,
the saints, prophets, and founders of our church
and faith.
Models and Paths
Why repeat this every day of every year? Because
we grow and change, and what may seem
irrelevant at one stage in our lives, becomes
relevant at another. If we have regularly observed
the Calendar, we may see patterns and models that
will help us through life's predicaments.
Although our lives are unique, the Calendar
reminds us they are not totally different from the
lives of those who have passed this way before.