Transcript SORP 2005

SORP 2005
Statement of
recommended practice
What is changing
SORP 2005
Charities Act
Trustee responsibilities for Accounts
and reports
Book keeping
Receipts and Payments accounts
Accruals accounts
The Annual report
What changes under SORP 2005
It applies to ALL churches
 It applies to all accounts for periods
ending after 31 March 2006
 The accounts and annual report are
effectively combined
 The report and accounts should show
how the church has performed
against its objectives
What is coming
A new Charities Act probably in 2007
Churches will cease to be “excepted” and
be covered by normal Charities act and
treated like all other charities probably from
October 2007
Only largest churches will need to register
(> £100,000 turnover)
Others can register
Registered churches will get a Charity Number
Registered charities must submit a return to
the Charity Commissioners
Trustee responsibilities
The report and accounts are the
responsibility of the Trustees not just
the Treasurer!
 The Trustees are accountable for the
way the resources are used
Usually the Elders Meeting are the
Status of finance should be reviewed
The Annual report
It should tell the story of the church
What is the church trying to do
How is it going about it
Content is more defined
Should contain the following sections:
Reference and administration
Structure, governance and management
Objectives and activities
Achievements and performance
Financial review
Plans for future periods
Statement from Auditor/Examiner
The Annual Report - 1
It must contain:
Administration details
– The name of the church or charity
– Charity Registration number (if applicable)
– The address of the church and for
correspondence if different
– The names of the trustees
 Usually the serving elders
 Including those retiring and appointed
during accounting period & up to approval
The Annual Report - 2
The constitution or legal framework
Appointment of trustees
Objectives and purpose
Achievements and performance
The URC Acts
Numbers or members, average attendance
Special events
Purpose of special or designated funds
Reserves policy
The accounts and report should be
presented and approved by Elders or a
church meeting
Size of accounts
Based on greater of income or expenditure
Up to £10,000
£10,000 to £100,000
Accrual accounting, statement of financial activities plus
balance sheet; independent examination
Over £250,000
Receipts and payments and assets and liabilities;
independent examination
£100,000 to £250,000
Receipts and payments and assets and liabilities; no
independent examination
Accrual accounting, statement of financial activities plus
balance sheet; audit
Smaller churches can use accrual accounting; larger
churches must use it
Book keeping
Keep it simple
Show all transactions as gross
Separate funds
Keep records for EVERY transaction
Reconcile against bank statements
Take care over cash handling
Receipts and payments
Must include all funds of church
including those of sub-groups
 Simply adds all common transactions
for the year
 Classifications for income:
Planned giving; gift aid; grants; money raising;
letting; investment income; other income
For expenditure
M&M; charitable giving; ministry expenses;
manse costs; building maintenance; worship
costs; capital expenditure; other costs
Assets and liabilities
Must include ALL assets and all accounts
Cash and bank deposits
Other monetary assets
Fixed Assets
Loans; tax claims made; unpaid accounts
Buildings; manses; equipment; cars;
Amounts owed but not paid
Special collections not forwarded
Grant commitments
Loans & hire purchase
Accruals accounts
Income and expenditure related to
accounting period
 Must include
Keep funds separated
Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA)
Balance sheet
Notes explaining policies & details
Endowment, restricted, unrestricted
Show previous year figures for comparison
Not by fund
Statement of Financial Activities
Format is prescribed by Charity
 Income
Voluntary income
Gifts, donations, collections, gift aid, legacies
Grants, gifts in kind
– Details in notes
Activities for generating funds
Fund raising events, fees for weddings, shop
income, lettings
Investment income
Other income
Costs of generating funds
Charitable activities
Maintenance of church and manse
Clergy expenses
Charitable donations
Governance costs
Costs of generating income
Costs of trading
Investment management fees
Audit/examination costs and legal and professional
Other costs
Show any transfers between
 Show any gains/losses on assets
and liabilities (pensions)
 Show funds at start of year,
changes and end of year
SOFA notes
Disclose details of significant spend or
income items
Disclose any payment to trustees
including expenses
Any wages or salary items split
between salary, NI and pension and
average number of staff
If there is a defined benefit pension
scheme details are required
Explanation of any unusual items
Balance sheet
Format is defined by SORP
Must include all assets and liabilities
Fixed assets
Tangible, heritage, investments
– Includes halls, buildings, manses, equipment, cars
Clarity required about depreciation
Current assets
Cash, bank and deposit accounts, investments, debtors
Creditors due within 1 year
Loans and Long term liabilities
Net assets/liabilities
Funds by type
Notes to accounts
Accounting policies should be
set out
 How assets are valued
 Major incoming and outgoing
 Purposes of specific funds
 Authorisation by trustees
The purpose of the report and
accounts is to give a clear picture
of the church
What is happening
 What is good
 Where there are weaknesses
 Actions planned for the future
What is planned
The URC will offer guidance
 The URC will produce shortly a model
Excel spreadsheet for the accounts
Receipts and payments
The Baptist Union has produced draft
guidance notes which are good
 The ACAT document has much
supporting documentation and advice