Key Enabling Technologies Conditions and Opportunities for

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Transcript Key Enabling Technologies Conditions and Opportunities for

Key Enabling Technologies
Conditions and Opportunities for US-EU Cooperation
George W. Handy
Managing Director
Activity for Innovation and Economic Growth
PeopleTechnology Foundation
Some Provocative Questions
• Who do Europeans call in the US to
develop and apply KET?
• Is there money available to justify this call?
• What are the risks for Trans-Atlantic
cooperation on cutting edge technologies?
• Do the continuing global and budgetary
crises prevent investment in KET?
Observations on Conditions for
US-EU Cooperation on KET
• Pace of change in technology connects KET with the
innovation process and their success.
• Steps to speed ideas to the marketplace are crucial.
• US lead in innovation continues through a decentralized
process (increasingly present in Europe) – more sharing!
• Increased government support for Basic Research
• As is private sector investment in Applied Research –
and increased PPP.
• Access to data, foreign markets and capital continues to
be a priority – involves issues of policy and performance
• Of $1.28 T spent globally on R&D in 09, 61% was in the
US and EU – exchanges between the two are dominant.
Risks for Trans-Atlantic KET R&D
An Example
• US-Poland joint research in cancer: 100 experts from 21
universities in 7 joint research efforts (An AIEG Project).
• Expanding:
– To include neighboring countries.
– To address other areas of medicine.
• KET:
– Genomics
– Nanotechnology
– Data Systems
– Clinical Trials
• Risks are being managed at the working level; but a good TransAtlantic survey is needed to account for differences.
Key Enabling Technologies
For US and EU Cooperation
• Both the US and EU want to use existing capability more
• KET:
Social media
Data quality, privacy and security
Knowledge management
• High Value Applications:
– Medical research (Targets (cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and
aging) and KET (genomics, nanotechnology, data systems and
clinical trials))
– Energy and environment
– Security (Disaster response and national defense – Dual Use)
Concluding Message
We believe that in the face of current financial and
budgetary crises, well organized, innovative R&D
activities are affordable, can move key enabling
technologies more rapidly from idea to product and
are essential to 21st century economic and
business success.
Thank you, please contact me with your
comments and questions –
George Handy at [email protected]