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Western Carolina University
Office of Human Resources and Payroll
Welcomes you!
Welcome to WCU!
We are glad you are part of the WCU family. This
new employee Basic Orientation Presentation has
several purposes that will benefit you.
What this orientation means to you
A new work environment can be a strange and
confusing place. This Orientation is designed to
provide you with an outline of the facilities you
will be working in, the rules and policies you will
be working under, and the expectations of you
as a WCU employee and what you can expect
from WCU as your employer.
How this orientation is set up
This orientation is divided up into “Sections”. As you will see
some are titled “mandatory”. You are required to review
and prepare an acknowledgement for these mandatory
sections as part of your probationary requirements. Each
of the four mandatory acknowledgement forms are
available from the very last slide of this orientation for you
to print, sign and deliver to the Office of Human Resources
and Payroll - HFR 220 Attention - Training.
You need to allow yourself a couple hours to complete this
orientation. If you start the process and have to stop in the
middle, just make a note to yourself where you left off.
Then when you return, left click anywhere inside the slide
show and you get a pop-up menu that will allow you to “go
to slide” and choose the slide you want to return to.
Tips to navigate the orientation
Other helpful tips:
You can go to “previous slide, next slide or end the slide show” by left
clicking in the show OR run your cursor over the lower left corner of
any slide and you have those options as arrows.
You can go to a particular Section from the Index by clicking on the
Section. To return to the Index – left click anywhere and the pop-up
menu will allow you to choose “go to slide” and choose the “INDEX”
slide you want to return to.
There are separate modules for Sections 9 and 11. As you enter those
presentations – they are stand alone. When you complete one, it will
take you back to the basic orientation slide listing view. Go to the
“slide show” drop down menu at the top of the screen and choose
“view show” – then if you want to jump to the slide you were on before
you started the separate module, left click and choose “go to slide”
from the pop-up menu and choose the slide you want to return to.
INDEX- Section 1 to 5
Section 1 - WCU at a Glance
General information about WCU and the campus
Section 2 - EPA or SPA?
Explanation of the employee types at WCU and where you
fit in
Section 3 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
How this important Department of Labor statute affects
Section 4 - Pay and Leave Policies
Understand your pay and what leave benefits are available
to you
Section 5 - Equal Opportunity and Harassment
Your protections and how to report violations
INDEX – Section 6 to 11
Section 6 - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Understanding what special needs accommodations may be available
Section 7 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) MANDATORY
Employee responsibilities regarding protection of educational records
Section 8 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
Employee responsibilities regarding protection of health care records
Section 9 - Security Awareness – MANDATORY
Employee information and responsibilities concerning WCU computer and
systems use
Section 10 - Confidentiality – MANDATORY
Employee responsibilities regarding protection of confidential information
Section 11 - Export Control – MANDATORY
Explanation of what Export control is and what responsibilities employees have
regarding it
INDEX - Section 12 to 17
The following sections include various WCU subjects and policies that have a
direct bearing on your work at WCU. They are not all inclusive. It is each
employee’s responsibility to read and understand the WCU University Policies
found on the Chancellor’s Web page.
Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18 -
Improper Relationships with Students and
other employees
Violence and Weapons in the workplace
Policies on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Use of State Property
Workplace Safety
Other Miscellaneous Policies of interest to
Fun Stuff ! ! !
WCU at a Glance!
WCU at a Glance!
WCU’s Mission
WCU History
Fast Facts
Campus Services – parking, CatCard, etc.
The WCU Campus virtual tour!
Campus Map
EPA or SPA – what does it mean?
