World Trade Crisis 2008

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World Trade Crisis 2008 Ondřej Hornig © 2008

World Trade Crisis 2008 


In September 2008

At Wall Street stock exchange

By overrated credits

Stock exchange – burza Overrated – nadhodnocený Credit – úveř

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Main causes of WTC were

Overrating of credits

Low interests of credits (for example 1%)

Opaque credit financing in companies

Careless lending of money

Interest – úrok Opaque – neprůhledný Cause – příčina Careless – neopatrný

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Start of the WTC

The biggest american insurance company AIG informated about its problems with too many possibly dangerous credits

Wall Street index (Dow) fell down, other exchange indexes all over the world followed Dow

The volume of trades on the Wall Street exchange dramatically fell down

Insurance company – pojišťovna Volume – objem Trade – obchod

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Progress of Dow index between the 4 th July and 2 nd October

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Progress of Nasdaq index between the 4 th July and 2 nd October

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Progress of PX index between the 4 th July and 2 nd October


World Trade Crisis 2008 

Small compare for demonstration of interconnectivity of world economy sphere Nasdaq Nikkei PX

World Trade Crisis 2008 

Impacts in the whole world economic

Increase of volume of the world trade was stopped or slown down

World market is destabilished, investors are confused

Prices of commodites and exchange rates may dramatically change

Decrease – snížit Exchange rate – kurz (př. měny)

World Trade Crisis 2008 


ekonomické zpravodajství

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internetový Deník

přehled kurzů a indexů akcií

internetové zpravodajství

indexy akcií, peníze

World Trade Crisis 2008 Ondřej Hornig © 2008