Chapter 6: Holy Orders - Midwest Theological Forum

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Chapter 6: Holy Orders
THE SACRAMENTS – Source of our Life in Christ
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Anticipatory Set
Opening Prayer incorporating St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letter (p.
Note that this is not a canonical (Scriptural) letter but is used by the
Church in the Liturgy of the Hours.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
 What are the Sacraments of Service?
 What is the priesthood in Judaism?
 Did Jesus Christ establish a priesthood for his Church?
 The Sacraments of Service are Holy Orders and Matrimony.
 In the Old Testament we see that God established a priestly people,
the Jews, and a hereditary priesthood in the Tribe of Levi.
 Jesus Christ established a priesthood for his Church through a
personal call to his Apostles.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Focus Questions
Why was the world a hostile place for Christians at the turn of the
first century?
The Church was in its infancy, the last of the Apostles had died, Christianity
was illegal and persecuted by the Roman authorities, and schismatic and
heretical sects had emerged that could destroy it.
According to St. Ignatius of Antioch, what was the source of the
preservation of unity, truth, and mission within the Church?
The bishops, presbyters, and deacons, successors of the Apostles.
How are bishops, priests, and deacons related to the Church?
They are consecrated to the service of the Church through the Sacrament
of Holy Orders.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Guided Exercise: A mini-lecture on heresy and schism.
Heresy has to do with doctrine. Schism has to do with authority and governance.
A heretic picks and chooses which doctrines he will believe or not rather than embracing
the entire Revelation that Christ entrusted to his Church under the stewardship of Peter
and the Apostles, and their successors, the Pope and the bishops.
There have been countless examples of heresy over the ages.
In the early Church, one of the first heresies was Gnosticism, a religion that claimed to
have a secret knowledge about salvation that could only be known by the specially
Many other early heresies revolved around the nature of Jesus Christ. It was easy to see
how Jesus Christ could be God or man but not God and man.
Schism is a splitting or break in the Church's authority structure and communion.
For example, in Northern Africa, the Donatist schism arose over the question of
whether Sacraments administered by a bishop or priest who had denied the Faith during
persecution were valid. The Donatists bishops and priests separated themselves from the
Catholic bishops and priests over this issue.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Focus Questions
What are the Sacraments of Service?
They are Holy Orders and Matrimony.
What is a Sacrament of Service?
It is a Sacrament that consecrates a person to the service of others.
What is a minister?
Minister comes from the Latin word that means servant.
Who are ordained ministers in the Catholic Church?
Bishops, priests, and deacons.
What is the service that ordained ministers in the Catholic Church provide?
They serve Jesus Christ, who acts in his Church through them, especially through the
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Guided Exercise
Complete the following graphic to organize your knowledge of the
Sacraments of Service.
The Sacraments of Service
Service it Provides
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Holy Orders
The Sacraments of Service
Service it Provides
A bishop, priest or deacon is consecrated
to serve the Church to bring people to
The spouses are consecrated to serve
one another and the children God gives
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Guided Exercise
A Think/Pair/Write/Share on the following question:
What are the three divisions of the Sacraments we have seen and which
Sacraments belong in each division?
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Focus Questions
How is the priesthood first seen in the Old Testament?
In the Old Testament, the entire Hebrew people were priestly, that is, they
were to reveal God to the world and to represent mankind before him.
Extension: Many individuals prior to Abraham offered sacrifice to God,
for example Cain and Abel in Genesis. In addition, the ancient world was
full of religions in which sacrifices were offered to gods.
What was the Levitical priesthood?
The Levitical priesthood was made up of the male descendants of the
Tribe of Levi, whom Moses appointed under God’s direction to act as
priests for the Jewish people, first in the desert and then in the Temple of
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Focus Questions
How was the priesthood conferred in the Old Testament?
It was passed down from father to son within the Tribe of Levi.
How did Jesus call his Apostles?
He called them personally, by name.
How did Jesus’ calling of Peter reveal Jesus’ omnipotence?
Peter was only a fisherman. However, Christ understood who he was and
who he could become and gave him a new name, Peter, or rock, on whom
he would found his Church.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Focus Questions
How are men called to Holy Orders today?
They receive a personal invitation from Christ to leave everything behind and
live a life dedicated entirely to the service of God and his people, according to
his plan of Redemption.
How does one know if he has a vocation to Holy Orders?
Men who may have a vocation undergo a long period of discernment and
Extension: The bishop’s decision to ordain a man is confirmation of a
What is the “reality” that Christ created and through which he
communicates himself, according to Pope Benedict XVI?
It is the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Write a paragraph in which you summarize the priesthoods of the
Old and New Testaments.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Homework Assignment
Pp. 154-157.
Questions: 1-3.
Workbook: 1-8.
1. The Priesthood in the Old and New Testaments (pp. 150-153)
Alternative Assessment
Watch the video Fishers of Men
Then free write for five minutes on your reaction to it.