SPA employees are those Subject to the State Personnel Act
(SPA)and include most staff positions
EPA employees are those exempt from the State Personnel Act
and include instructional, research and some administrative
There are several differences between these employee types with
regard to leave, benefits, etc – so it is important you know what
type your position falls under
Either SPA or EPA employees may be exempt or non-exempt
from the Fair Labor Standards Act – this act is explained in
greater detail in the next section of this module and has to do
with minimum wage and overtime
SPA and Career Banding
Career Banding is the position management system currently
used by the University of North Carolina System. The Career
Banding system details the classification of SPA (Staff) positions
as well as how SPA employees are paid, promoted, assessed, and
Positions are classified into broad occupational bands, which
allows for greater flexibility in granting promotions, setting pay,
and career development. The salary structure is based on
internal, regional, and statewide market demands as well as the
skills (competencies) required for the position and the skills
possessed by the employee.
Work planning that includes career development goals are
essential to developing employee’s competencies, which
contributes to developing the workforce.
Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act
Minimum wage
Overtime pay
Child Labor Standards
FLSA governs full-time, part-time,
private, and public employees.
Basic designations of employees:
SPA Non-Exempt
EPA Non-Faculty
FLSA Overtime
Provisions Apply
SPA Exempt
EPA Non-Faculty Exempt
EPA Faculty
FLSA Overtime
Exempt SPA and Exempt EPA Non-Faculty
Are not eligible for overtime pay, compensatory
(comp time) pay.
Must complete monthly leave sheets online to track
use of vacation, sick or other forms of leave.
EPA Faculty employees are Exempt
9/10 month faculty do not earn leave so therefore
they do not maintain leave or time records
11/12 month faculty earn leave and therefore need to
maintain monthly leave sheets online
FLSA and Non-Exempt Employees
Non-Exempt employees who work beyond 40
hours in a workweek may be compensated in
one of the following ways:
Employees accumulate future time off at a rate of one and onehalf hours for each hour worked beyond 40 hours in a workweek.
Employees may be paid at one and one-half times their regular
pay rate for all hours worked beyond 40 hours in a workweek.
Must meet certain criteria and prior approval for pay in lieu of
time off is required.
FLSA and Non-Exempt employees
If Non-Exempt employees travel for business
purposes, and the actual travel takes place
beyond the regular 40-hour week, employees are
granted Equal Time off.
The amount of Equal Time granted equals the
total amount of travel time beyond the normal
40-hour week.
Equal Time can be carried from month to
month and used for future time off.
FLSA and Non-Exempt Employees
Non-Exempt employees may be awarded Shift
Premium Pay if more than half of the scheduled
working hours occur between 4 pm and 8 am on
a regularly recurring basis.
Shift Premium Pay is awarded for all hours
FLSA and Non-Exempt Employees
Non-Exempt employees must submit a Time
Sheet to their supervisors at the end of each
Remember, Time Sheets are official records.
Should not keep alternate or secondary time records
Should not submit Time Sheets that do not accurately reflect the
actual time work.
Should contact the WCU Auditor (227-7116) or Human
Resources (227-7218) if you are instructed to keep time records
that do not accurately reflect time worked.
Pay and Leave Policies
Is the last working day of
the month
Direct Deposit is
Paystubs are distributed
electronically via your
email and MyCat
How do I access my pay stub
In advance of payday, you will receive your direct deposit
notification via email communication from payroll letting you
know when your deposit will happen and what your net pay
will be.
The email communication is generated to you in advance
meaning that your pay will be available to you at the opening
of bank business on the day of payday, not in advance. Only
the notice comes in advance!
Your pay information is also available to you through your
MyCat Account. Instructions on how to navigate your MyCat
pay information are available on the secured HR/Payroll HUB
web site.
What Types of Leave are available to each type of employee?
Voluntary Shared
Adverse Weather
SPA exempt
EPA 12 mo
EPA 9 mo
Vacation Leave
SPA Employees
Vacation Leave
Personal reasons
Personal illness
Illness of an immediate
family member
Voluntary shared leave
12 mo EPA employees
earn 24 days per year.
