Transcript Slide 1

Biological Theories of Crime
Biological Theories
Focus on anatomical, physiological, or
genetic abnormalities within the
Deterministic causation vs Free will
Ignore the effect of social
environmental factors in crime
Control==>Cure, treatment
Shifts focus away from act and back to
Biological theories
Crime has been redefined as “sick”
rather than “bad” behavior
“Medicalization” of behavior
(hyperactive children are given
Search for individuals traits rather than
social factors
Fundamental assumptions of
biological theories
The brain is the organ of the mind and the
locus of personality. No theory of behavior can
ignore neurology and neurochemistry
The basic determinants of human behavior are
genetically based
Observed gender and racial differences in
rates and types of criminality may be at least
partially the result of biological differences b/w
the sexes and racially distinct groups
Knowing what you do about trends and
patterns in crime, how would you
counteract the assertion that people
who commit crime are physically
abnormal? For example, how would
you explain that fact that crime is more
likely to occur in western and urban
areas than in eastern and urban
Lombroso’s Theory of Born
Observed the physical characteristics
(head, body, arms, and skin) of Italian
prisoners and compared them to Italian
Concluded that criminals were
physically different
Born criminal is unsuited for society
Inevitably violate social and legal rules
Critique of Lombroso
Theory overlooks the bright and handsome
Theory ignores those who are ugly and live
lives of productive and cooperative labor.
Theory does not look at the variations over
time in crime rates. Since genes change
very slowly, there should be a steady rate of
crime over the centuries. That is not the
case. Crime rates vary dramatically.
Critique of Lombroso
He was studying the very poor - people
whose physical development had been
affected by poverty, poor nutrition
Not everyone who breaks the law ends up in
prison. This type of theorising neglects the
idea that there is a "grey area" of criminality people who commit crimes but who are not
caught and therefore not imprisoned.
Critique of Lombroso
Particular groups in any society may
possess the power to either "hide"
their deviance or - more probably escape having their behaviour
classified / labelled as deviant in the
first place
In this respect, Lombroso's research
was hopelessly biased
Charles Goring (1913)
Junior medical officer in the English prison
Tested the concept of “born criminal”
He used statistical analysis to determine the
presence of 37 Lombrosian characteristics in the
criminal population (2,348 convicts)
Compared criminals with “non-criminal public”
(undergraduate students, soldiers, inmates of
two separate hospitals)
Findings: no evidence of a physical type criminal
Body Types
Criminality is explained by reference to
the offenders’ body types. Genetics, or
external observable physical
Ernst Kretschmer
“biopsychological constitutional typology”
Cycloid personality, associated with heavy,
soft type of body, lacks spontaneity and
sophistication. Commit mostly non violent
property crimes
Schizoids (athletic body type) commit
violent types of offenses
Displastics (mixed group) are highly
emotional, unable to control themselves,
commit mostly sexual offenses and other
crimes of passion.
1949: William Sheldon:
"Varieties of Delinquent Youth"
Endomorph: fat, round--Psych: luxury,
sloth, consumption.
Ectomorph: frail, skinny, gangly--Psych:
introverts, cunning, stealth.
Mesomorph: large, strong, hard--Psych:
active, dynamic, assertive, forceful.
Endomorph, Mesomorph,
Study-200 boys, Hayden Goodwill Institute.
7 point somotyping scale, 650 psychological
attributes. Disproportionately mesomorphic-more prone to delinquency.
Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck (1950's): 800
adjudicated delinquents/matched sample of
non-delinquents==> delinquents more likely
to be mesomorphs.
Maybe need a tough body to gain
acceptance/survive on the streets.
Body type and social meaning--the
boys were already judged to be
Body type can change over time
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (brain dysfunction)
Lack of attention, impulsivity,
Blue, green - areas of low metabolism
3% of children (boys)
Stimulants like Ritalin
Control emotional
The XYY “Supermale”
Patricia Jacobs (1965) examined 198
Scottish prisoners for chromosomal
abnormalities (blood test known
12 member of the group displayed XYY
(only 3.5% of prison population)
1976 Danish study of 4,000 men found that
the incidence of XYY men was less than 1%
in the general male population
The XYY “Supermale”
Crimes for which XYY men were
convicted were not violent ones
There was significant difference
between the XYYs and the XYs in the
conviction for violent offenses
200 studies on XYY males
Supermales are taller than average
male, often standing more than 6’1’’
Suffer from acne or skin disorder
Have less than average intelligence
Come from families with a lower than
average history of crime or mental
Modern Biological Theories
Biochemical (diet, hypoglycemia,
hormones, environmental exposure)
Neurophysiological (brain dysfunction)
Evolutionary theories