The Magnificent Deception – Tripod

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The Magnificent Deception
A condensed review of the video
by the same title and as presented
by Robert Menard
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Construction by Michael H. Keehn
• This presentation is for entertainment
purposes only. No one assumes any
responsibility or liability for any action
taken on the content herein. For the full
presentation on video, perform a search
for “The Magnificent Deception” video with
any online search engine.
Legal vs. Lawful
• Anything ‘legal’ is a creature of the statute.
Anything ‘lawful’ is a creature of the law of
the land, the common law. Therefore a
thing might be legal, but not lawful, and vice
versa. It is of great importance that this
difference is understood. We grow up in a
corporate world, and this is a first step in
finding the world outside the corporate box.
• The idea is to avoid conflict, that is a
contest in court. Therefore the actions you
take are aimed at avoiding this courtroom
contest or conflict. It begins with you
conducting yourself in an honorable and
ethical manner. This will work to your
• The problem that has been created for us
is that we have to wade through the
excrement government has created to find
the diamonds of freedom. But, with some
effort to acquire some knowledge and
understanding, we can accomplish this. It
is up to us.
• We begin by understanding that we are
not a ‘person’. A person is a legal fiction
which is created by government. You may
have a person, but you are not a person.
This understanding is very important to
your success, remember it.
Creating a Legal Person
• A legal person was created with the
registration of a birth certificate. Generally
the birth certificate is registered (not
recorded) with the Bureau of Vital
Statistics. This creates a legal person
which is not you. Therefore, separate your
identity from this legal fiction (person).
• Statutes are the rules or by-laws of a closed
society and they do not apply to you as a
natural man (or woman) of the land. They
apply to your person, the legal fiction that was
created by government through the
registration of the birth certificate. But
government is quite willing to hold your pocket
book and body accountable for this legal
fiction if you give them the opportunity.
• If it is your goal to be a freeman upon the
land, then you must treat government
agents (police, clerks, administrators, code
enforcement personnel) with compassion.
Yes, I know it is difficult when they are
causing you so much grief, but with
knowledge, you will turn that into grief for
them. They are the ones bound by the
rules they’ve created, not you.
• A freeman on the land is a human being in
a common law jurisdiction who has
revoked consent to be represented and
thus governed and thus not subject to any
statutory obligations, restraints, bylaws, or
orders. This is not to be interpreted that
you are without law, for if you harm
someone you can be held accountable.
Social Security Number (U. S.)
Social Insurance Number (Canada)
• It has been ruled that only employees pay
into a retirement plan. Therefore, the
social security and/or social insurance
number is evidence that the holder is also
an employee of the agency from which the
number is issued. In this case the ‘agency’
is the government who will use this
number to put you inside their quick sand
box of statutory rules and regulations.
Roman Law Maxim
• A maxim of Roman Law which carries forth to
today is: “Let he who would be deceived, be
deceived.” Which is to say, if your ignorance
allows you to be deceived, then so be it…
Deception is allowed under the law and it
occurs all the time. So there is truly a price to
pay for ignorance of the law. They should
know, they’ve made certain none of us are
educated in law in public school.
Child / Parent Relationship
• Children are regulated by their parents
who are responsible for them and their
conduct. When the child is no longer
dependent, and no longer a liability, the
child ceases to be a child and now
becomes a responsible adult.
Child / Government-Parent
• If government, with our help, can establish
that we are making it responsible for us,
then a child / parent relationship has been
established, giving government statutory
control of our lives. This is why we must
have permission (license) to do certain
Legal vs. Lawful
• Anything you do with license within the legal
framework of statute law, you must also be
able to do lawfully outside that frame work
without license or else the licensing authority
is licensing unlawful activity. Can you get
license to commit robbery? Can you get
license to commit assault? Anything you can
do with license, can be done lawfully without
license. But only if your assert your right to
do so.
