Practice on Vocabulary

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Transcript Practice on Vocabulary

Section A
Directions: From the four choices given under each sentence,
choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined
word or expression.
You’ll give your wife no peace until you tell her the truth.
A) Your wife will not live a quiet life
You and your wife will not live in peac
Your wife will be kept in dark
Your wife will be kept anxious
With her great voice and expressive features, she would
have made a good actress.
A) a face showing a lot of feeling,
a face telling audience a lot of stories,
eyes full of emotions,
eyes full of affection,
There was me thinking you were out and you were
upstairs asleep in bed all the while.
A) such a long time
B) all the time
C) so soon
D) all through
4. Being a politician can put an enormous amount of strain on
one’s family.
A) trouble B) stress C) preoccupation D) hysteria
5. My parents believe that I should go to a first-rate college to
study so they tried every means to work and save money for
the future.
A) to buy me into the best college.
to buy various books for my future.
so that in future I need not work hard.
so that I can have a good future
6.The system was introduced to save money. Consideration was
made secondarily for any benefit to the public.
A) Benefit to the public was to be considered later.
Second consideration would be made by public.
Any other benefit should come after that to public.
Public interests were considered of minor importance.
The names of the 58000 American military personnel who died
in Vietnam are carved on the Vietnam Veteran Memorial in
A) incised B) engraved
C) printed
D) penetrated
8 8. When I read novels, I always locate myself in the very places,
walking through streets or along rivers, talking with people and
experiencing their life, etc.
A) imagine B) illuminate C) believe
9. The pop music of today can’t hold a candle to the great songs of
the 60s and 70s.
A) can’t exceed
can’t be appreciative to people of 60s and 70s
can’t be compared to
can’t enlighten us on
10. At the age of thirteen, Harry was initiated into the art of golf
by his father
B) informed C) lessoned
D) instructed
11. He swore that, come what may, he would never let her know
what he was doing for her sake.
A) whether she came or not B) whatever he was offered
C) whoever comes D) whatever happens
12. She was furious with her boss and indulged in rapturous
fantasies of revenge.
A) drank in B) fell into C) downed in
D) sank into
13.They were waiting to strike at the flank of Napoleon’s army.
A) side
B) back
C) front
D) rear
14. By the time they arrived at the house she’d worked herself
up into a real state.
A) excited herself
B) raised herself
C) triggered herself
D) passionated herself
15. The book is full of illuminating details on the causes of the
A) enlightening B) lightening C) conspicuous D) obscure
Section B
Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four
choices marked
a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE answer that
best completes the sentence.
16. Hurry up and you might catch them in the ______ of their tea.
A) time
B) middle
C) occasion D) event
The university has already ______ honorary degrees on
several successive politicians and businessmen.
A) conferred B) allocated C) rewarded
D) granted
18. This is the only newspaper that insistently ______ the right of
teenagers to have their say.
A) conflicted B) championed C) combated D) competed
19. As a teacher, you could expect to be paid ______ between
$50,000 to $80,000.
A) somewhere B) anywhere C) something D) anything
20. He ______ through four or five newspapers, trying to find the
A) worked
B) went C) flipped D) riffled
21. They were so ______ with what they were doing that they
didn’t hear me come in.
A) engrossed B) fascinated C) willed D) intensified
22.The symptoms of the rare disease include a _____ for sweet
A) craze
B) craving
C) crawl
D) crane
23. Her talent might have lain ______ had it not been for her
aunt’s encouragement.
A) intact
B) lifeless D) inactive
D) dormant
24. She was lulled to sleep by the gentle ______ of the boat in
the water.
A) movement
B) rhythm, C) note D) rock
25. The wife was given specific instructions on how to cope with
conceivable problem that might ______ during his absence.
A) come up
B) pick up
C) come out
D) pick out
26.. Although she had only rehearsed the part a few times, she
______ it off beyond all expectations.
A) gave
B) presented C) carried
D) performed
27.The soldier found himself ______ a hero when he returned to
his village.
A) somehow like B) someway as
C) something of
D) somewhat of
28. It’s very important to play the game ______ and not make
trouble for anyone.
A) in the right spirit B) by great emotions
C) with a good heartD) on the correct principle
The prisoners were kept on ______ allowance of food and
insufficient time for sheep.
A) few
B) little
C) short
D) thin
30. Those who campaign against the death penalty believe they
are on a ______ crusade.
A) secondary B) ambitious C) legendary D) moral
31. Voters in three states were given the opportunity to make
English the language of official ______ in those states.
A) interlocutor
B) discourse
C) encyclopedia
D) cricket
32.For many ______ people, television is the one means of getting
A) illegible B) illiterate C) illegitimate
D) illegal
33. He ______ working in the office with long tours overseas.
A) alternated
B) ticked C) flanked D) flecked
34. David wasn’t able to finish the task within the ______ time.
A) donated
B) allotted
C) distributed
D) subscribed
I got a few ______ of paint on the window when I was
painting the frames.
A) flecks
B) freaks C) flasks D) freckles
36. His success was in some ______ due to his being in the right
place at the right time.
A) degree B) extent C) measure D) scale
37. Over the 8 years, Chinese people went through ______ to
defeat the Japanese aggressors.
A) thick and thin
B) mountain and river
C) a thousand and one way
D) fire and water
38. He did everything he could to restore his ______ reputation
but to little avail.
A) tattered B) tattooed
C) tethered D) terrace
39. He was the star at the party; he entertained us by reciting his
poems with beautiful ______.
A) cadences B) rhythms C) beats
D) tempos
40. The rugs are still produced, but they are a little too ______
for western tastes.
A) expressive B) garish C) innocuous
D) straight
41. Obviously you came here intending to _____ in America and you
will need a work visa.
A) reprimand
B) resettle
C) reprieve
D) reside
42. Low earners will pay only half the charge but high earners will
have to pay full ______.
A) mark
B) price
C) whack
D) cost
43. She came out with some ______story about not having enough
money to go and see her father who was seriously ill.
A) weeping
B) saddened
C) sobbing
D) tragic
44.The need for secrecy is ______ to the need to take immediate
A) superior
B) secondary
C) superb
D) priority
45.In her speech she presented a(an) ______ argument for increasing
A) authoritative
B) sedative
C) influential
D) potent
46. When animals have more food, they generally ______ faster.
A) multiply
B) intensity C) expand D) escalate
47. They showed great ______ for the cause of helping deprived children.
A) ardent
B) ardor
C) arbiter D) arbor
48. The Home Office must weed out ______ from such highly sensitive
A) proponents B) guerillas
C) subversives D) rebels
They ______ in (at/over) their victory after so many years of
hardships and difficulties.
A) overjoyed B) gloated
C) elated D) exulted
50. He had an actor’s typically ______ features, which enabled him to
act roles of
different backgrounds.
A) malleable
B) changeable C) conceivable D) manageable