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2005: The European Year of
Citizenship through Education
“Learning and living democracy ”
EDC Project
Project with two phases:
 First phase:
 Definition of concepts
 Inventory of needs
 Production of educational material
 Second phase:
 Dissemination in member states
 Creation of a network of EDC coordinators
 European Year of Citizenship:
 Implementation of the Recommendation Rec (2002)12
of the Committee of Ministers to member states on
Education for Democratic Citizenship
EDC Project
10-11 October 1997 :
Launching of the project “Education for Democratic
Citizenship (EDC) by the Heads of State and Government of
the Council’s of Europe member states at their Second
Aim :
Promote citizens’ awareness of their rights and
responsibilities in a democratic society
First phase:1997-2000
Results :
Increased understanding of EDC concepts, practices
and methods
Successful co-operation and analysis of citizenship sites
(grass-roots projects) in communities and schools
Production of various studies and teaching material
Creation of a large network of decision-makers,
experts, practitioners, Non Governmental
Organisations (NGOs)
At the political level :
Adoption of the “Resolution on results and conclusions of
the completed projects” that includes the draft common
guidelines on EDC (Cracow 2000)
Second phase : 2001-2004
Objectives :
 Apply the results of the first phase into policies and
 Focus the programme of activities on four pillars:
EDC policy development
Creation of a network of EDC coordinators
Communication and dissemination
Preparation of the 2005 European Year of Citizenship
through Education
Result at the political level:
 Recommendation Rec (2002)12 of the Committee of
Ministers to member states on Education for Democratic
Target groups :
All age groups and all social classes
Policy makers and local authorities
Teachers, trainers, pupils, pupils’ parents and specialists
in the education sector
NGOs and communities
Working methods and activities :
Dissemination activities
Organisation of conferences, seminars and
implementation of training activities, study visits
and exchange
2005 – The European Year of Citizenship
through Education
13 and 14 December 2004
Sofia, Bulgaria
Launching of the “Year”
Objectives of the “Year”:
 Promote the implementation of Recommendation Rec (2002)
12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on
education for democratic citizenship
 Bridge policy and practice by empowering policy makers and
practitioners at all levels to set up and develop sustainable
programmes for EDC and Human Rights Education (HRE)
 Raise awareness, strengthen the commitment of member
 Provide member states with a framework and tools
 Encourage the development of initiatives and partnerships to
promote EDC and HRE
And… share the wealth of knowledge
Who is the “Year” for?
Education policy deciders
Multipliers and professionals
Target groups broadened to higher education
Decision-makers at local level, and civil society
General public in awareness raising activities
to deal with:
 Human Rights and peace education
EDC/HRE teacher training
Tolerance and anti-racism
Intercultural dialogue in education
Equality between women and men
Minorities, terrorism and security in Europe
Organisation of the “Year”
at the Council of Europe
 Ad hoc Committee of experts (CAHCIT) (15 members)
 Steering Comittee for Education (CDED)
 Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research
 Steering Committee for Human Rights
 EDC Steering Group
 EDC coordinators
 Joint Council on Youth
 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
 Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council
of Europe
Organisation of the “Year” (continued)
 Different sectors of the Council of Europe, notably the entire
DG IV (Directorate General – Education, Culture and
Heritage, Youth and Sport)
 Governments
 International and intergovernmental Institutions (European
Commission, UNESCO, OSCE (Organisation for Security and
Co-operation in Europe), OHCHR (Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
 NGOs
Activities carried out by the Council of Europe
 Dissemination of information and publications in member
states through
CoE information Centres
 Coordinating committees
 EDC Pack (Tool 1 on key issues for EDC policies, Tool 2 on
democratic governance in education, Tool 3 on teacher
training for EDC and HRE and Tool 4 on quality assurance and
self-evaluation in EDC
 Coordinators meeting in Dubrovnik (14-16 April 2005) on:
 sustainability of EDC
 Tools 3 and 4 of the EDC Pack
 Conference on the role of NGOs in the field of EDC in Warsaw
(21-24 April 2005) to encourage increased co-operation
between formal and non-formal education
 Teacher training Conference in Strasbourg (15-17 June 2005)
 Special website on the “Year” with links to the national
Activities carried out in member states :
training courses, seminars, conferences, workshops and
round-table discussions
innovative public awareness events (lectures, exhibitions
and press campaigns or similar programmes addressing
a wider public)
competitions for pupils and students and video
competitions on EDC
creation of networks and development of databases
creation of coordinating committees
translations and dissemination of EDC materials
Consult the EDC website:
Evaluation of the 2005 European Year
of Citizenship through Education
 Organisation by the Council of Europe of an
Evaluation Conference “Learning and living
democracy: the way ahead” in Bucharest on
27-28 April 2006 to take stock of the “Year”
and to launch a new phase of the EDC project
To conclude :
“Vision without action is just a dream
Action without vision is a waste of time
Vision with action can change the world”
Nelson Mandela
For more information
EDC Division
Directorate General IV, Education, Culture
and Heritage, Youth and Sport
Division for Citizenship and Human Rights
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 35 29
Fax: + 33 (0)3 88 41 27 88
Agneta Derrien: [email protected]