The Question
• The question here proposed is: “Who is
going to be master?” Is government going
to be your master, controlling every aspect
of your life. Or, in the alternative, are you
going to be the master of yourself?
• Remembering that we have been acting like
children in a dependency status, we must
reverse roles. Therefore we must treat the
government agents & employees like
children. With sternness but also with a
measure of compassion. Most government
agents are honorable people, just like you,
remember that and treat them accordingly.
Also remember, they were educated in the
same schools as you.
• If you know what is right, and what is wrong in
their legal frame work, and are willing to
sacrifice (that is be arrested and yet stand up
with honor) they will soon not want to deal
with you. How to stand up and claim your
rights and status is coming. You begin by
noticing the government agent(s) that
everything they are requiring you to do is
done under protest and duress.
What To Question
• When going through a legal process, it is
important that you do not question their
intelligence, their honor, their integrity, or
anything else that can be construed as
condescending, you will fare much better.
Only question the words they are using to
claim authority and their knowledge of
what those words mean.
Bill of Exchange
• “A three party instrument in which the first
party draws an order for the payment of a
sum certain on a second party for payment
to a third party at a definite future time.” –
Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition.
Bill of Exchange - Example
First party – Traffic Cop
Second party – you
Third party – court.
Therefore a traffic citation is a “Bill of
Exchange” and you are due the original,
not a copy, and yes, this will put the officer
in a bind.
Accept Everything
• Accept everything a government agent
or officer wishes to give to you. Yes, you
know it’s a mud pie, but you don’t want to
make the individual cry, so you accept it.
Now they are going to be able to eat this
mud pie with you, and the next frame tells
Set Your Conditions
• You accept the mud pie because you don’t
wish conflict, but you set your conditions.
You will note at least two conditions under
which you accept it (Under protest, under
duress). Under protest because you don’t
want to do business with this individual,
and under duress because individual is
clothed in authority of government and
maybe has a hand gun.
• Duress might also occur because you
have your family with you and they have
no other means of getting home unless
you take them home. One or more of
them might be ill and in need of care or
treatment. There are many causes for
duress in a traffic stop or other
government agent intervention.
Accepted for Value
• This process of accepting, is generally
known as “accepted for value”. But it
would be better termed “accepted as
valuable.” It is important to know what can
be accepted as valuable. For example, a
notice has no value and can not be
accepted for value.
Orders are Valuable
• If you place an order at McDonalds, you
are immediately liable for payment of that
order. It is the same everywhere.
Therefore, if a judge (or government) gives
you an order to pay $1000, you have a
right to accept the order and submit a bill
for $2000 or whatever value you feel the
order is worth. They are liable for ‘bills’ as
soon as they give you an order.
Security Interest
• A security interest is anything, tangible or
intangible, which can generate or create an
obligation to either pay or perform a service.
Any document which creates an obligation to
pay or perform a service, is a security
interest. If it is not about a security interest
you don’t even want to talk to them. It is all
about an obligation to pay or perform.
Security Interest Examples
A traffic ticket.
Any municipal violation
A court order.
Any order by a government agent.
• We always have a 3 day grace period on any
transaction of a security interest. This includes
parking tickets, court orders, municipal violation,
etc. During this time, anything that would nullify
or void a contract will also nullify or void ab initio
any transaction of a security interest. But you
must serve notice within three days through a
notary public.
• Ab initio = From the beginning
• Rejection, nullification or voiding a
transaction of a security interest may
occur through mistake, fraud, duress,
coercion, or simply ‘I didn’t want to
contract’. Serve notice within the grace
period. Probably through a notary public.
We have all the power if only we choose
not to remain ignorant and exercise it.
