User Interface Design

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Transcript User Interface Design

Asst.Prof.Dr.Surasak Mungsing
to understand different kinds of users and
their needs
to understand attributes of a good user
interface design
Methods and tools used by the users to interact,
communicate and use an application
Graphical, textual, auditory information presented
to the users including controls
◦ What is the user interface of the automobile?
◦ Different user interfaces may be provided in a
system. Why?
Recent categorized :
Other types:
◦ Graphical User Interface (GUI) provide graphical output.
◦ Web-based User Interface (WUI) provide web pages output.
Command line
Natural language
Think: What are other types?
Easier to use
Easier to train people to use it
Less help people will need while using it
Users will like to use it. Satisfaction
Think: Do a lot of graphics help users to
learn how to use a program better than a
few of clean and simple graphics? Why?
Ease of learning
Prevent errors
Time to learn
Speed of performance
Rate of errors by users
Retention over time
Subjective satisfaction
To deliver a usable system
What is usable?
◦ Meet requirements.
◦ Easy to learn and easy to use
Increase effectiveness
Increase satisfaction
Think: Name some applications required to
meet these goals
UID Process
Requirements Analysis Phase
Design Phase
Construction Phase
Usability Test Phase
Deployment Phase
Each phase involves Review and Rework.
Screen Prototypes
Use cases
Screens Deployed
Tested Screens
Working Screens
Analyze user’s requirements.
Project Scope
User profile
Task profile
UI Requirements
User Interview
Think: Name other methods.
To understand user profile, the designer must
◦ Different Tasks performed by the Member of the
focus group.
 Who are the Users?
 What Tasks they performed?
◦ User’s Skills and Experience.
◦ Relevant training users received.
Think: What are other questions designers
need to ask?
User goals
Sub-goals and tasks included
Tasks sequence/order
Application’s look and feel
Interface type
Dialog box driven
Command line
Menu driven
What more?
Build conceptual model
◦ Design model represents designers’ perception of the
◦ Conceptual model represents users’ perception of the
Identify the main components
◦ Main windows.
◦ Major control points.
List the main features of each component
Sequence of events
◦ Events required to complete different tasks.
Develop working screens
◦ Fully functional screens
◦ Complete visualization of the high-level design
◦ Screen review to acquire feedback and suggestion
for improvement and rework
Validate the user interface design against
user requirements
Reveal areas will require refinement
Begin as early as the design phase
Three levels:
◦ Concept testing require informal, group discussion.
◦ Structured walkthrough with screen prototypes and
specific tasks are performed
◦ User observation
Deployment must start in advance of actual
Deploy working models
Train end users
Provide support
◦ Help desk
◦ Documentation
Pull-down menus / Dropdown menus.
Push buttons.
Drop down or Combo box.
Check boxes
Radio buttons
Scrolling lists
Popup List
spin Boxes
Tabbed Panes.
How to match the design model to the user
◦ The answer is using graphical interfaces to give the
user clues about how something works.
Metaphors help the user to use the application
intuitively with minimum assistance.
The famous metaphor is Desktop.
Audio-CD software package developed by the
User Interface Architecture and Design Group
at IBM.
What do you think about this Interface?
Match major user objects
Simple is better
Metaphors need not be unique
Look at user’s real world
Be flexible
◦ A branch of science, an approach which puts human needs
and capabilities at the focus of designing technology
◦ Most productive use of human capabilities
◦ Maintenance of human health and well being
◦ Deals with the interaction of technological and work
situations with the human beings
◦ Basic human sciences involved are
 Anatomy
 Physiology
 Psychology
Principles are thumb rules the designers can
follow for designing a good UI
Usability Heuristics
Use Simple and Natural dialog box
Speak the user’s language
Minimize the user’s memory load
Be consistent.
Provide feedback
Support both novices and experts
Usability Heuristics(contd.)
Provide clearly marked exits
Support both novices and experts
Provide good error messages
Error prevention
Provide help and documentation
Can you give some examples that follow
principles above?
