Transcript Document

Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP)
• IP provides unreliable and
connectionless delivery
– Provides unreliable delivery
– Make efficient use of network
• No error reporting, or
correcting mechanism
• No management of queries
– Network manager might need
information about a host/router
• What happens if
– Router discards a datagram ?
– TTL expires ?
– Host didn’t receive all
datagram’s fragments ?
Position of ICMP in the network layer
And Encapsulation
Special purpose message mechanism added to the TCP/IP protocols
Destination of an ICMP message is the ICMP software module
ICMP is a network layer protocol, but its messages are first encapsulated into
IP datagrams.
Error reporting vs. Error Correction
• ICMP can only report an error to the original source
– Up to the source to deal with it.
• ICMP cannot be used to inform intermediate routers.
– Source has no responsibility of routers problems.
• Why restrict ICMP messages to original source?
– Except for record route option, datagrams only contains source +
destination @.
– No global knowledge of routes (i.e. routers establish and change their own
routing tables)
ICMP messages
3 Destination Unreachable
8 or 0
Echo request or reply
4 Source Quench
13 or 14 Timestamp
Type Message
11 Time Exceeded
17 or 18 Address Mask
12 Parameter problem
10 or 9
5 Redirection
Router Sollicitation/Adv
General format of ICMP messages
• Data section in
– Error Messages carries information to find the original packet that had
the error
• Rest of Header unused (all 0s), except for Redirection message format
– Query Messages carries extra information based on type of the query.
• Rest of Header = Identifier (8 bits) + Sequence Number (8 bits)
Error-reporting messages
Important points about ICMP error messages:
1. No ICMP error message for a datagram
carrying an ICMP error message.
2. No ICMP error message for a fragmented
datagram that is not the first fragment.
3. No ICMP error message for a datagram
having a multicast address.
4. No ICMP error message for a datagram
with a special address such as or
Contents of data field for error messages
• In ICMP error messages
– The first 8 bytes of the Transport layer header is included
– Provides Information about the port numbers (TCP or UDP) and sequence
number (TCP)
Destination-unreachable (Type 3)
0 Network is unreachable
8 source host isolated
1 Host is unreachable
9 dest Network administratively prohibited
2 Protocol is unreachable
10 dest Host admin prohibited
3 Port is unreachable
11 Network unreachable for TOS
4 Fragmentation required
12 Host unreachable for TOS
5 Source routing not feasible 13 Administrator put a filter on Host
6 Network unknown
14 requested precedence not permitted
7 Host is unknown
15 Precedence was cut-off
ICMP destination unreachable message for codes = 2 and 3 only created by a
All others are created by a routers
!!! Routers cannot detect all Problems that prevent
the delivery of a packet.
Source-quench (type =4, code =0)
• IP do not provide a flow-control mechanism
– Source never knows if routers of destination is congested
• A source-quench message informs the source that a datagram has been
discarded due to congestion in a router or the destination host
– Two purposes: (1) informs the source of dropped packet (2) inform of
congestion along the path
– Source must slow down (quench) the sending of datagrams until the
congestion is relieved.
• One source-quench message should be sent to each datagram that has
been discarded due to congestion
– One-to-one congestion
– Many-to-one congestion (congested router has no idea which source is
sending datagrams faster)
Time-exceeded message (Type 11)
• If router receives a datagram with TTL = 0
– Discard the datagram
– Inform the source using a Time-exceeded message (code = 0)
• If a host does not receive all fragments of a datagram
during within a certain time of receiving the first fragment
– Discard all fragments
– Inform the source using a Time-exceeded message (code = 1)
Code 0: used only by routers
Code 1: used only by Hosts
Parameter-problem message
• A parameter problem message is created by a router or destination host
– If there is an error or ambiguity in the header field (code = 0), pointer
points to the byte with problem
– An option is missing or incorrect (code = 1) pointer not used
• Router discards the datagram and sends a Parameter-problem message
Redirection message format
• Updates to routers’ routing tables are dynamic
• Updates to hosts’ routing tables are static
– Starts with the small routing tables that gets updated one of the tools is
redirection message format
– Redirection always sent from a router to a host in the same network
Code 0:
Code 1:
Code 2:
Code 3:
Network specific
Host specific
Network specific (specified service)
Host specific (specified service)
Query messages
• Diagnose some network problems.
• Information request/reply is now obsolete (replaced by
Timestamp-request and
timestamp-reply message format
• Can be used to determine RTT needed for an IP datagram to travel
between two machines.
• Identifier and Sequence fields allows machine to associate request with
Timestamp-request and
timestamp-reply message
In general:
SendingT = recv – orig
ReceivingT = packet arrived – trans
– Orig = 83573336, recv =
83573330; trans = 83573330;
– With RTT = 2 ms, |diff| = 6 ms;
implies that recv is 7 ms late.
