Transcript HARPER LEE

Basic Information
 Nelle Harper Lee, who was born on April 28th, 1926, is an
American novelist that is internationally known for writing
the book, “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
This book dealt with different issues of racism, which she
observed growing up in her hometown, Monroeville, Alabama.
“To Kill a Mockingbird,” was first published in 1960 and has
become one of the classics of modern American literature.
Harper Lee has gained many extremely important prizes, like
the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the 1962 Pulitzer
Prize. Although TKAMB is her only published book, she has
become a very important and influential writer due to the
book’s huge success.
She currently is 86 years old and live in between New York
City and her hometown.
Before “To Kill a Mockingbird”
 Harper Lee grew up during the Great Depression in
Monroeville, Alabama.
 Lee went to the University of Alabama from 19451949. She even transferred to Oxford, but 6 months
before graduating she dropped out and went to New
York to start her literary career.
Key Fact
 Lee was the daughter of a respected small-town
attorney. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee talks about
how the character Atticus Finch tries to defend a
black man that was being charged for raping a white
woman. Her father tried to give the man a fair trial
and good representation; however, he was not
successful. This trial is similar to a trial Harper’s
father was working on when she was a child. Amasa
Coleman Lee (her father) tried to defend a black man
and his son who were accused of murdering a white
storekeeper. Unfortunately, Amasa failed and both
his clients were hanged.
During “To Kill a Mockingbird”
 A lot of Harper Lee’s childhood reflects on the book. She
grew up during the Great Depression and used her
memory of it to write her book.
 During the Great Depression there was a lot of racism in
Alabama due to the fact that there were a variety of more
African Americans.
 ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ shows a lot of racism and the bad
outcomes of racist thoughts. Lee’s childhood really
reflects on her book, since it was something she lived
very closely with.
 Many of the characters in the book are actually based on
people Lee knew from her childhood. For example, the
character Dill is based on Truman Capote, Lee’s
childhood friend and neighbor. The main character of the
book, Scout, is based on Harper herself.
After “To Kill a Mockingbird”
 After TKAMB Harper Lee went to
Kansas to assist Capote on an article
of a murderer of a small family.
Later on Capote expanded the article
and it became a best seller in 1966 "
In Cold Blooded".
 After that Harper Lee wasn't seen in
public much and since then hadn't
published anything. However she
did work on an unfinished book
called "The Long Goodbye".
On 2011 she was interviewed, she
said she was wheelchair bound,
suffering from memory loss and old
age. She also told the interviewer why
she never would write again: "Two
reasons: one, I wouldn't go through
the pressure and publicity I went
through with To Kill A Mockingbird
for any amount of money. Second, I
have said what I wanted to say and I
will not say it again."
Extra Facts
 On 1962 the adaption of TKAMB has become one of
the best book to film ever made.
 In Virginia they tried to ban TKAMB from school for
"immoral literature".
 On 1983 when Lee went to Alabama History and
Heritage Festival she presented an essay called
"Romance and High Adventure"
 May 7, 2006 was the day in which Lee wrote a letter
to Oprah which was later published on Oprah's
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