ITUC Human and Trade Union Rights DEpartment

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Transcript ITUC Human and Trade Union Rights DEpartment

Human and Trade Union
Rights Department
SEE Subregion
Belgrade December 2009
• Reorganisation of the HTUR Department
• Steven Benedict, new director
• Nadine Thevenet in charge of PERC issues
• Set up of the HTUR Committee and Networks
• Strenghening of regional capacities on TURs
• Existence of legal networks within the region
• Build on former experiences
Role of the Regional Networks
• At national level
• To report national issues/activities to the network
• To ensure transmission of network’s information at
national level
• Contribute to HTUR activities
• At regional level
• Exchange of good practices and experiences
• Develop regional activities on TURs
• Research
• Crisis and its impact on TURs in Europe
• New attack on TURs
• Etc
• Capacities building
• Legal support
• Report to HTUR Committee
Role of the HTUR Department
• Follow-up of the PERC Network activities
• Follow-up of European issues impacting TURs (EU, ECHR, …)
in relation with ETUC and ETUI
• Regional cooperation to ITUC activities
• ILO supervisory mechanisms
• CEARC comments
• CFA complaints
• Annual Survey
• Protest letters and appeals
• Liaison with PERC
• Regular contribution to the PERC Newsletters
• Regular contacts between the 2 departments
• Exchange of information
Contact point
Information on TURs
Support and advise affiliates on issues related to HTURs and during the
adoption of new legislation
Objectives of the HTUR Department
Increase regional participation and autonomy
Building regional activities on TURs
ILO supervisory mechanisms
ITUC solidarity action
Exchange of experience
Setting up regional reporting mechanisms
Planning and communication channels
Report to the ITUC HTUR Committee each year
Building on existing Networks
Composed by approx. 130 lawyers
Focus on UE labour/social laws ( + ESC and ILO when relevant)
One SEE Netlex
Exchange of information and capacity building on UE Labour issues
Legal advice to new candidate countries
Annual conference -December 2009 Brussels
SEE Human Rights Network
Other HTUR Networks
• Africa, Asia and Latin America
HTUR Networks - Objectives
A focal HTUR person per country to ensure
operational work and stability
Enable operational work within the region on each
HTUR issue
Ensure automatic dissemination and exchange of
HTUR information within the region
• Letters of protest and appeals
• Input to the Annual Survey
Increase participation in and development of
Follow-up of activities within the region and report to
the HTUR Committee
Last activities
Idea of a PERC HTUR Network launched during a PERC Meeting
in April 2009 in Brussels
PERC HTUR Network launched in September 2009 during the
PERC Summer School
4 PERC HTUR Network members participated in a
Training in Turin in September 2009 and participated to
the Berlin HTUR Committee
Presentation of the PERC HTUR Network to the Netlex
SEE Meeting in Zagreb in Sept 2009 – to build synergies
Circular for nomination of PERC HTUR member per
organisation sent in October 2009
Around 50 members from PERC (Legal advisors and/or
members of international dept.)
HTUR information included in the PERC Newsletter
PERC HTUR List Serve created
Annual Survey
Objective: Improve the quality, the use of the survey and the visibility
of the ITUC Annual Survey
Reminder: the Annual Survey country profiles are sent to the CEARC
annually as well as used for other purposes (ESP WTO reports, etc)
HTUR department - Revision of the Survey
– Content: Questionnaire on the Survey first semester 2009
– Format: New Structure being developed
– Legal part
Affiliates have/will receive(d) the legal part of their country profile in a new structure – Few
comments and feedbacks received
– Violations -Report on violations to be sent before the 4th of January
– Detailed and concrete information
– Sources of information
– Updated information (cases follow-up)
– A database will be developped
– Further analysis, « statistics » and transversal reports
– Need for comparable and reliable data
Annual Survey (2)
Role of the PERC HTUR Network
– Need to contribute to the enhancement of the information flow
and quality
• Regular reports
• Changes in legal framework
• Cases of violations (documented and followed-up)
• Weakness of current input
• More dynamic information gathering and checking by affiliates
• Need to enable a better visibility
• Communication tools
• Enlarge the audience
• National and regional promotion
• Affiliates
• Media
• Governements
• NGOs
• Regional reports/analysis
• Specific regional topics to be highlighted
Solidarity Actions
Protest letters and appeals - objective:
Increase affiliates' participation in HTUR actions to
ensure concrete results
Protest letters
Need to communicate relevant, clear and detailed
information to the HTUR Department
Elaboration of protest letters by the affiliates
How to ensure the protest letters have a real impact?
» Dissemination
» National networks
Need to increase solidarity action within the
region and with other regions
» Regular respond to appeals
» Dissemination and follow-up
Need to reach concrete critical mass with
appeals to have a real impact
» Today participation is rather low
Solidarity Actions (2)
Campaigns - Objective:
Increase research and analysis on specific countries
and issues
Country campaigns
In case of crisis / countries at risk
Long term sustained campaign
– Subregional issues
Thematic campaigns
Need to develop specific regional thematic campaigns
» New ideas for campaigns relevant for the region
Increase visibility of campaigns - How to promote a
What kind of materials to be developed?
Lead on a campaign by a specific country
Targeted audience
Input to ILO work
• Objective: Enhance affiliates' understanding and contribution
– Supervisory Mechanisms
• Submissions to CEACR
• Comments on Governments' Reports to the CEACR
• Within the ILO schedule – before September 1st
• Complaints to the CFA
• How the network could increase affiliates’
participation and quality of contribution?
• How to strenghen this participation?
• What capacities/means are lacking?
Objective: training should enable
concrete capacity development within
the region and should be focused
Identify training needs for the region
Specific regional topics
Building on capacities
Steps forward – Working Group
How to strenghen the work on TUR in the sub region by building on
existing networks and former experiences?
• Concrete and operational working plan
• Reporting mechanisms
• Communication channels
What should the PERC HTUR Network focus on?
• Subjects
• Specific PERC TUR issues relevant for the sub region
• Activities at PERC regional level
• Training
• What issues remain unclear?
• To strenghten the capacity of the network
How to concretly organize and work?
• What did not work so far?
• To make sure it works
Specific activities, concrete commitments
• Building on existing networks, past experiences and concrete capacities
Thank you and never hesitate to
contact us
Contact details within HTUR Department
Nadine Thevenet
HTUR Officer in charge of the PERC Region
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B 1, BE-1210
Brussels, Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Tel (direct): 00 32 2 224 03 10