Motivation to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome: How can

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Transcript Motivation to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome: How can

Motivation to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome:
How can exercise help?
Timothy L. Burrows, Jr.
Brooks YMCA-Wellness Director
M.S. Exercise Physiology
What is Metabolic Syndrome?
• Abdominal obesity “Apple Shape”
• Hyperlipidemia
• Low levels of HDL cholesterol
• Hypertension
• Type II diabetes
*Having 3 of the 5 CHD risk factors =
Metabolic Syndrome*
Who is at risk for Metabolic
• Approx. 47 million adults have this disease
• Large connection due to rise in obesity
• Most common in African American/Mexican
American women (Caucasian Men/Women
effected equally)
• Others at risk:
-sibling/parent with diabetes
-family history of diabetes
-family history of polycystic ovarian syndrome
What are the signs/symptoms?
• Typically there are no symptoms
• The risk factors associated linked to
Metabolic Syndrome are:
1.Large waistline
2.High blood glucose levels
3.High blood pressure
*The risk factors associated with Metabolic
Syndrome lead to increased risk of CHD*
How is Metabolic Syndrome diagnosed?
• Based on physical exam and bloodwork
• Must have 3 of 5 risk factors:
1.Waistline: > 35 in. (88cm) for women and >
40 in. (102cm) for men
2.High triglycerides: > 150 mg/dl
3.Low levels of HDL: < 50 mg/dl for women
and < 40 mg/dl for men
4.High blood pressure: > 140/90
5.High blood glucose: > 100 mg/dl
How is Metabolic Syndrome
• #1 way are lifestyle changes!!
- Increased physical activity
- Improved diet/nutrition
- Weight loss
- Smoking cessation (if you do smoke)
- Medicinal treatment is last line of defense
**goals are to reduce CHD risk and prevent
type II diabetes**
ACSM guidelines for physical
• Basic Recommendations:
-Moderate intensity CV exercise 30 min/day,
5x’s/wk or…
-Vigorous intensity CV exercise 20 min/day,
3x’s/wk and…
-8 to 10 strength training exercises, 8-12
reps, 2x’s/wk
*use the “talk test”
*60 to 90 min. physical activity for weight
Physical Activity Pyramid
High Intensity Training improves
Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors
• Small study, four months long, three groups
• Groups: HIT, moderate-continuous, no
• Findings: both exercise groups lost approx.
same weight/inches
*Overall health of HIT group improved and
outperformed measures of M-C group such as:
BP, fasting glucose, HDL, insulin sensitivity, etc.
Motivation…why exercise??
• Exercise gives you energy
• Exercise makes you feel good
• Exercise has many positive benefits:
-improves circulation/blood flow
-improves CV endurance, muscular
strength/endurance, flexibility
-lowers BP, improves cholesterol and body
composition, etc.
Programs to get People Motivated!
• Ready, Sweat, Go/No Time to Waist
• YMCA Wellness Challenges
-March Madness, Grand Slam, YFL
• Body Age Assessments
Y Know Your Numbers…
• Monthly Medical Screenings
-Full lipid panel: Total Cholesterol, HDL,
LDL, TC/HDL ratio, Triglycerides
• Blood Pressure Checks
• Body Composition Analysis
Takeaway Points for Prevention
• Goal is to not have three of the five risk
factors for Metabolic Syndrome
• Many risk factors inter-twine and act
• The majority of risk factors are
controllable; however some are not
• Best defense are lifestyle changes
• If diagnosed, healthy lifestyle changes can
reverse/reduce the risk
Bottom line…
• Make exercise and healthy eating a
• Enjoy exercise and make time for it!!
• When healthy lifestyles become routine
your risks are reduced
Helpful Hints