Detecting Web Spam Created with Markov Chains Text Generators

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Detecting Web Spam Created with Markov Chains Text Generators

Anton S. Pavlov, Boris V. Dobrov, Moscow State University, department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Moscow State University, Research Computing Center, Information resources analysis Laboratory 19.09.2009

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1. Web Spam – Markov chains text generators 2. Proposed Approach – Method overview – Constraints and features – Machine learning 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion 19.09.2009

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Web Spam (I)

• • Web Spam – deliberate actions aimed at unjustifiably raising relevance of some pages in a search engine: – Decreases search quality and performance – Aims at specific algorithms, used by search engines (PageRank, BM25, etc.) – Efficient if mass created → automatically generated Some types of web spam get into search results page (doorways) 19.09.2009

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Web Spam (II)

• Spammers have to create many web pages, that will be indistinguishable from normal pages: – Create texts manually Too Expensive – Copying texts from other sources Duplicates can be detected – Generate texts automatically: keyword stuffing, Markov chains , text modification 19.09.2009

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Markov Chains Text Generators (I)

• Markov Chain – a sequence of random variables, each variable depends only on previous one


1 ,




2 ,...,


 1 

X x





1  • –


1 ,...,


x N

) Can be used as a generative model for texts: States – word n-gramms 




 1 




 – Transitions – probability of seeing a word, after seeing n words

x N



Anton S. Pavlov, Boris V. Dobrov, Detecting Web Spam Created With Markov Chains Text Generator, RCDL'09 5

Markov Chains Text Generators (II)

• • Markov chains training: – Select a collection of documents – Collect probabilities of seeing a word x in every state Generation process: – Use collected statistics to generate a text of predefined length 19.09.2009

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Markov Chains Text Generators (III)

• Resulting texts retain topical coherence and local coherence Again, the prevalence of spam within blog comments. Our work in this paper extend our previous work in this paper approximate what will eventually be perceived by users of search



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1. Web Spam – Markov chains text generators

2. Proposed Approach

– Method overview – Constraints and features – Machine learning 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion 19.09.2009

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Proposed Method (I)

• • Generated texts can simulate only some constraints of the natural texts: – – Local coherence Topical coherence Presumably generated texts violate other constraints: – – Genre coherence Readability – – Diversity Etc… 19.09.2009

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Proposed Method (II)

• • Collect various features: – Style/Genre – Authorship – Readability – Diversity Use machine learning to create automatic spam classifier Readability metrics Style/Genre identification features Authorship identification features Machine learning Automatic spam classifier Text diversity features 19.09.2009

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Genre and Style

• • Part of speech (POS) usage statistics – Especially rare POS statistics Punctuation statistics: – Expressive punctuation («!», «?») – Smileys («:)») – References ([23]) 19.09.2009

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• • • Part of speech statistics Standard deviations of part of speech ratios – Helps identify texts with mixed authorship Sentences with several verbs 19.09.2009

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• Readability metrics: – Average word length – Ratio of long words – Average, minimum, maximum sentence length 19.09.2009

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• • • Zipf’s law:




)  – For words – For stemmed nouns 


 ; 500 300 Compression rates: – gzip – bz2 100 0 1 0 1 200 10 400 Same words occurring in neighboring sentences 600 100 800 19.09.2009

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Machine Learning

• • Extracted 61 features for each document Compared two popular ML algorithms: – SVM – C4.5 + Bagging 19.09.2009

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Decision Trees

• Algorithm based on C4.5: – Each split minimizes informational entropy – Use different subsets of the training set to build a tree and to select it’s weight Avoids overfitting N Spam Gzip compr. ratio > 0.6

– Use bagging to merge multiple weak classifiers 19.09.2009

Anton S. Pavlov, Boris V. Dobrov, Detecting Web Spam Created With Markov Chains Text Generator, RCDL'09 Ham N Y Max sentence length > 32 Y Spam 17


1. Web Spam – Markov chains text generators 2. Proposed Approach – Method overview – Constraints and features – Machine learning

3. Experiments

4. Conclusion 19.09.2009

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• • • • Experiments were conducted on ROMIP By.Web

collection Web spam sources: – – – Rusadult doorway generator (rusadult) doorway generator (doorway_su) Order 2 Markov chains text generator (markov2) Generated 3 training and 3 test sets: – Each contained 10000 By.Web documents ( not spam ) – Each contained 10000 documents from generators ( spam ) Measured precision, recall, and F-measure 19.09.2009

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100,00% 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00%

Detecting Generated Web Spam

P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F P R F 19.09.2009

markov2 doorway_su Anton S. Pavlov, Boris V. Dobrov, Detecting Web Spam Created With Markov Chains Text Generator, RCDL'09 rusadult 20

Real World Spam Examples

• Trained classifiers on texts generated by markov2 generator • Checked if the same classifier can be used to detect real spam – Real spam samples from the Yandex Blog Search – Manually collected 600 automatically generated spam texts – Measured recall on the real spam samples, and F measure on previously used test set • Measured how adding samples of real spam affected classification 19.09.2009

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Real World Spam Examples

Продажа автомашин. Каталог цен! автомобильная акустика Большой выбор, хорошие цены Модель Daewoo Nexia представляет собой последнюю модификацию модели Opel Kadett E. В 1986 году лицензированное производство этого автомобиля началось в автомобильный видеорегистратор Купля продажа авто в Тюмени Много частных объявлений о продаже автомобилей в Тюмени на Новые и. автомобили.


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Detecting Real World Spam

Real spam recall


Test set F-measure

90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% SVM Dtree Training set Training set + spam samples 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% SVM Dtree 19.09.2009

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• • • Proposed a new approach to web spam detection Proved the possibility of detection web spam, generated using Markov chains Detected spam not in the original training datasets 19.09.2009

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• Questions?

The End


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