Use Simple and Natural dialog box
Speak the user’s language
Minimize the user’s memory load
Human weakness
• Memory
• Understanding complex math
• Applying logic
Recognizing items is much easier than
Operation should be obvious to the user
Simple tasks should be kept simple, and
complex tasks made possible
Be Consistent
Ensure that the user interface works consistently
• Place all buttons in consistent places on all the windows
• Use the same wordings
• Actions should be consistent ex: Double Click action to
open folder
• Same color combinations and interface styles are used
across the set of screens
• Make objects consistent with its behaviour. Objects
which act differently should look different
Reduces training and support costs
Provide feedback
Obvious and Immediate
• Acknowledge all button clicks by visual or aural
feedback within 50 milliseconds
Display an hourglass for any action that will take from
1/2 to 2 seconds
Animate the hourglass so they know the system is
working in the background
Display a message indicating the potential length of
time (that the user may have to wait) for any action
that will take longer than 2 seconds
Offer engaging text messages to keep users informed
and entertained while they are waiting for long
Explorable Interface
Support both novices and experts
• Give users well-marked roads and landmarks
• Make actions reversible
• Always allow a way out
• Cater to both the inexperienced and the
experienced user
Provide good error messages
• Expressed in plain language (no technical jargon)
• Precise
• Constructively suggest solution
Error Prevention
◦ Prevent a problem from occurring in the first place
Provide help and documentation
Easy to search through
Focused on the user’s task
A list of concrete steps that must be followed
Concise and precise
Shallow information architecture
Fewer clicks to find info
More clutter
Deep information architecture
Clean, reduced clutter
More clicks to find info
Small font
More information per screen
More difficult to read for some users
Large font
Easier to read
Less information per screen
Drop-down box
Selection amongst many choices using limited
Hidden choices
Radio buttons
See all selections at all times
Additional space required, clutter
Quick recognition once learned, aesthetically
Must be learned
Text links
Always understood
Must be read, do not stand out as actionable
items as much from other text
Save space
Must learn or recognize
Full text
Easily understood
Requires additional space
Keyboard shortcuts
High speed of data entry
Must be learned
Point and click
Additional time required for interaction due to
increase motor skills required
Navigation between screens is important
Navigation within a screen is important
Use color sparingly
User minimal number of appropriate fonts
When items are unavailable gray (disable)
them out, do not remove them
Left align edit fields and right align their
Decimal-align floating point numbers
Do not create busy/crowded screens (reduce
Use group boxes and white-space to group
logically related items on the screen (enhance
Menu and button labels should have the key
word(s) first
Bad Choice
• Insert page break
• Add Footnote
• Update Table of Contents
Good Choice
◦ – Insert
 Page Break
 Footnote
 Table of Contents
Always look at the user’s productivity, not the
Which of the following takes less time?
◦ Heating water in a microwave for one minute and
ten seconds
◦ Heating it for one minute and eleven seconds
Use explicit destruction
◦ When an action has irreversible negative
consequences, it should require the user to take an
explicit action to perform it
◦ Deleting a worksheet should require clicking on an
erase pushbutton and answering a warning
question such as “Are you sure you want to erase
this worksheet?” with a button click in the warning
dialog box.
◦ Interface should prevent errors from occurring, but
if they do occur, it should allow users to quickly
◦ Users are most comfortable in an environment that
is neither confining nor infinite, an environment
that can be explored and is not hazardous.
◦ A good design requires a good balance between
maximizing functionality and maintaining simplicity
Why some interfaces are bad?
Why some interfaces are good?
Give some examples and reasons.
A Report is an integral part of any industrial
strength software. We can define reports in
any of the following ways:
◦ A set of data that is organized and formatted
according to specific criteria.
◦ Output that has been formatted for quick reading.
◦ A display (on the screen or printed onto paper) of
the records or parts of the records of a database
that satisfy a particular search or sort.
◦ The presentation of a formatted collection of
information; can be presented on paper, on the
web, on diskette, or online.
Form Report
List Report
Cross Tab Report
Pivot Report
A form report displays one record per page.
Field values are inserted to the right of field
A List report is the most basic type of report.
List report is a columnar report.
Each column corresponds to a column
selected from the database.
A cross tab (matrix) report contains one row
of labels, one column of labels, and
information in a grid format that is related to
the row and column labels.
To create a matrix report, you need at least
four groups: one group must be a crossproduct group, two of the groups must be
within the cross-product group to furnish the
"labels," and at least one group must provide
the information to fill the cells.
A pivot table is a great reporting tool that
sorts and sums independent of the original
data layout in the spreadsheet.
An interactive report that automatically
extracts, organizes, and summarizes your
You can then use the report to analyze the
data - for example, make comparisons,
detect patterns and relationships, and
analyze trends.
Crystal Reports by Seagate
Reports 6i by Oracle
Excel by Microsoft
Adobe Flash Catalyst
21 Free UI Design Tools, Toolkits and Resources
Use Simple and Natural Dialog
Speak the Users’ Language
Minimize the Users’ Memory Load
Be Consistent
Provide Feedback
Provide Clearly Marked Exits
Provide Shortcuts
Provide Good Error Messages
Prevent rather than cure
Provide Help and Documentation
User Interface Design, Infosys Technology
User Interface Design - Taking the Good with
the Bad, retrieved from
_the_good_with_the_bad/ on 28 Sep 2009.