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Transcript cs.boisestate.edu

Introduction to
Computer Science 115
Introduction and Attendance
What is a computer program?
Instructions to the computer.
Programming Language
What is a programming language?
Language used to write programs.
History of C
Developed by Kenneth Thompson, Dennis Ritchie
and Brian Kernighan.
Used to write Unix operating system
Bell Labs
Unix was precursor of Linux
Exciting to write an operating system in a language
other than Assembly Language
Named C because it was a version of B
Still important today for writing operating systems
and embedded systems.
Read pp. 3-23, 33-39, 41-64 of Bronson
Read up to Printing Files in “A Guide for Linux ...”
Link off my Computer Science 115 webpage off:
Do lessons 1.1 to 4.1 of vimtutor
You will need a login and password
Use the vimtutor command
Enter and submit program 1
See assignment on my website