RTT = (sendingT + ReceivingT)
If: One_way_time = RTT/2
– Orig = 83573336, recv =
83573000; trans = 83573000;
– With RTT = 2 ms; |diff|=336 ms
Timestamp req/reply is useless
outOfSyncT = recv – (orig + RTT/2)
Can be used to synchronize two
machines clocks.
Router solicitation message format
An important issue is how to accommodate routers in the same netwok:
– Designers provided routers advertisement,
– Default value 10 mn
• Compromise between rapid failure detection and low overhead.
From a Host point of view this delay is very expensive
– Example: when a host boots cannot wait 10 mn
Designers provide Router solicitation message to request immediate
– Host multicasts/broadcasts a router solicitation message
– Identifier + Sequence number not used.
Router Advertisement
• Static routing works well for a network that has only one
router. (no need to discover routes or change routes)
• For a network with many routers, and if a router crashes,
then host uses router advertisement message.
– ICMP route discovery helps in:
• Host can get the router address from the router itself, instead via a
bootstrap protocol (i.e. static configuration)
• Use of Timers to update routes (Soft state technique)
Router advertisement message format
Number of addresses (that follows usually 1)
Address size (IPv4 = 1)
Lifetime: time to use the specified address (a default 30 mn)
Address Preference: Shows the preference of the router’s address.
Mask-request and mask-reply message format
• In general to request a subnet mask from a router
• Diskless machine can use Mask-request to get its subnet mask.
Echo-request and echo-reply message format
Designed for diagnosis purposes
– Host or router can send a echo-request
– Receivers echoes back the message with an echo-reply
Echo-request/reply used by network admin to test the reachability of a specific
Identifier & Sequence Number are not formally used by the protocol,
– Can be set to anything by the sender
Example : Ping program : a statistical tool
– Does not use Transport protocols (TCP or UDP)
Ping Program
Ping programs uses Echo-request/reply to test reachability of a host
Identifiers : Process ID
– If many ping programs are running
Sequence Number : increment for each echo-request
RTT = received_reply_time – requested_time(stored in ICMP data packet)
Other Options:
Use ICMP request message encapsulated into an IP packet with record route option.
Example: Ping –R machine
Limited number of IP addresses
IP header lenght = 4 bits
Allows 15* 4 bytes (60 – 20 IP header– 3 bytes for option information ) Only 9 IP addresses
Use ICMP request message encapsulated into IP packet with timestamp option
More severe limitation
ICMP package
Input Module
(handles all types of received ICMP messages)
Receive an ICMP packet from the IP layer
1- if (type = request type)
– 1- Create a reply
– 2- Send the reply
2- if (type = router solicitation)
– 1- if (station is a router)
• Create router advertisement
• Send the advertisement
3- if (type = one of the 3 reply messages or router advertisement)
– 1- Extract information in the data section of the packet
– 2- Deliver extracted information to the process that requested it
4- if (type defines a redirection)
– Modify the routing table
5- if (type = error messages other that redirection)
– Inform the appropriate source protocol
6- return.
Output Module
(responsible for: creating requests, solicitation, error messages requested
by higher level protocols or IP)
Receive : a demand
1- if (demand = error messages)
– If (demand is from IP)
• If (demand is forbidden i.e. 4 cases where ICMP does not error message)
– If (type defines a redirection message)
• If (station is not a router)
– Return
– Create the error message using type, code, and original IP packet
2- If (demand = request or solicitation)
– Create a request or solicitation message
3- send the message
4- return
Ping Program (example)
Ping destination
Ping -R C
ping source
Traceroute Program (ICMP “Time
Exceeded” revisited)
If a router crashes or connection
between two routers is lost
Create UDP datagram(“with unreachable port#”) to
send to destination
UDP datagram has 12bytes of data, (sequence#, TTL,time).
TTL = 1;
Send ‘n’ datagrams to destination
while (!receive (ICMP “port_unreachable”)
• Can take time to re-route
In this case TTL function is to
avoid routing loops.
If TTL =0/1 must not forward the
– Router sends ICMP “Exceeded
Time” to sender.
(TTLth Router
TTL--; Send ICMP “TimeExceeded”)
Sender knows IP address of TTLth router in ICMP
Print (IP address, 1st RTT, 2nd RTT, .., nth RTT)
Send ‘n’ datagrams to destination
Traceroute Program ( IP Source route
dest = D
dest = R1
dest = R2
dest = R3
dest = D
• Traceroute can specify a Strict Source routing
– If failed, ICMP error source route unfeasible (type =3, code =5)
• Can also specify loose source routing
– Traceroute [-LooseRoute Destination] Source
– Traceroute Round Trips may be different
• How many source route IP addresses?
Traceroute or Ping RTT?
• Traceroute stores original time
in UDP data. (12 bytes).
• Ping stores original time in
ICMP packet, echoed by