Notices: Step #1
• In civil conflicts of a previous time, judges
always wanted to see the notices. If there
were no notices, the claim was dismissed
because the other party was not noticed
of the understanding or intent. It is an
element of honorable conduct to notice the
opponent. It begins with a notice of
Notices: Understanding & Intent
• If there is a potential conflict, it was
common to issue a notice of
understanding. This is step #1. This is
affected party’s opportunity to discuss the
matter with you. If they do not, then they
accept or share your understanding. Give
them at least ten days to respond.
Step #2
• If they share or accept your understanding,
then you serve them with your notice of
intent. Again, give them at least ten days to
respond from the date they will receive the
notice. They now have an opportunity to
discuss or negotiate this with you.
Step #3
• If they do not contest or dispute your
notice of intent, you then hit them with
your claim of right. They now have at
least ten days to dispute this claim of right
and if they do not, it is cured. You win.
From this point forward, everything you do
within your intent is supported by a claim
of right.
Default Judgment
• If properly pursued, the Notary Public, as a
judicial officer, has the authority to issue a
default judgment. The notary is a witness. A
witness to a process. Before going to court
you offer to mediate, discuss or negotiate. If
they refuse, the notary can enter a default
judgment. Notice of understanding; notice of
intent; notice of claim; default judgment. All
processed through the notary.
Recapping Notary Instructions
• Notary will witness the attestation and
affidavit, a notice of understanding, a
notice of intent, and a claim of right. This
is the notary’s job.
• Notary will open a file in his office and
keep originals of all of these documents.
• Continued . . .
Notary Instruction Continued
• Notary will create certified true copies and
cause them to be served upon the other
party, or Notary will give them to you, and
you will see that they are served and
return a certificate of service to the Notary
• Continued . . .
Notary Instruction Continued
• After serving the claim of right, Notary will
wait ten days from date of service in order
to give the affected party time to accept
the claim silently, or send you a sworn
and attested affidavit created upon their
full commercial liability.
Notary Instruction Continued
• If, within ten days, the affected party
responds with a sworn and attested
affidavit, Notary will notify you of contest.
If there is an absence of contest Notary
will create and sign a default judgment.
• Think how this might be applied. Perhaps
in building a garage without permits.
Notice of understanding; notice of intent;
notice of claim.
Notice of Understanding
• You do not need to have the same level of
understanding as an attorney to construct a
notice of understanding. Whatever level of
understanding you have is sufficient for you
to act upon. If you have determined that the
vehicle code is too confusing and you don’t
understand it, this can be your notice of
understanding. “I don’t understand any of
your words.”
Wash my floor
• The government agent wants you to ‘wash his
floor.’ You don’t see a contract. Agent shows
you his gun. ‘OK, that will get your floor
washed but it’s not a contract.’ ‘Further, you
have three days to show me a contract that
obligates me to wash your floor and gives you
the right to use your gun to compel me to do
so.’ Guess who now gets to determine the
terms of this contract? Be certain to have a
fee schedule ready.
Protest & Duress
• You are always acting under protest and
duress. They (government agents and
police) are required to note this on the
appropriate form (citation or report). If it is
not noted, then note it yourself before
signing. You now have three days to
render it void ab initio. You may also
serve notice that it was not noted as you
Notary Public
• You use a lawyer to win conflict, you use a
Notary Public to avoid conflict. If you use
a notice of understanding, a notice of
intent, and claim of right, you must use a
notary public.
Notary Duties
• They may attest or protest commercial or
other instruments. A notary public also has
the power to create administrative
• A statute is a rule of a society that is given
the force of law. What is the name of your
society? Are you a member? Do you have
evidence or knowledge of being a member?
It is a maxim that if you do not know the
name of a thing, all knowledge of that thing
must perish. If you have no knowledge or
evidence of being a member of a society,
then are you a member? Societies have
Rules (Laws) of a Society
• If a statute is a rule of a society that has
been given force of law and you do not
know the name of the society or have
intentional membership, then how do
these society rules (laws) apply to you?
