Community Prevention Grants Program

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Transcript Community Prevention Grants Program

FY 2015 CBCAP Grant Program
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
CTF’s State CBCAP Team:
Kirk Schreiber, Executive Director
573-751-5147 [email protected]
Laura Malzner, Program Coordinator
573-751-6511 [email protected]
Ken Bopp, Ph.D., Consultant
Bill Holcomb, Ph.D. & Lisa Lloyd, Consultants
Jamie Myers, Consultant
CTF General Information
573-751-5147 [email protected]
About the CBCAP Grant Program:
Established by Title II of the Child Abuse
Prevention & Treatment Act of 1996,
Reauthorized 2010 & administered by ACF
at the federal level.
* Supports state efforts to create networks of
community-based, family-centered,
prevention-focused family resource &
support programs to strengthen families and
reduce child abuse & neglect.
What does collaboration in
CBCAP mean?
The most effective way to meet the challenge of preventing
child abuse and neglect is for all child abuse prevention
and treatment programs, public and private, to work
together in partnership with families and other disciplines
such as social services, health and mental health, substance
abuse treatment services, domestic violence, child care,
early childhood, education, law enforcement and other
advocacy groups in the community to achieve their
common goals.
Funding for FY 2015
 Approximately
$200,000 is available
statewide for two new
CBCAP communities.
 $200,000 is earmarked
for continuing CBCAP
Funding Cycle
Assuming that adequate revenues are
maintained, CTF will be able to offer
second, third, fourth and fifth year funds
to applicants through an annual renewal
application process.
Continued funding is contingent on compliance with grant
requirements, effective implementation and operation, and
progress towards outcomes.
The Missouri Model
Referred to as the Lead Agency Model…
…the model used in Missouri was founded on
the philosophy that providing for a family’s
well-being rests not on one program or a
fragmented patchwork of programs but in
the coordinated efforts of a network of
community-based service providers.
The Missouri Model
Helps communities develop a collaborative and integrated
system for delivering health, family support and social
services to children & families.
Goals are to improve outcomes for families, reduce
costs/duplication, build service capacity/leveraging & to
support providers to reduce the risks of child abuse and
Cornerstone features of the model include a governing
board, a full-time CBCAP coordinator, provider network,
parent leadership opportunities and parenting education.
What is the Lead Agency Model?
• The Lead Agency Model refers to an arrangement
in which one organization or agency, a member of
the CBCAP provider network, volunteers to
assume the responsibility of coordinating the
services of all network providers rendering
services to a specific family as well as direct
service delivery responsibility.
Central Functions of CBCAP Sites
• To facilitate the emergence of an integrated service
network by formulating a collaborative service delivery
• To link service providers together into an operating
• To facilitate inter-disciplinary collaboration by building
policies, processes and protocols.
Lessons Learned through CBCAP
• Leadership – Networks will not be successful without an active &
effective Coordinator (Orchestrator) - Inter-entity and provider
network planning;
• Social Capital (Relationships) – Bonding, Bridging & Linking;
• Lead Agent/Family Support Teams and integrated family care service
• Parent Advisory Councils/Parent Support opportunities;
• Evidence-based and Promising CA/N prevention programs &
The Lead Agency Model Infrastructure
The CBCAP Infrastructure
• The CBCAP network’s value lies in the linking of communitybased organizations & professionals who work interdependently
to prevent child abuse & neglect;
• The institutional base is not the network, but serves to promote
& facilitate the network.
Central Features of CBCAP Planning & Reporting
• Mission & Vision;
• Operational Planning;
• Inter-entity planning – capacity building/operational planning;
• Quarterly Reviews and training & technical assistance;
• CBCAP Process Performance Measures & Family/Child
Critical Dimensions of Network
Governance & Project Work
• Creating value for CBCAP partner organizations &
• Leadership in building relationships among organizations
& professionals to create value in reducing families’ risk of
maltreating their children and increasing family & child
protective factors
• Co-developing network operational values & principles
Critical Dimensions of Network Governance &
Project Work, con’t…
• Co-building of Provider Network capabilities & capacity to
serve at-risk families
• Co-shaping Provider Network ecosystem to promote
family/child well-being
• Co-evolving Provider Network processes that enable
collaboration among organizations and professionals
Central Features - Lead Agency Model
Governing Board
Lead Agency/Family Support Team Orchestrator
Provider Network
Lead Agency/Family Support Team Collaborative Model
Integrated, personalized Family Service & Support Plan
Parent Advisory Board or Council
Strength-based family assessment tools & processes
Personalized family service/support plan
Strength-based family assessment tools & processes
Valid & reliable assessment tools to measure family
outcomes (CAPI, PSI, AAPI, Dunst scales, FSQ)
CBCAP Self-directed, Family Support Teams
Families at
Entity &
CBCAP Housing &
Potential Provider Network Services/Partners
• Home Visitation services (PAT, EHS, nurse visiting programs)
• Parent Education (i.e. Child Parent Relationship Training,
Nurturing Parents©, Conscious Discipline©)
• Parent mutual/peer support (i.e. Circle of Parents©)
• Medical/public health
• Mental Health Services
• Domestic Violence programs
• Crisis nursery services
• Child Sexual Abuse Prevention programs
• Food banks/pantries
• Faith community
• Housing Authority
• Local businesses…
SF Protective Factors
• The Lead Agency Model is designed to build a family’s Protective
Factors (PFs). PFs are conditions in families and communities
that, when present, increase the health and well-being of children
and families. They serve as buffers, helping parents who might
otherwise be at risk of abusing their children to find resources,
supports, or coping strategies that allow them to parent
effectively, even under stress.