Years of
Earned Monthly
Days Per
9 hrs, 20 min
5 but < 10
11 hrs, 20 min
10 but < 15
13 hrs, 20 min
15 but < 20
15 hrs, 20 min
20 plus
17 hrs, 20 min
Sick Leave
Employees earn sick
leave at a rate of 8
hours per month (prorated for part-time
Family and Medical Leave
Under provisions of the
Family and Medical Leave
Act, leave may be granted for:
Serious health conditions of the
The birth of a child
The care of a parent, spouse, or
child who has a serious health
Qualifying exigency leave for
families of covered members
Military caregiver leave
Up to 12 weeks (26 wks for
eligible Military care giver) of
unpaid leave, unless using
personal leave for payroll
You must work for the
State for at least 12
months and be in pay
status for at least 1040
Community Service Leave
Employees earn 24 hours of community service
leave to serve the community by doing volunteer
work for
An Example would be
non-profit, non-partisan organizations designated 501(c)(3)
1-hour per week for mentoring or tutoring in the schools (up
to 36-hours per year)
Part time employees earn a prorated amount of
community service leave
Religious and Athletic activities are not eligible
Civil Leave
This leave is granted
for events such as Jury
Military Leave
This leave is granted to
those in service of our
country in one of the
branches of the United
States Military. Carries
specific guidelines
according to the
individual’s military
Other Leave Programs
Voluntary Shared Leave
Full time or part-time permanent employees may
donate unused vacation or bonus leave to other
employees or family members who have been
approved for the program. Immediate family
members may donate sick leave to other immediate
family members.
Leave Without Pay
Adverse Weather
Employees may take Adverse
Weather Leave during periods of
adverse weather and then makeup time lost.
Cannot exceed a 40-hr workweek when
making up time
Time must be made up within one year
If Adverse Weather leave is not
designated as bonus, compensatory or
Leave Without Pay, it will automatically
be recorded as vacation leave
Please review the WCU adverse
weather policy for details
Web Resources
Leave Policy for SPA Employees
Leave Policy for EPA Non-Faculty Employees
Community Service Leave
Leave During Adverse Weather Policy
Leave Benefits for State Employees
Holiday Schedule
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King
Jr.’s Birthday
Good Friday
Independence Day
Labor Day
Christmas Holidays
You may be required to use an additional day of leave during the
Christmas and New Year’s extended holiday period as the
campus is partially closed down for a week at Christmas. Be
sure to plan accordingly! See HR holiday calendar for details!
Time and Leave Reporting
11/12 mo EPA Faculty, EPA non-faculty exempt and SPA
exempt employees complete monthly leave reports thru
Instructions for leave reporting thru MYCAT found on
HR/Payroll HUB web site.
SPA and EPA non-exempt employees prepare a paper time sheet
found on the HR/Payroll HUB web site
Hourly employees that are paid bi-weekly (this includes, non
work study, temps, and work study) complete time sheets via
Web Time Entry (WTE)
Instructions for WTE are available on the HR/Payroll HUB web
Equal Employment Opportunity
and Harassment
WCU does NOT tolerate
Discrimination or Harassment of
any kind
Western Carolina University upholds the values of fairness,
respect, diversity, and community through University policies and
procedures that promote an environment free of discrimination and
harassment. The University also recognizes the importance of both
establishing well-defined work expectations and promoting
employee welfare and safety.
Important Policies are outlined here to promote employee
understanding of the expectations, rules, and values of the WCU
Equal Employment Opportunity and
Western Carolina University does not practice or
condone discrimination or harassment, in any
form, against any person on the grounds of race,
color, national origin, religion, gender, age,
disability or sexual orientation.
Complaint Procedure:
If you ever feel you are the victim of discrimination or illegal
harassment, notify your supervisor immediately. If you are
uncomfortable doing so, notify the Director, Office of Equal
Opportunity and Diversity Programs at 227-7116 or Human
Resources at 227-7218.