All the statutes that have been given force
of law, are for the members of that society
• Only they (society members) can make
the rules & regulations. You are not
allowed to pen these. If you go into court,
they claim only they have complete
understanding of these words. Unless you
are a member of that society you can not
understand these words (statutes).
Society Language
• A society can create its own language for its
members and only those members will
understand this language. This can be done
by taking an existing language, say English,
change the meanings of a few words, and
have an entirely new language that only
society members understand. This would be
the statutory laws of the United States.
Magnificent Deception
• The ability to create a language that
sounds like and looks very similar to
English is the Magnificent Deception.
Non-society (non-lawyer) people read the
law, and to them it looks like English, but it
is not. And because these ordinary people
do not know what the words mean, they
find themselves compromised and
obligated by deception.
• These (statutory) rules bind the lawyers,
the judges & the law enforcement
community. It is only necessary for us to
step out of their society box and suddenly,
all of their rules apply to them, and not to
those who have stepped out of the box.
• If asked for your name, do they want a
legal or lawful one? You do not have a
legal name. You have no last name, you
have a family name. John Quincy: Adams
(John Quincy colon Adams – the colon
separates your family name.) Know who
you are!
• You ask, “under what authority are you
acting?” If it is against the law, then what
law? Officer: “The controlled substance
law.” You: “That’s an act and statute, not a
law.” If it were law it would not be
necessary to give it force and effect of law.
• Until you provide ID they have no
evidence that you are a person liable &
obligated under the statute. They can
not win without your help! If they do not
see ID, they can not give you a ticket.
• Ask, “is this a transaction of a security
interest?” If he don’t know then you say,
“clearly it can not be.” You can not engage in
a transaction of a security interest in
ignorance. If this is not a transaction of a
security interest the officer will not be
generating an obligation upon you to pay or
perform, so why are you talking to him? Wish
him a good day and say good-bye
• If the officer says, “Yes, this is a
transaction of a security interest.” You
respond, “you need my consent for such a
transaction and I do not give consent.
Have a nice day, good-bye.”
Upon Demand
• You are not obligated to have an ID card, but
the officer is. Upon demand by you, he must
produce an ID and business card with badge
numbers that matches the number on his
badge. If he doesn’t show you these, he is
out of uniform and you do not have evidence
he is a police officer. If he orders you to do
anything, it is under protest & duress.
• Ask the officer if he is giving you an order.
If yes, good, this makes him liable for a
bill, and your time is $200 an hour.
Drivers License, Registration,
• This is what the officer wants when he
stops you. You respond, “Are you willing
to claim under full commercial liability that
I have an obligation to have such a thing in
order to exercise my common law rights?”
Finding a PERSON
• Law enforcement needs to establish that they
are dealing with a person. For this they need
two things, a last name and a date of birth.
You have no last name, you have a family
name, and you do not know your date of
birth. You only have hear-say knowledge that
you might have been born on a certain date
at a certain time, but you could not prove it in
court, it’s only hear-say.
PERSON Birth Date
• They are looking for a legal fiction, a
person. And they can pin point exactly
when that legal fiction person was born.
But not us. At least till we open our big
mouth and sink our own ship. Remember
the old WWII Navy slogan: “Loose lips sink
ships! ! !”
Subjecting You
• If the officer tries to subject you to a law,
statute or act. . .
• Your question: “What evidence do you
have at this time that I am obligated to this
act, law or statute?”
• When police see there is a person they
can act upon, they will often act very, very
• Many police are aware of the duality, the
person and the natural man of the land
which have similar sounding names.
Many police wish we would grow up, they
are tired of being a NANNY and enforcing
all of these baby laws on us. You may well
find that you get more support than you
would think. But being caustic and
antagonizing will not help you!
• If you are not using your person that day,
leave him home. That way he will not be
found if they search you.
• This ends the recap of “The Magnificent
Deception” by Robert Arthur: Menard. The
video is much better. It may be found and
viewed at:
• Or use a search engine to find the video.