Transcript Document

Mayor’s Budget
Budget Funds
All Funds: $55,213,096
Municipal Lighting Department
Water Fund
Sewer Fund
Parking Special Assessment District
Library Fund
Recreation Fund
General Fund
Municipal Lighting
• Separate from all other funds
o Bills City for Services Rendered by MLD staff
o Billed by City for Services Rendered by City Staff
• Supported by Electricity Customers
o No rate increase in this budget
o Last rate increase was 2010
• Projected Revenue: $ 17,892,481
• Projected Expenses: $ 17,849,314
o Debt Service in Expenses: $1,258,941
o Contribution to Reserve: $ 43,167
Water Fund
• Separate from all other funds
o Supports the Staff of Water Filtration Plant
o Supports some of the Public Works & Engineering Employees
• Supported by Water Customers
o No rate increase in this budget
o Last rate increase was 2009
o Specific Capital Project charges added in 2012 & 2013
• Projected Revenue: $ 3,348,840
• Projected Expenses: $ 3,475,499
o Fund Balance used: $126,609 of $1.8 million
o Debt Service in Expenses: $ 310,450
Sewer Fund
• Separate from all other funds
o Supports the Staff of Water Pollution Control Plant
o Supports some of the Public Works & Engineering Employees
• Supported by Sewer Customers
o No rate increase in this budget
o Last General Rate Increase was 2009
• Projected Revenue: $ 5,525,530
• Projected Expenses: $ 5,785,277
o Fund Balance Used: $ 259,747 of $5 million
o Debt Service in Expenses: $ 18,080
Parking District
• Separate from all other funds
• Supported by Special Assessments
o Former Air Base Oval
o Downtown
o No increase
• Projected Revenue: $ 90,899
• Projected Expense: $ 89,399
o Fund Balance Used: $ 1,500
o Debt Service: $11,245
Library Fund
• Managed by Separate Library Board of Directors
• Supported in part by General Fund Taxes.
• Projected Revenues: $ 963,633
o State Aid: $ 90,779
o Local Grants: $ 5,200
o City General Fund: $ 801,179
• Projected Expenses: $ 938,633
o Debt Service in expenses: $5,000
o Contribution to Capital Reserve: $ 25,000
Recreation Complex Fund
• Supported by General Fund Taxes & User Fees.
• Projected Revenues: $ 1,023,042
o User Fees & Donations: $ 630,400
o City General Fund $ 392,642
• Projected Expenses: $ 1,023,042
o Debt Service: $115,959
City General Fund
• Supported by Property Taxes, State Aid and Fees.
• Projected Revenue: $ 21,550,302
o Local Property Taxes: $10,031,235.64
• Tax Levy up 1.56%; at NYS Tax Cap level.
• Tax Rate: $10.69/$1,000, up from $10.59, less than 1% increase.
o Sales Tax: $ 4,007,581; Down 4.6%
o State Aid: $ 2,877,880; no change
• Projected Expense: $ 23,405,798
o Debt Service in expenses: $1,779,199
o Fund Balance Used: $ 1,855,496
Fund Balance
• Built over several years
o Tough Decisions
o Unsettled Labor Agreements
• Two settled last year; one in negotiations now.
• Recession
o Rapid rise of Retirement Costs
o Sales Tax stagnant
o Property Values dropped
• Fund Balance Used to Bridge to Better Times.
o We
have always seen relief in 2016, have budgeted to get there.
$600,000 Bond Payment Eliminated in 2016
Another $200-300,000 drop in Retirement Costs Expected in 2016
Negotiating Healthcare Changes, $200-400,000
Fund Balance
• Mayor’s draft shows a Negative Fund Balance.
o Based on Conservative Estimates for the rest of 2014.
• The Council’s budget revisions will occur when we know 2014 actuals.
• I expect a strong finish to 2014, but budgeted conservatively
o Budget Contains Embedded Reserves
• It has been between $600,000 and $1,200,000 in recent years
• Healthcare, to be sure we can meet a bad health year
• Emergency Repairs, to be sure we can maintain services
o Not running out of Cash.
• We have $1.5 million in prepaid expenses and committed reserves.
• Across all funds we have $12,000,000 or more in the bank every day.
Embedded Reserves
Budgeted $2.2 million;
expect to use $1.25;
$957,000 “embedded
Budgeted $2.3 million from F.B.,
actually used only $1 million;
$1.3 million “embedded reserve”.
Budgeting $1.8 million from F.B.,
expect to use only $1.2 million;
$665,496“embedded reserve”.
Unappropriated Fund Balance
Bottom Line Choices
• Let Fund Balance “bottom out”
o At a low level, but a reasonably safe level. -$381,785
• Begin to reduce dependence on Fund Balance
o 2014 $ 2.2 million budgeted; 2015, $ 1.8 million budgeted
• Begin to rebuild Fund Balance in 2016
o I don’t want to take money from the Taxpayer’s Savings Accounts to put it into
the City’s Savings Account!
• Begin to restore Community Development Office
o An investment that will yield future revenue.
• Create a staff position to manage Events and to
Coordinate Volunteer Groups’ Efforts.
Battle of Plattsburgh
Fishing Tournaments
First Weekends, etc.
An investment that will yieldfuture revenue.
• Create Municipally-Operated Marina
o An investment that will yieldfuture revenue.