Climate Change and Migration

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Youth and migration
214 million people – three per cent of the
world’s population – are now living outside their
countries of origin
33 million of these are under the age of 20
(UN Populations Division, International Migration, Population Facts No. 2010/6)
"The protection of children is necessary
and essential at all stages of the
migration process"
(United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of
Migrants Jorge Bustamante, 2009 report to the Human Rights
 Young people migrate for a complex mixture of reasons,
which encompass both voluntary and forced migration
 Either accompanied (with family members) or unaccompanied,
and/or to join family members
Risks and vulnerabilities young migrants face across
the migratory trails
Before they migrate
unemployment of young people or their parents
economic hardship
political upheaval and conflict
family violence and child abuse
child brides / marriage bureaus
 During migration
- inadequate or no documentation
- victims of trafficking
- various forms of sexual and
economic exploitation
- forced to use smuggling options
and life risking routes of escape
On reaching their destination
Once a young migrant has arrived at his or her destination (legally or not),
they are often subject to the following protection issues:
1. lack of documentation verifying their age and status
2. lack of information about their rights and who can assist them
3. social isolation and lack of familiar networks to support them
4. fear of the unknown and being reported to the authorities
All four factors have a serious impact on a
young person, which often
prevent them gaining access to
assistance which ensures their
Safety, well being and dignity :
 Health care
 Adequate shelter
 Education
 Access to employment which is safe, legal and ensures
their rights are protected
IFRC’s role in protecting young migrants
 IFRC addresses humanitarian needs of migrants,
including children and youth, regardless of their legal status
 Focus on vulnerability and needs of young migrants, especially
the most vulnerable; those who are unaccompanied, children in
detention, disabled and seriously ill migrants, young girls and
victims of trafficking
 Auxiliary status with States – our unique relationship with
Government agencies to ensure protection and the rights of young
migrants are upheld
 Global network of 186 NS with extensive volunteer network
developing projects to assist young migrants
Developing young migrants, for today and
Tomorrow: IFRC key priorities:
 Providing technical support to NS to develop
youth policies and opportunities for youth
action (YABC)
 Facilitating the global knowledge sharing in the area of youth
development, including respect for diversity and non-discrimination
(Solferino Youth Declaration)
Building partnerships with other youth based organisations such as
YWCA/YMCA, Scouts, Guides etc…..
Strengthening youth regional national society networks and
cooperation with local organizations working with and for youth,
including engagement and participation of young migrants
 Sharing tools such as:
- Positive Images (British RC)
- Harmony Day and Labels campaign (Australia RC)
- Diversity, our best option (Spanish RC)
The importance of youth involvement
 Around 50% of IFRC volunteers worldwide are young people
=> 50 million young humanitarians
 IFRC recognises the value of youth as key agents for social change,
bridging the age divide, valuing diversity and ensuring youth have a
say in economic development and environmental challenges
 IFRC Strategy 2020: reinforces a special focus on young people
across all 4 strategic aims
 Youth as positive contributors, innovators, inter-cultural
ambassadors and peer-to-peer facilitators
 Strengthening intergenerational and intercultural transfer of
IFRC Youth Initiatives
 IFRC is working with young migrants around the world in volunteer
programmes: language skills, homework, organising social events and
creating network opportunities, … this often involves migrant volunteers
helping others.
 The focus is on ensuring youth have a strong voice in
improving awareness of the risks migrants
face at all stages of their journey, and
vulnerabilities within host societies
• Initiatives like ‘Youth on the Run’ a 24-hr
refugee simulation game for youth. The
game’s purpose is to teach young people
what it is like to flee a war-torn country
and seek asylum somewhere else.
Solferino Youth
 23-28 June: Gathering of over 500 young volunteers
 Seminars on various subjects, including non-discrimination and respect
for diversity
 How to address todays ’Solferinos’, i.e. the most pressing humanitarian
 North Africa Youth delegation at Solferino meeting
Positive Images
 European project led by the British Red Cross
 Awareness raising and promoting positive attitudes among
young people (aged 12 to 25) towards vulnerable migrants
 How? Positive Images Toolkit => educational resource for
teachers, youth workers and other educators
 Lesson plans, games, videos and interactive
Norwegian Red Cross Youth
 Role-play: «on the run» - be a refugee for 24 hours
 Activities for young asylum-seekers in
reception centres: movies, football,
hike in the mountains etc
 Opportunity for young asylum-seekers to
join RC Youth and actively participate in
the organisation
 Australian RC in cooperation with MTV
 On-air campaign to encourage understanding and fight
Thank you