Islam: What We Should know as Christians

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Transcript Islam: What We Should know as Christians

Demystifying Islam & Judaism

1 5 “ B E W A R E O F F A L S E P R O P H E T S , W H O C O M E T O Y O U I N S H E E P ’ S C L O T H I N G , B U T I N W A R D L Y T H E Y A R E R A V E N O U S W O L V E S .

1 6 Y O U W I L L K N O W T H E M B Y T H E I R F R U I T S . – M A T T H E W 7 : 1 5 - 1 6

Our Goal in Learning Comparative Theology

  So we can grow and understand beliefs other than ours to gain an appreciation for our neighbors and to strengthen our faith in our Lord Jesus We learn the TRUTH    IT IS NOT TO WIN DEBATES IT IS NOT TO MAKE FUN OF OTHERS IT IS NOT TO RAISE US UP OR PUT OTHERS DOWN

General Introduction to Judaism

     The central religious belief of Judaism is that there is only one God. Monotheism was uncommon at the time Judaism was born, but according to Jewish tradition, God himself revealed it to Abraham, the ancestor of the Jewish people. Beginning with Abraham, God has always taken special care of the Hebrews (who would later become the Jews). After rescuing them from slavery in Egypt, God revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses, and many more religious and ethical guidelines in the Torah ("the Law").

After Moses, God sent many prophets to bring Israel back from their sins

General Introduction to Islam

 

Islam does not mean “peace” or “salam.” it means submission Muslims hold that Islam is essentially the same belief as that of all the messengers sent by God to mankind since Adam, BUT the Qur'an (the one definitive text of the Muslim faith) codifying the final revelation of God. Islam views Judaism and Christianity as incomplete derivatives of the teachings of certain prophets—notably Abraham and therefore acknowledges their Abrahamic roots, whilst the Qur'an calls them People of the Book.

Who is Mohammad?

          Born approximately 570 AD in Mecca At age 9 (or 12) was orphaned and raised by Uncle At 25 was hired by widow (Khadija, 40) and were married for 24 years than she died He spent time with an Arian monk and studied old and new testament At age 40, while taking retreat he claims angel Gabriel appeared to him and proclaimed god’s word (Koran) Early in his work only gained small number of followers and was mocked then went on pilgrimage to Medina and there was able to convert many tribes including 3 Jewish tribes. He and his followers went back to Mecca to war with them but lost When the Meccans tried to take over Medina they lost and all of Mecca was slaughtered and converted to Islam. By the end of Mohammad’s life all of Arabia was converted to Islam 100 years later spread around the world mainly by political gains and military battle of the Caliphs (many brutal per historical accounts)

Six Major Beliefs

Belief in the Oneness of God: Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things, and that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God has no offspring, no race, no gender, no body, and is unaffected by the characteristics of human life.

Belief in the Angels of God: Muslims believe in angels, unseen beings who worship God and carry out God's orders throughout the universe. The angel Gabriel brought the divine revelation to the prophets.

Belief in the Books of God: Muslims believe that God revealed holy books or scriptures to a number of God's messengers. These include the Quran (given to Muhammad), the Torah (given to Moses), the Gospel (given to Jesus), the Psalms (given to David), and the Scrolls (given to Abraham). Muslims believe that these earlier scriptures in their original form were divinely revealed, but that only the Quran remains as it was first revealed to the prophet Muhammad.

Belief in the Prophets or Messengers of God: Muslims believe that God's guidance has been revealed to humankind through specially appointed messengers, or prophets, throughout history, beginning with the first man, Adam, who is considered the first prophet. Twenty-five of these prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last in this line of prophets, sent for all humankind with the message of Islam.

Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgment, humans will be judged for their actions in this life; those who followed God's guidance will be rewarded with paradise; those who rejected God's guidance will be punished with hell.

Belief in the Divine Decree: This article of faith addresses the question of God's will. It can be expressed as the belief that everything is governed by divine decree, namely that whatever happens in one's life is preordained, and that believers should respond to the good or bad that befalls them with thankfulness or patience. This concept does not negate the concept of "free will;" since humans do not have prior knowledge of God's decree, they do have freedom of choice.

5 pillars






The creed or statement of belief: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.” The ritual prayers performed five times a day facing Mecca.

Alms giving, offering 1/40 of their income for the needy.

Their observance of Ramadan where they fast during the daylight hours.

Their pilgrimage to Mecca required of all Muslims before death



Jews and Muslims believe in the same God as the Christians

 We do all believe in One God

BUT We believe in the Holy Trinity

   

God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit Three persons in One Essence

I and My Father are one. Jn 10:30



 Muslims believe in Jesus Yes and no 1.




According to the Qur'an Jesus is the Christ, the son of Mary, born of a virgin, the Messenger of God. Further, that Jesus was given the Gospel as a Book from God, and Jesus came to confirm the Torah, and also to permit some of what was prohibited upon the sons of Israel for some reasons. It also teaches that Jesus Christ is a Word from God, and a Messenger sent by Him.


They do not believe that he was crucified and therefore did not rise and therefore did not save us from our sins.



Surah 4:157 says: but they killed him not, not crucified him, but was made to appear to them, and those who differ therin are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge.

Later states that Allah tricked everyone by disguising someone else in His place.


Also they do not believe that He is the Son of God but rather a prophet

A Bit of History

      In 325 AD the Counsel of Nicea met to discuss the view of Arius The Arian concept of Christ is that the Son of God did not always exist, but was created by—and is therefore distinct from—God the Father.  This belief is grounded in the Gospel of John (14:28) passage: "You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." St. Athanasius stood his ground and Arius was excommunicated. Foundation of Nicene Creed Sects that stem from Arianism: Unitarians, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (MORMONS), Jehovah's Witnesses, Iglesia ni Cristo and some sects within Branhamism Mohammad adopted much of his view in Christ from this ideology



 Muslims believe in the Bible 1.