EEO Policy Statement
Western Carolina University emphatically states that it will provide
equal employment opportunities for all persons regardless of
race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, age, sexual
orientation *, disability, or political affiliation, except where
religion, sex, or age are bona fide job related employment
requirements. This is in keeping with Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 as amended, Executive Order 11246, as amended,
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1968 as amended, the
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988, NC G.S. 1126-16 as
amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the
Civil Rights Act of 1991, and other applicable federal and state
EEO and anti-discrimination laws or statutes.
In furtherance of this policy Western Carolina University prohibits
retaliatory action of any kind taken by any employee of Western
Carolina University against any other employee or applicant for
employment because that person filed a complaint or charge of
employment discrimination, testified, assisted or participated in
any manner in a hearing, proceeding or investigation of
employment discrimination.
To ensure that equal employment opportunity exists throughout the
university, a results oriented equal employment opportunity
program will be implemented to overcome the effects of past
discrimination and to eliminate any artificial barriers to
employment opportunities for all qualified individuals that may
exist in any of our programs. All selection, hiring, and promotion
decisions will be based on valid requirements that are job related
and consistent with performance of the essential functions of the
This program shall ensure greater utilization of all persons by
identifying the underutilized groups in the workforce (especially
minority, female and disabled workers) and making special
efforts to increase their participation in recruitment, selection,
hiring, promotion, compensation, performance appraisal,
disciplinary and grievance procedures, separations, and reduction
in force, and any other term, condition, or privilege of
employment. When necessary, Western Carolina University will
provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and/or
employees with disabilities when doing so will enable them to
successfully perform the essential job functions of the job or
benefit from training. WCU is also committed to preventing any
harassment based on race, color, national origin, religion, creed,
sex, age, sexual orientation* or disability including sexual
Program objectives and timetables shall be established to
reduce and eliminate the underutilization of all groups
through the equal employment opportunity plan and
program. Responsibility for the development of this
plan and program is assigned to the Director of
Employment and Affirmative Action Programs.
However, responsibility for the implementation of the
EEO compliance program will be shared by all
managers and supervisors.
The equal employment opportunity program will be
evaluated and monitored continuously. Periodic reports
on the progress of this program will be presented to the
Chancellor by the Director of Employment and
Affirmative Action Programs and/or the Director,
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs.
Western Carolina University is committed to this program
and is aware that with its implementation, positive
benefits will be received from the greater utilization and
development of previously underutilized human
*Western Carolina University recognizes that the category of sexual
orientation is not a protected category under federal or state laws.
By extending protection to this category as an internal policy
matter it is not the intention of the University to create any rights
that either may be pursued or enforced off-campus, that extend to
the employee benefits package made available by the State of
North Carolina or other off-campus entities, or that interfere with
the University’s relationships with outside organizations,
including the federal government, the military or private
Equal Opportunity Programs
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment may be any behavior of
a sexual nature that is unwelcome. The
conduct is not solicited and is considered
undesirable or offensive from the
standpoint of the harassment victim.
Employees and students should be free from sexual
harassment from any university employee, student, or visitor
to the campus, or any agent or contractor having a business,
professional, or educational relationship with the university.
Types of Sexual Harassment
Quid Pro Quo
Often, sexual harassment involves relationships of
unequal power and contains elements of coercion,
such as when compliance with requests for sexual
favors becomes a condition of employment,
promotion, or other employment benefit. This is
considered the most serious form of sexual
Types of Sexual Harassment
Hostile Work Environment
Sexual Harassment can also result in a hostile work
environment where repeated sexual based behaviors
have a harmful effect on a person’s ability to study or
perform his/her job.
Examples of sexually harassing behaviors include:
Unwanted sexual advances, propositions, or questions
Unwanted phone calls, messages, or notes with personal or sexual content
Sexist, lewd, or obscene remarks or jokes
Sexual gesturing or leering
Displays of suggestive or sexually demeaning objects, photographs, posters
What are your options for
Dealing with Sexual Harassment?
Take individual action
Speak up immediately and clearly state to the offending party that you are
offended and wish the behavior to stop.