Briefly share responses.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Anticipatory Set
Read and discuss Pope Benedict’s statement on page 157 (beginning,
“Through the apostolic ministry”) taking apart what he is saying.
This lesson will show how the Apostles made provision for their ministry
to continue after their deaths.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Who is the one high priest of Christianity?
What does it mean to act in persona Christi capitis?
What is Apostolic succession?
Jesus Christ is the one, high priest sent by the Father to mediate
between God and man and redeem man from sin.
All Christian priests act not by their own power but in the Person of
Christ the Head.
Christ appointed the Apostles to continue his priesthood. They, in turn,
appointed men as bishops, priests, and deacons. Apostolic succession is
the handing on of ecclesiastical authority from the Apostles to their
successors, the bishops, through the laying on of hands.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
Where do we learn about the birth and growth of the Apostolic
In the Acts of the Apostles.
Who were the leaders of the early Church?
The Apostles.
Why did the Apostles appoint Matthias?
To replace Judas as Apostle.
What was the significance of Christ choosing twelve Apostles?
Just as there were twelve Tribes of Israel in the Old Covenant, there
would be twelve leaders in the Church of the New Covenant, established
by Christ.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
What is the origin of deacons?
The Apostles appointed and ordained seven men to help in serving poor Christians in
Jerusalem so the Apostles would have time to spread the Gospel.
What is a sign that deacons shared in the authority of the Apostles?
The deacon Stephen fearlessly preached the good news and became the first martyr.
Why did the Apostles appoint bishops and priests?
They needed additional leaders to minister in places where they established new
How did the Apostles ordain new ministers?
By laying their hands on them.
What is the origin of the names bishop and priest?
Bishop comes from the Greek word meaning overseer. Presbyter, where we get the English
word priest, comes from the Greek word meaning elder.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
What is the general meaning of the word priest?
A priest is a mediator between God and man.
How is the Christian priesthood different from all other priesthoods?
In Christianity, there is one high priest, Jesus Christ. All ordained priests act
not by their own power but in the Person of Christ the Head.
What was the reason for the life of Christ?
Christ became man to be a perfect sacrifice for our sins as the one mediator
between God and man.
How do the sacrifices of the Old Testament relate to the sacrifice of
They imperfectly foreshadowed the perfect sacrifice of Christ.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
Why is Christ’s sacrifice perfect?
Because it is God himself who is the priest who makes the offering and the victim who is
Why did Christ appoint Apostles?
He wanted to continue his ministry after his Death and Resurrection by investing men with
his own authority to preach, baptize, celebrate the Eucharist, forgive sins, and administer the
other Sacraments.
How is Christ’s relationship with the Apostles a reflection of his relationship with
the Father?
The Father sent Christ into the world to save it and make it holy. Christ sent his Apostles
into the world to do the same.
What does it mean that the Christian priest acts in Persona Christi capitis?
Christ has transformed the nature of the priest so that he does not act as an individual
mediator between God and man, but rather, he participates in the mediation and ministry of
Christ himself.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Guided Exercise
Perform a paragraph shrink on the two paragraphs that make up CCC
1548 (p. 156).
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
What do Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp have in common?
They were all bishops appointed by one of the Apostles: Clement and
Ignatius by Peter, Polycarp by John.
According to St. Clement, why did the Apostles appoint bishops and
provide for the appointing of successors to the bishops?
The Apostles appointed bishops so there would not be arguments over
who was a legitimate bishop. The Apostles also provided a way the
episcopacy would continue, so that if the bishops they appointed should
fall asleep, that is, die, others would succeed them in their service.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Focus Questions
What three orders of leaders does Ignatius of Antioch distinguish?
Bishops, presbyters, and deacons.
According to Tertullian, how could one identify the true Church and
know that its bishop was acting under the authority of Christ
himself ?
The Church should be able to show that its first bishop was appointed by
an Apostle, and that successive bishops were ordained, one after another,
in direct continuity with the original Apostle.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Guided Exercise
Perform a focused reading on the final two paragraphs of page 157
(beginning, “Since the first days” and “This custom”) using the following
How did the custom of a bishop heading a diocese and priests under him heading
parishes come about?
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Write a paragraph summarizing how the Apostles ensured that
Christ’s ministry would continue in the Church after their deaths and
into the future.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Homework Assignment
Pp. 158-161.
Questions: 4-14.
Workbook: 9-20.
Practical Exercise 1.
2. The Priesthood in the Early Church (pp. 154-157)
Alternative Assessment
Work with a partner to complete Practical Exercise 1, on how to spot
an authentic Catholic Church.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Anticipatory Set
Opening Prayer incorporating Acts 6:1-6, the institution of deacons.
What does this passage reveal about the mission and the authority of
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
What are the three degrees of Holy Orders?
What is the diaconate?
Holy Orders is the Sacrament of Apostolic Ministry by which the
mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in
the Church through the laying on of hands, which leaves a sacramental
character on the soul. The ordained nourish the people of God, fulfilling
in the Person of Christ the Head the functions of teaching, sanctifying,
and governing.