Parental Resilience
Social Connections
Concrete Support in Times of Need
Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
Social and Emotional Competence of Children
Obtaining the CBCAP Application
The CBCAP Application
can be found at
[email protected]
About the Application
 It is available in Word format.
 Be sure to follow the outline in the application
and include all of the information requested.
 Separate each section with the headings
provided to clearly identify all information.
General Instructions for the
Narrative Questions
 Use plain white paper
 Must be typewritten, no smaller than 11 font
 Separate each section with headings
 Label all attachments
 Follow the requested outline and format
Eligible Budget Categories
Personnel - Salary
Fringe Benefits (capped at 28%)
Capacity Building
Assessment/Care Plan Costs
Operating Costs
Volunteer Time
Unallowable Costs
Capital Expenditures
Contingency or Reserve Fund
Depreciation on assets
Expenses offset by other revenue
sources (supplanting)
 Fines or Penalties
Legal expenses
Lobbying expenses
Interest expense
Contract supplies
Moving/relocation costs
Organizing/Reorganizing costs
Property Taxes
Local Match Requirement
• The CBCAP grant program requires a 20% local
match. This is 20% of the award amount, so a
$100,000 award requires a $20,000 local match.
• 10% of the match must be a cash match
• 10% of the match may be in-kind
About the Flex Pool
Flex pool funds are a small part of the
CBCAP budget dedicated to pay for
families’ needs identified in family care
plans but unavailable through other human
service funding sources. The flex pool
funds can be used as a direct grant or loan
to families to meet imminent needs.
Additional Supporting Documentation
• Any Memorandums of Understanding with or Support Letters
from potential partners or provider network members.
• Needs assessment or other information that supports your
• Current Copy of 501(c)(3) certification
• Organization/Agency Budget for proposed institutional base
When Submitting the Application…
 Mark the “ORIGINAL” application in the upper right-hand corner of the
Cover Sheet.
 Applicants MUST use the forms provided by the Children’s Trust
 The original plus four (4) copies must be submitted to CTF.
 All requested signatures in the application must be original. Stamped or
typed signatures will not be accepted.
 All applications must be signed by the proper individuals. Failure to secure
proper signatures could result in an invalid application.
Application Due Date
Applications must be delivered by :
April 15, 2014
 It is strongly recommended that applicants use a traceable
shipping service that guarantees a delivery date to ensure that
applications arrive timely.
 Applicants will not be contacted if an item is missing from the
application, or if a component is technically incorrect.
Submission Instructions
One (1) original application and four (4)
copies must be submitted.
Applications must be stapled or clipped
together in the upper left hand corner.
Do not place applications in folders.
Applications may be mailed or
delivered to:
Children’s Trust Fund
Truman State Office Building, Room 860
301 W. High Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Children’s Trust Fund
P.O. Box 1641
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Application Review and
Award Process
The Children’s Trust Fund will use a three-part process
for reviewing 2015 CBCAP applications:
 Applications will be distributed to a review panel for review.
 Representatives from finalist will be invited to Jefferson City for
an interview with the CBCAP state team.
 Final recommendations presented for full Board consideration on
June 4, 2014.
Review Panel Scoring
Reviewers will use scoring guides for evaluating applications.
Weighted points are assigned as follows:
Collaboration & Community Readiness………
Community Needs & Assets……….………….
Capacity Building…………………….……….
Transition Plan to Operations…………………
Other documents that will need to be completed:
• Cover Sheet
• Budget Worksheets
• Signed Certified Assurances
20 pts.
20 pts.
40 pts.
20 pts.
Contractual Agreement and
Contract Period
If approved, an Award of Contract will serve as the
contractual agreement between CTF and the applicant.
The contract period for approved projects is:
July 1, 2014
June 30, 2015
Thank you!