Complain to the offending party’s supervisor.
Document all incidents including dates, times, places, witnesses, and a
description of the events.
File a complaint
Individual action before filing a complaint is recommended but not required.
The complaint may be filed with your supervisor. If you are uncomfortable
communicating with your supervisor, file a formal complaint with the
Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs at 227-7116.
Complaints from students concerning sexual harassment should be directed
to the Student Affairs Office or the Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and
Diversity Programs.
Web Resources
Sexual Harassment and Other Unlawful Harassment
Equal Opportunity Programs
Affirmative Action Programs
Americans With Disabilities
Act (ADA)
Western Carolina University is committed to ensuring
that all qualified individuals with disabilities have the
opportunity to take part in educational and
employment programs and services on an equal basis.
The aim is to provide this opportunity in an integrated
setting that fosters independence and meets the
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Accommodations for Disabilities
The law prohibits discrimination against
students, faculty, staff and applicants on the
basis of their disabilities. The disabled
individual must be able to perform the essential
functions of the job or the essential requirements
of the educational program with or without an
accommodation. Reasonable accommodations
may include:
• job restructuring
• modified work schedules
• modifications to work area or equipment
• reassignment of responsibilities
• testing accommodations
• note takers
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Disability Services, in the Division of Student
• Receives medical/psychological documentation.
• Determines reasonable accommodations.
• Provides Disability Accommodation Letters for students to present
to faculty members.
• Provides training, consultation, and resources to faculty on
disability issues.
• All student requests for accommodations should be referred to
Disability Services in the interest of the University and the student.
Disability Services, 144 Killian Annex, 227-2716
How to Request an Accommodation
Employees requesting an accommodation due to a
disability must provide documentation of the condition. To
request an accommodation, please contact Human
Resources (227-7218).
Students should be directed to the Director of Disability
Services for Student Affairs (227-2716).
FERPA (Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act)
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
("FERPA") affords WCU students three primary
The right to inspect
and review their
education records
The right to have some
control over the
disclosure of
education records
The right to
request to amend
their education
What are Education Records?
Under FERPA,
"education records" are
defined as records that
directly related to a student, and
maintained by WCU or by a party
acting for WCU.
What are Education Records?
records created and maintained in any form or media,
including electronic data, email transmissions, video or
audio tapes, film, or microfilm;
any listing of a student's personally identifiable
information ("PII"), including enrollment records,
grade lists, class schedules;
a computer monitor displaying a student's PII; and
a computer printout containing a student's PII
Release of Education Records
WCU may not release a student's education records,
other than directory information without the written
consent (i.e., signed, dated document specifying
records to be released and to whom records may be
released) of the student.
Records of Disclosures
WCU is required to maintain
records of requests and disclosures
of student information EXCEPT:
Requests from students for their own use
Disclosures in response to written
requests from students
Requests made by WCU officials
Disclosures of Directory Information
The Registrar's Office coordinates
student requests to review records.
Students must submit written requests to the
Registrar, listing records of interest.
Records covered by FERPA must be made
available within 45 days.
Students may not review financial information
submitted by their parents, records about another
student, and confidential letters of recommendation
(in certain circumstances).
Students may ask WCU to amend educational
records he/she believe to be inaccurate, misleading
or in violation of the student's privacy.
Students may appeal adverse decisions regarding
record amendment.
FERPA Training Acknowledgement
Print and Sign!
Take a moment to review the FERPA training
acknowledgement form – print it out, sign it
and send it to Human Resources HFR 220 –
Attn: Training.
Web Resources
Registrar’s Website – FERPA Information
Student Records Policy
FERPA Presentation
FERPA Acknowledgement
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act
Why be Concerned about HIPAA?
WCU's Health Services provides health care
services to students and employees.
Additionally, health care information
pertaining to students and employees may be
used and maintained in various departments
for administrative purposes, such as benefits
administration in Human Resources and
disability services in Student
Affairs. Accordingly, WCU must comply
with state and federal law regarding the
confidentiality of health care records.