Yes and No Muslims are required to accept the Books of the Jews and Christians.  Sirah: 5:47: Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein.

BUT The Koran and the Bible are in stark contrast regarding Jesus and the events of the old and new testaments.

  For example: Muslims say Jesus did not say He was the Son of God The answer most Muslims say for this is that the Bible is lost in translation so this is why the Koran is only accepted in Arabic



 Islam a religion of peace Yes and no  Surah 2:190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, and do not transgress; for Allah loveth not transgressors.


Surah 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Surah 8:12 "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah." Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)



Men and women are treated equally in Islam  No          Surah 2:228 And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women. Surah 16:97 Who so does that which is right, and believes, whether male or female, him or her will We quicken to happy life.


Surah2:223 Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like Surah 4:3 And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession.

Surah 4: 11 The share of the male shall be twice that of a female Surah 4:24 And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands [as

prisoners of war]

Surah 2:220 And if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband divorces her. [In that case] there is no harm if they [the first couple] remarry Surah 33:50 O Prophet, We have made lawful to you those of your wives, whose dowers you have paid, and

those women who come into your possession out of the slave—girls granted by Allah, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have migrated with you, and the believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet may desire her. This privilege is for you only, not for the other believers

Surah 4:34 If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus



Said Allah does not love those who reject Islam.

(Qur'an 30:45, 3:32, 22:38) Said God loves everyone.

(John 3:16)

"I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"

(Muslim 1:33)

"He who lives by the sword will die by the sword."

(Matthew 26:52) Stoned women for adultery.

(Muslim 4206) Permitted stealing from unbelievers.

(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764) Permitted lying.

(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

(John 8:7)

"Thou shalt not steal."

(Matthew 19:18)

"Thou shalt not bear false witness."

(Matthew 19:18)

Owned and traded slaves.

(Sahih Muslim 3901) Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.

(Sahih Muslim 4390) Murdered those who insulted him.

(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241) "If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him" (Qur'an 2:194) Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.

(Muslim 4645) Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.

(Bukhari 5:268, Qur'an 33:50) Slept with a 9-year-old child.

(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236) Ordered the murder of women.

(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995) Neither owned nor traded slaves.

Beheaded no one.

Preached forgiveness.

(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38) "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:39) "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God" (Matthew 5:9) Was celibate.

Did not have sex with children.

Never harmed a woman.

"O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

(Qur'an 9:123)

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

(Matthew 5:5) Ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years.

(Ibn Ishaq ) Killed captives taken in battle.

(Ibn Ishaq 451) Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.

(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur'an 4:24) Ordered no military campaigns, nor offered any approval of war or violence.

Never took captives.

Never killed anyone.

Never encouraged rape.

Never enslaved women.

Demanded captured slaves and a fifth of all other loot taken in war.

(Qur'an 8:41) Was never tortured, but tortured others.

(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)

"And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"

(Qur'an 8:39) Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man (al-Tabari 1440)

"The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve."

(Matthew 20:28) Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.

"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

(Matthew 5:44) Healed a blind man (Mark 8:28)

Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Islam.

(Bukhari 47:743) Washed his disciples feet.

(John 13:5) What are the Greatest Commandments?

"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"

(Muslim 1:149) What are the Greatest Commandments?

"Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself."

(Matthew 22:34-40) Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship (Qur'an 4:102) Chastised anyone attempting to defend him with force.

(John 18:10-12) Died fat and wealthy from what was taken from others in war or demanded from others in tribute.

Advocated crucifying others.

(Qur'an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)

According to his followers:

Had others give their lives for him.

(Sahih Muslim 4413) Demanded nothing for himself.

Died without possessions.

Was crucified himself.

According to his followers:

Gave his life for others.

(John 18:11 and elsewhere)

A Holy Man’s Perspective

  "There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist. They are descended from Ishmael, who was born to Abraham of Hagar, and for this reason they are called both Hagarenes and Ishmaelites. They are also called Saracens, which is derived from Sarras kenoi, or destitute of Sara, because of what Hagar said to the angel: 'Sara hath sent me away destitute.' These used to be idolaters and worshiped the morning star and Aphrodite, whom in their own language they called Khabár, which means great. And so down to the time of Heraclius they were very great idolaters. From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.“ Saint John of Damascus in his "Critique of Islam"

Why is Judiasm NOT the truth?

It is only a partial truth

 Still searching for the Messiah  No prophets in over 2000 years  They believe in One God but not the Trinity  Jesus fulfilled over 300 old testament prophecies

Why is Islam NOT the Truth?

      Compare the lives of the prophets vs. Mohammed  Mohammed’s revelations benefitted him rather than God’s plan There is no credibility in Islam  There is no completion of God’s plan in Islam rather a confusing non coherent set of conditions that are stated as revelation to one man God’s justice and mercy are not in line in Islam Islam contradicts the Torah and Bible and Muslims claim that these books are lost and now only preserved in the Koran By stating that people of the Book also have the truth contradicts itself.

Islam does not claim that God is love, actually god has 99 names none of which is love (they claim he is loving but not that he is love which is conditional)

Why is Christianity the Truth?

    Jesus is the perfect show of God’s mercy and justice Jesus fulfilled over 300 old testament prophacies (probability is 1 in 10 17

) Jesus gained nothing from His ministry other than death. He was the perfect sacrifice without sin (even the Koran agrees he was without sin) Jesus is the perfect show of love and God is love.


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.


You will know them by their fruits.–Matthew 7:15-16