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Second Vatican Council
21 st Ecumenical Council, for renewal of the church with
modern times.
16 key documents. Most notable
“Light of the nations”: Lumen Gentium: First reflection
on Who the Church is
Hope and Joy: Gaudium et Spes: reflection on the
modern world and the church
On the Sacred liturgy: Sacrosanctum Concilium
On the renewal of the liturgy.
Dei Verbum- On the Word of God: renewal of sacred
Key terms for Second Vatican
Aggiornamento= renewal update of the
Ressourcement= back to the sources of
Sacred Scripture and Tradition
Magisterium= ordinary teaching of the
pope and bishops on issues of faith and
moral to guide all faithful.
Liturgical Renewal
From Latin to vernacular languages
From partial use of sacred scripture at mass to a
complete use of scripture at mass
Simplify rituals at Mass
Priest faces the people for more of a communaldialogue aspect of church
“full, active, conscious” participation at liturgy
Pope Pius XII= Pacelli, Pope during World War II
Pope John XXIII= Roncalli, Pope during Second
Vatican Council
Pope Paul VI= Montini, Pope during civil rights
movement, 1960’s -1970’s.
Pope John Paul II= Wojtyla, First non - Italian
pope in 450 years.
Pope Benedict XVI= Ratzinger, Green Pope
Community and Unity of Church.
Church as Communio
Community aspect of church
Salvation is never alone but with and through
Universality of our faith. Many local/particular
churches one Church.
One Sunday’s we gather together as one people
from many different social-cultural, and ethnic
backgrounds, different economics, different
neighborhoods, and educational backgrounds.
Church as Missio
Mission of Church is to continue to make
present, here and now, the kingdom of God
Jesus is the kingdom of God personified in
Jesus initiated the kingdom through his
preaching, miracles and act of redemption on
the cross.
We, as Church, continue the work of Christ in
making the Kingdom of God real for others
today and everyday.
Church and Apostolic Faith
Church builds and grows upon the preaching of
the 12 apostles.
The apostles are eyewitnesses of the
resurrection of Christ to whom he appeared
after his death.
The work of the Apostles continues today
through each local Bishop, who are the
:successors of the apostles. In faith and morals.
Church as Mysterium
Mystery of the Church: both institutional
and charismatic, human and divine.
Christ is both human and divine.
Church is made up of sinners and Christ’s
Efforts towards Christian unity.
Dialogue with Churches and Ecclesial
Churches: Typically the Orthodox and Eastern
churches that celebrate all seven sacraments.
Ecclesial communities: Prostestant reformation
christian communities that have not kept all
seven sacraments.
Jewish faith and Church
Jews as our “older brethren”of Christians
Christ as man is a Jew
Jewish faith is the root of our faith
Old testament, sacred scripture of the
Jews forms the first part of the bible.
Commandments, JEWISH LAW, forms
basis of Christian moral law.
The holiness of the Church
Church is holy because Christ, who is God,
works and acts through the church. He is
Members of the church are sinful and can
become holy through Christ and Baptism.
Universal Call to Holiness
Every christian has the duty to bear
witness to the gospel by his/her own life.
Aiding them are the sacraments and Word
of God
Saints as witnesses
Church teaching as guide
Call to be saints
Lay vocation: common state in church, baptized non-ordained
A. engage society to build kingdom of God (at work school and family)
Clergy: the state of ordained men in the church (deacon, priest, bishop)
priest = co worker with the bishop in local church
deacon= diakonia, servant, assists bishop in charitable works and in liturgy
and sacraments of Baptism and Marriage
Hierarchy: the gradated structure of the church under christ from whom all authority
Bishop: successor of aposltes. Leader of local diocese, member of college of bishops
Pope: successor of St. Peter, Bishop of Rome, first among apostles, head of college of
bishops, Vicar of CHRIST, Supreme and universal pastor
Papal Infallibility
1. Ex Catedra : when the pope defines a dogma in a
solemn act. Makes a decision on faith and morals
2. The church is infallible by gift of the Holy Spirit.
3. When there is an error in teaching there is one final
4. The definitive teaching is not on something new but a
clarification of a truth to be believed by all.
5. Last Dogma defined for belief by Pope: 1950
Assumption of the Blessed Virgen Mary
Evangelical Councils
Religious sisters, nuns and brothers make three vows:
Poverty= no attachment to things, cannot personally
own anything
Chastity= spousal marriage to Christ and His church,
renounce earthly marriage to a husband or wife for the
sake of the Kingdom of God.
Obedience= promise to obey and go where sent to a
superior for the sake of the greater good. Out of service
for one another.
Many take a 4th vow specific to the work of the order.
Mary and Communion of the Saints
The heavenly and earthly church of baptized
christians who believe in Christ.
In christ we are one Body. We live in the
communion of the saints in heaven and earth.
Mary is the first among the saints.
She is the Mother of the Church.
Her Fiat, yes to God, changed history.
We venerate Mary, we worship or adore Christ.