HIPAA Key Points
North Carolina state law and the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provide that health care information
is confidential and must be used, maintained, and disclosed only in
accordance with legal requirements.
Individuals expect and have the right to keep health care information
from being disclosed to others unless such disclosure is authorized
by the individual or necessary for treatment, payment or operations.
Records pertaining to alcohol and drug abuse treatment, mental
health treatment, and HIV/AIDS are highly confidential and
subject to further restrictions on use and disclosure.
Privacy Manual is
maintained in Health
Privacy Officer is the
Director of Health
Security Awareness
Protecting Sensitive Information
Security Awareness and you
Print and Sign acknowledgement when completed!
This Security Awareness Section is a separate
presentation that is also a Mandatory Section.
You must go through the Security Awareness
presentation and print out the acknowledgement
form at the end, sign it and turn it into Human
Resources HFR 220 Attn: Training
Confidentiality – what is it?
Print and Sign Acknowledgement
While this section may appear to be covered by the sections on
FERPA and Security awareness, it actually is not.
While you are working at WCU, you could be exposed to many
types of information, not just student information, but also
employee information, tenure and promotion information,
benefits information - many kinds- much of which is
confidential. It is every employee’s responsibility to recognize
such information and protect and secure it.
Please read the Confidentiality agreement, print and sign it,
acknowledging that you understand this responsibility and agree
to respect and protect confidential information you come in
contact with. Send this agreement to Human Resources HFR
220 Attn: Training.
Export Control
It does apply to you!
Export Control – How does it affect me?
As a faculty member, you may travel outside the U.S. and carry
with you information or technology that would fall under Export
Control guidelines
As an instructor, you may transmit technology or information
right here in the U.S. to an individual other than a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident that would fall under Export Control
As a support staff, you may be required to make travel
arrangements for yourself or other staff/faculty members that
could include some responsibilities as to export control
So it is vital that you complete this separate training section and
submit the training acknowledgement form for Export Control
Export Control – what is it?
Print and Sign Acknowledgement when completed
A federal government mandate designed to ensure each
employee comply with regulations that restrict the
export of goods, technology and related technical
information to countries that have been identified as a
threat to our homeland security or economic status.
This Export Control Training Section is a separate
presentation that is also a Mandatory Section.
You must go through the Export Control presentation
and print out the acknowledgement form at the end,
sign it and turn it into Human Resources HFR 220
Attention: Training
Policies You Need to Know
It is each employee’s responsibility to have a general
understanding of WCU University Policies.
These policies can be found on the
Chancellor’s web page.
Please be sure to take time to review these policies.
The following items (while not all inclusive) are various
WCU subjects and policies that have a direct bearing on
your work at WCU.
Improper Relationships
with Students and Other
The University of North Carolina and Western Carolina University do
not condone amorous relationships between students and
employees. Members of the University community should avoid such
liaisons which can harm affected students and damage the integrity
of the academic enterprise.
In two types of situations, the University prohibits amorous
relationships between employees and students:
When the employee is
responsible for evaluating
or supervising the
affected student.
When the student is a
minor, as defined by
North Carolina law.
Employing Relatives
The University of North Carolina prohibits a supervisor
from occupying a position that has direct responsibility
for supervising a relative or supervising an employee
with whom the supervisor is having an amorous
Web Resources
Employment of Related Persons
Improper Relationships between Students and Employees
Violence and Weapons
Violence and Weapons
Western Carolina University (WCU) seeks to
provide a safe and secure workplace. Violence,
threats, intimidation and possession of
unauthorized weapons are prohibited.
Violence and Weapons
Report violent acts to
both the University
Police and your
Employees who feel
threatened by others on
or off campus should
contact University Police
828-227-8911 (Emergency)
828-227-7301 (nonemergency)
Violence and Weapons
North Carolina law prohibits the possession of weapons
on campus, except by authorized law enforcement
officials acting in the discharge of their official duties.
