Transcript Document

It’s 21



It’s a Mod ..Mod .. World….!!

Every thing computer controlled…!!.


Computer controlled

Health Care –

Computer controlled


Computer Controlled

Cars –Engine, Interiors –

computer controlled

House hold equipment –

Computer controlled

Work Area –

Computer controlled

Computer Controlled ??!!

Did we see any


these machines??



None of them had computers in them!!


We accept these gadgets are



Why ? !!

 Because it’s hardware, architecture, algorithms or other aspects owe allegiance to a


Now.. Take this…

Mathematics owes allegiance to Vedam

Mathematics in Vedam

      

‘ Ganita ’ the term, is derived from the root ‘ gana’, enumerate. ‘ Raashividya’ is used for mathematics in which means to count or to Chhandogya Upanishad (7.1.2). Shuklayajureda reveal the knowledge of odd numbers and tables (18/24,25).

The Brahmana texts like ; ‘ekasmai svaha, dvabhyam svaha, tribhyah svaha’ reflect the vedic concept of arithmetical progressions.

Pingala sutra discourses on the calculation of squares and square roots.

Brahma-sphuta square and cube roots, interest, progressions, geometry and simple algebraic identities.

siddhanta’ covers very briefly the arithmetical operations, Lilavati, Bijaganita of Bhaskaracharya, Ganitasarasangraha of Mahaviracharya, Trishati of Shridhara, Bijaganita of Narayan are some prominent treatises on Indian Mathematics based on Veda sutras.

Chemistry, Alchemy, Medicine… owe allegiance to Vedam

Chemistry, Alchemy, Medicine… all from Vedam

      Advanced chemical science have distinct feature in the Vedic contents like the Brahmanas .

The knowledge of chemistry was current since the Vedic era, praising Agni (The fire), as we see in the first


of the


. The chemical action was known as the



Metallurgy, one of the main branches of chemistry has remained as the central key to all the civilizations owes inputs to Vedas. Infact, the basic idea of smelting is the

Rig vedam.


Caraka Sath Samhita

mentions how to prepare sulphuric acid, nitric acid, the oxides of copper tin and zinc, the sulphate of copper, zinc and iron and the carbonates of lead and iron. The weapons mentioned in the


actually the products of Chemistry.

and the



Architecture, Civil Engineering, Town Planning... Owe allegiance to Vedam

Architecture, Civil Engineering, Town Planning... from Vedam

   Mayamata, Manasara, Vishvakarma - VastuShastra, Samaranganasutradhara, Aparajita - Priccha, Manasollasa, Prasadamandana, Shilparatnam etc. are treatise on Architecture based on Vedic hyms.

There are innumerable references in Rigveda indicate a very advanced Vastushilpa.

which The Vedic deities Mitra and Varuna are described residing in a great palace with thousand pillars and thousand gates.

Engineering, Automobile, Weaponry.. Owe Allegiance to Vedam

Engineering, Automobile, Weaponry.. All from Vedam

The samarangana-sutradhara describes three classes of yantras  (i) yana yantra – chariots, conveyances like vimanas and   (ii) udakayantra – water machines dharayantra, – variyantra and (iii) sangramayantra – weaponary - like Agneyastra, Varunastra, bhushundi, shataghni, sahasraghni etc.

Astronomy, Astrology… Owe allegiance to Vedam

Astronomy, Astrology… All from


   The word ‘Nakshatradrashta’ is used for an Astronomer in


(30/10) and ‘Nakshatravidya’ for Astronomy

Chhandogya Upanishad


in Many stars are mentioned in Aitareya Brahmana causes day and night.

Atharvaveda . We also find natural scientific observations regarding the course of the planets. The (3/44) says that the sun actually neither rises nor sets but through earth’s revolution round the sun, The Astronomy is closely associated with astrology and both owe allegiance to the Vedam

Vedam has always been the root of all knowledge base in this world.


 Be it.. Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Alchemy, Metallurgy, Medicine, Astrology, Astronomy, Sociology, Physiology, Psychology…  Of course now universally known Eastern Philosophy (Vedic Philosophy), Yoga, Astrology and Ayurveda… Vedam has been the root of all knowledge base


– The Knowledge Timeless & All encompassing

No Wonder

faith in Vedam why our ancestors had complete 

No Wonder

why our seers always studied the Vedam and followed it.!!

No Wonder


why a few still hold Vedam in high 

No Wonder


why India is looked up for its

But !!....The Wonder of Wonders!!!

 Most Brahmanas don’t take up Veda Adhyayanam, in fact they are discouraged !!!

   It is in fact never an option for a Brahmana bramachari?!!

Most of us don’t find the relevance of


in our life !!!

Tch! Tch!, we don’t even realize that we miss it !!!

Wonder Why??

  



: ‘

not meant for me’

… ‘

Those were olden

…. ‘

very tough’

….. ‘

No practical use’


Tough living conditions’

in Veda Patashala

Social Stigma

background)…’we don’t want our boy to be a Shastrigal’… ‘change of

eating habits



‘won’t suit us’ (social/cultural



dressing and

Practical scope prove it for


difficulties Vedam???’ :

Where/What is the

…. ‘How to make a

respectable living


’ ‘Is it a proven path?

Can you

Now Wonderful!!!!


Veda Adhyayanam for kids is possible even in the pristine form…now with…     Con-current secular education Children pass out 8 Patashala itself th and 10 th in Patashalas class while in Bridge/Finishing School to enable pass 11 an interface with the present world.

th and 12 th class and at the same time enable finishing touch for Help for furthering Vedic / Modern education and to pursue vocation apart from Purohityam but lead a Vedic life style .


Proposals are being readied for 1.

Vedic Scholars to interact with present day Research Scholars on various subjects to identify

more intensive research in Vedam with modern scientific temper



Vedic scholars to take up atleast graduate degrees in conventional subjects and

teach in present day primary and secondary schools with a Vedic touch


Research on

Vedam as a means of education

secondary grades initially for primary, 4.



more conventional jobs suitable for a Vedic life style .

which would be Vedam a way of life

for people who are willing to exert themselves … and more…

Let’s make Vedam relevant in our life!!

    Look, perceive and appreciate


in your everyday life - the ancient but also the timeless knowledge.

Modern is not Western… – Appreciate


- the traditional and timeless wisdom.


Veda Adhyayanam for your child

– the treasure for holistic future Seek to lead a Vedic life, Vedic life style and initiate yourself in traditional wisdom.

How? When? Where?

Contact email id [email protected]


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