Grammar Notes - Lake Region Thunder

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Grammar Notes
Avoiding Common Mistakes
The number one reason to proofread your work
before you turn it in is because there are a
number of simple spelling mistakes. Did you spell
correctly? Did you misspell words that are in your
book, in which they clearly show you how to spell
it right? We all make mistakes without realizing
them; double check your work.
There They’re
A location.
People. My
They are.
There is an “I”
show that
In the word and
a letter is missing.
“I” am a person
Sources = Evidence
Providing author and page number gives
credibility to your claims. It shows that experts
agree with your opinion. Use MLA formatting of
sources (Author Page number) when prompted
to cite. Further explanation is found at
Accept vs Except
• Accept: To receive; to allow
Except: To leave out
• Apostrophes are used to show possession, or that
letter(s) have been removed for contractions.
For Example: “They’re” is a contraction of “they are”
Eduardo’s grades need improving.
• If a possessive ends in “s,” the apostrophe comes after
the “s.”
• For Example: Mr. Woods’ desk is messy.
used to show plurals.
“a lot” is two words, not one
“I didn’t know what that
word meant”
This is never a valid excuse. We have dictionaries in
the room. When you are allowed to use your phone, (also has an app) is even faster. You
must look up words if you don’t know what they
mean or have forgotten. Otherwise, you will not be
able to answer your questions correctly or use words
properly when communicating.
It and They are vague
Be specific. “It” and “they” refer to people and
things you have already mentioned previously.
If you have not previously mentioned who or
what these people/things are, you haven’t
explained anything.
Double Negatives do not make a
positive in communication
“They don’t have none” is not the same as
“They don’t have any.” To say , “They don’t
have none” means anything from “They
have one” to “They have any number of
things.” Don’t be vague; be specific.
Plural and Singular Agreement
• When using pronouns such as “it” and “they,”
you need to make sure that your plurals and
singles agree.
• “Robert had a dog. I petted them.” DOES NOT
AGREE. You said one, then you said many. Don’t
be confusing.
• “They was” is plural singular. “They were” stays
plural. Be consistent.
Use the correct word; failure to do so changes
It’s vs its: Contraction vs possession
• “It’s” with an apostrophe • Because “it’s” is already
is used as a contraction.
used for contraction, in
This means it shows that
order to show that a
a letter has been
thing owns something,
removed from “it is.”
“its” without an
apostrophe is for
Parts of speech
• Noun – a person, place, or thing
• Verb – an action done by a noun
• Pronoun- a general reference to a noun, i.e. “it”
• Adjective – describes a noun, i.e. “white”
• Adverb – Describes a verb, i.e. “quietly”
• Proper noun – A formal title for a noun, i.e. “Robert” or “Declaration
of Independence” or “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”
• These are the basics of part of speech. If you don’t know these which
you learn in the beginning of elementary school, review them.
Should of
If you mean to say “should have,” do not say “should
of.” You are mistaking the sound of the contraction
“should’ve” and is best expressed, instead, as “should
have” to be clear.
Slang is not appropriate for
formal writing
Slurs, nicknames, short hand (e.g., &, w/o),
slang (i.e., ratchet), and ending words in “a”
when it doesn’t belong (i.e., shoulda, woulda,
coulda) is not appropriate for formal writing
because they lack clarity of standardized
English, the language of business and
internationally recognized BECAUSE it removes
vagueness and confusion.
When to use it: proper nouns are capitalized, such
as titles and names.
When to use it: At the beginning of a sentence.
When not to use it: ANY OTHER TIME.
Rules for numbers
• Numbers one through twenty should always be written out because
the word is short enough to do so.
• Numbers twenty-one and higher can be written out, but generally are
accepted if written as numbers (21 and up).
• Using commas is standard to avoid confusion in large numbers (1,234
is easier to tell than 1234).
• When else to spell it:
• decades or centuries, i.e., nineteenth century
• Estimations: “Roughly nineteen million….”
• Two numbers next to each other: seven 13-year-olds
• Ordinal numbers: He came in first place.
There are many rules in disagreement when it comes to numbers, but
these are generally accepted as the standard by nearly all.
Do not order your audience to do anything. “You know what I mean?”
and any other usage of “you” in your essay is inappropriate. Do not
make assumptions of your audience.
“Can not” does not exist
Cannot is spelled as a single word. I know, it feels weird because “do
not” is two words. Just remember that for some weird English language
rule, that cannot is a single word.
Hanging words are really
Stop using hyphens at the end of a line to show that you are trying to continue what you are saying. Editors do it save space, writers never do it. It’s poor writing and destroys meaning.
Then, than
Are, our
Then: Refers to time
“I went to the store, then, I went to bed.”
Than: Comparison
“I’m a better gamer than you.”
Are: Plural usage of “to be”
“My students are going to copy these notes.”
Our: Plural possessive
“Our time is now.”
And, But, Because
Words like this are joining words, combining sentences that show
relation to each other. These words should never start a sentence. I do
not want to see any big Buts in your writing.