The possession of concealed weapons within
automobiles on campus is also unlawful.
Individuals who wish to bring a weapon to campus for
educational purposes (as a prop for a play, for example)
must have a faculty member or administrator certify in
writing that the weapon will be used for educational
purposes. The certification must be filed with and
approved by University Police before the weapon is
brought onto WCU property.
Web Resources
Violence in the Workplace
Weapons on Campus
Policies on Alcohol and
Illegal Drugs
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
The University maintains a drug-free
workplace in compliance with
federal law. Reporting to work
under the influence of alcohol or
illegal drugs, using alcohol or illegal
drugs on the job, or trafficking in
illegal drugs are all grounds for
discipline, up to and including
Alcohol may be possessed and
consumed on campus only as
described in the Alcohol Beverage
Policy published in the Student
Web Resources
Illegal Drugs Policy
Also, please see the Student Handbook for the complete
publication of the illegal drugs policy.
Alcohol Beverage Policy
Please see the Student Handbook for the complete publication of
this policy, including tailgating activities and alcohol service event
Use of State Property
Use of State Vehicles
Use of a WCU motor fleet
vehicle is for State business
only. It is unlawful to use a
WCU vehicle for personal
Drivers must have a valid
NC Driver’s License on file
with the WCU Motor Pool
Motor Fleet vehicles should be
reserved in advance. Keys for
reserved vehicles should be
picked up in the Steam Plant
located on Central Drive across
from Cullowhee Baptist Church.
To pick up State vehicles, go to the Motor Fleet
lot located on Central Drive adjacent to Papa’s
Employees wishing to drive 15-passenger vans
must first attend a 1-hour Van Safety workshop.
Announcements for open-enrollment Van
Safety workshops will be made campus-wide via
Outlook e-mail.
WCU Assets and Property
WCU property/assets (for example, computers, cameras,
video recorders) are to be used only for official state
business and are never to be removed from the campus.
If removal of property/assets is necessary, you must have
the approval of your supervisor and complete the
"Permission to Remove University Assets from Campus"
Form that is available from the Purchasing Department's
North Carolina law requires all state
employees to report any and all misuse,
damage, theft, embezzlement, attempted
arson or arson of state property to their
Do not dispose of any WCU property/assets
without first obtaining the prior approval of the
Purchasing Department.
If the property/assets have been transferred to
another department or relocated to a new location,
you or your supervisor must complete the
"Equipment Status or Location Change" Form that
is available from the Purchasing Department's
If the property/assets are being surplused, you
or your supervisor must complete the "Surplus
Property Pickup Request" Form available at the
Purchasing Department's website.
Use of Business Systems
Computers, Internet, and Telephone System
The use of business systems provided by the State of
North Carolina is for State business purposes only.
Audits of your e-mail and internet use may be
Examples of misuse of office/business systems:
Use of computers, internet or telephone for non-State business or for
personal reasons.
Viewing sexually-explicit or other non-business related websites.
Use of computers and/or internet to send and or receive harassing,
sexually explicit, or non-business related e-mail messages.
Web Resources
Use of State-Owned Vehicles
Reporting Misuse of State Property
Purchasing Website
Removal of University Assets from Campus Policy
Use of Computers and Data Communication Systems
Workplace Safety
Workplace Safety
Employees at Western Carolina
University have the right to:
a safe and healthy work environment
 well-defined expectations
 adequate training
 confidential investigations
 Worker's Compensation
Key Safety Considerations
•follow all safety rules and
regulations as outlined in the official
safety manuals
•report unsafe conditions
•report accidents immediately
•report workplace accidents/injuries
immediately to your supervisor or
the Director of Safety/Risk
Management at 227-7443
Safety Officials
Should Know
•unsafe work practices
•suspected health hazards
•missing or damaged safety
•unguarded machinery
•fire hazards
•improper storage of chemicals,
supplies, etc.
•irritating or noxious odors
•blocked fire exits
•near misses
Emergency Procedures
Call campus emergency at
227-8911 and describe the
situation, then pull the fire alarm.
Close doors behind you.
Exit using the stairwell nearest
the exit door. Do not use the
Help others evacuate, if
Provide information to
emergency responders.
In the event of a chemical spill,
be sure to confine the spill and
leave the area.
What to do in a campus wide
Western Carolina University has established processes and
procedures for various types of emergencies.
Every employee is encouraged to register in the emergency
notification system (CatTracker) the police department has
established. This ensures you receive emergency information
through your campus email.
Every employee needs to know what the campus wide siren signals
mean. There is a guide on the WCU police web site.
Police Emergency number - 828-227-8911
Web Resources
Safety Manuals
detailed safety manuals have been developed to set forth official policies,
procedures, and administrative responsibilities for employees in different
working circumstances.
Emergency Preparedness
Includes information for Faculty and Staff
University Police Department
Other Miscellaneous
Policies of Particular
Interest to New
Password Policy
Passwords are an important aspect of computer
security. Information Technology (IT) has taken
steps to protect Western Carolina University's entire
network by requiring employees to follow the
Password Policy detailed in the IT Division Policies
and Standards.
IRB Policy and Procedures
Every investigator conducting a research project involving
human subjects must successfully complete WCU’s
Investigator Training course. Training is required
regardless of the study’s funding source or the location
of the research. All investigators, including faculty,
staff, subcontractors, students, research supervisors,
and affiliated investigators, are covered by this policy.
Training is renewed every five years, and investigators
must have current certification as a condition of study
approval by the IRB.
For additional information and to read the full
investigator training policy, click here.
Additional Policies
Web Resources
Dual Employment
Copyright Policy for Students and Employees
Conflict of Interest
Smoking in Campus Facilities
Use of Computers and Data Communications
Children in the Workplace or Unsupervised on Campus
Fun Stuff ! ! !
Perks and Services
Recreation and Wellness Center
The Western Carolina University Department of Campus
Recreation & Wellness is committed to creating a healthy
environment in which the University community can
engage in and sustain the active process of healthy living.
Examples of offerings:
 cardiovascular strength training
 swimming
 group exercise activities
 personal trainer services
Fitness Center Rates and other information
Health Services
The University Health Services center offers urgent care
assessments, treatments, and procedures as needed; and
in addition offers immunizations, limited laboratory
tests, nutrition consultations, and referrals for outside
specialty care for employees.
Health Center information
Employee Recognition
In acknowledgement of the hard work
and dedication of our employees,
WCU hosts an Annual Employee
Appreciation/Service Awards Day.
This event is for all of you!
When the announcement for this
event comes out – be sure to mark
this fun filled day on your calendar!
Cultural Offerings
John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center
Live Performances
Fine Art Museum
Mountain Heritage Center Museum
ACE (Arts and Cultural Events)
Mountain Heritage Day
Ramsey Center
Circus and other entertainment
Athletic Events
Last Minute Productions
UC Movie Theater with
stadium seating
Outdoor Activities
Base Camp Cullowhee
Hiking, backpacking, climbing,
rafting, caving, rappelling, float
trips, caving, skiing,
Rentals for camping/hiking
equipment and canoes/kayaks.
Annual ski trips
International Expedition Trips
Tuckasegee River Cleanup
Base Camp Cullowhee offers wonderful bargains for
faculty and staff!
Athletic Events
Reduced-rate season
passes available for
specific sports.
Click here for
Congratulations! You have reached the
end of Employee Basic Orientation. Be
sure to complete the four Acknowledgment
Forms (FERPA, Security Awareness,
Confidentiality, Export Control) and send
to Human Resources – HFR 220 –
Attention Training.
Welcome Aboard!
To end this show – right click for
pop up and choose “end show” or
click square in lower left – below.