There are three degrees within the Sacrament of Holy Orders: bishop,
presbyter, and deacon. The bishop has the fullness of the Sacrament.
Priests and deacons serve the bishop.
The diaconate, whether permanent or transitional, is an office of service.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Focus Questions
When did Jesus institute the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy
During the Last Supper.
How did Christ confer these two Sacraments?
By telling the Apostles to “Do this in memory of me,” Christ gave them a
share in his ministerial priesthood enabling them to confect the Eucharist.
How did the Apostles learn more about their mission, according to
the New Testament?
After the Resurrection, Christ told the Apostles they would receive the
Holy Spirit, gave them authority to forgive sins, and directed them to bring
the Gospel to all nations and to baptize those who believed.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Guided Exercise
Complete the following graphic to articulate what the Code of Canon
Law says about the ministerial priesthood (the quote beginning, “By
divine institution” p. 158).
The Ministerial Priesthood
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
The Ministerial Priesthood
It was instituted by God.
Some, not all the Christian faithful, are given this power.
They receive an indelible character with the sacrament.
They are consecrated, that is, made sacred persons.
There are different grades of ordination.
They act in the person of Christ, the head.
They each teach, sanctify and govern.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Focus Questions
What are the three grades of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
Deacon, priest, and bishop.
What does it mean that the Sacrament imparts an indelible seal?
The Sacrament marks, or changes, the person’s soul forever.
What should the personal life of an ordained man be like?
It should be a life of service, self-denial, and sacrifice. An ordained man is
called not only to follow Christ but to be Christ to others.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Focus Questions
What did the word “orders” mean in the Roman Empire?
Orders referred to a governing body, membership in which made one sacred.
How does the term “orders” apply to the ordained ministry?
There are three “orders” in the ordained ministry: bishop, priest, and
deacon. The members of each order are consecrated by the Holy Spirit into
the service of God, the Church, and their fellow man.
What is the relationship among the three orders in the ordained
The bishop possesses the fullness of the Sacrament. Deacons and priests
assist the bishop and cannot function apart from him.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Guided Exercise
A Think/Pair/Share on the following question:
What does the Church mean when she says no one has the right to the
Sacrament of Holy Orders?
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Focus Questions
What are the two types of deacons in the Catholic Church today?
Permanent and transitional deacons.
What is a permanent deacon?
He is someone ordained a deacon who intends to stay in this office for the
rest of his life.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Focus Questions
Why is it prudent that the Church requires a married candidate for
the diaconate to obtain the consent of his wife?
Extension: The diaconate is an unpaid position, so the deacon must have
his own means of income to support himself and his family. The duties of
a deacon will also require a lot of time away from the family. Therefore, it
is prudent that the deacon’s wife be in agreement with his desire.
What are the symbols of a deacon?
A dalmatic, a stole, and the Book of the Gospels.
What is a transitional deacon?
A transitional deacon is ordained as a step on the way to being ordained to
the priesthood.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Write a paragraph summarizing how the permanent diaconate is a
call to a life of service.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Homework Assignment
Pp. 162-166 (up to “THE CELEBRATION OF THE
Questions: 15-21.
Workbook: 21-23.
3. The Sacrament of Holy Orders & the Diaconate (pp. 158-161)
Alternative Assessment
Free write for a few minutes on what you consider the most
important or appealing responsibility of a deacon (see list on page
161) and why.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Anticipatory Set
Read and discuss the implications of the excerpt from St. Ignatius’s
Letter (p. 164).
(N.B. Ignatius was bishop of Antioch. )
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
What is the office of priest?
What is the office of bishop?
Under the authority of his bishop, the diocesan priest is to preach
the Gospel, shepherd the faithful, celebrate the Sacraments, and lead
divine worship.
The bishop possesses the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy
Orders, is the minister of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, presides
over all the other Sacraments, has full authority in his diocese, and
has a collegial relationship with the other bishops worldwide, under
the headship of the Pope.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
What are the basic roles of the priest through ordination?
Under the authority of his bishop, he is to preach the Gospel, shepherd the
faithful, celebrate the Sacraments, and lead divine worship.
How is a diocesan priest related to his bishop and all the other priests
of his diocese?
He promises obedience to his bishop and has a cooperative, or collegiate,
relationship with the other priests of the diocese.
Why is the parish priest the minister of the Church with whom most
people have direct contact?
Because he baptizes, hears confessions, gives first and subsequent
Communions, prepares and witnesses marriages, visits the sick in hospitals,
administers anointing of the sick, and celebrates funeral masses.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
What is the central duty of a Catholic priest?
The celebration of the Eucharist.
Why should a priest spend a significant amount of time daily in
To gain strength and grace from God so he can be a source of the same for
those he serves.
How many years of education are currently required for a man to be
ordained a priest?
Between four and seven years of education beyond a college diploma.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
What are the symbols of the priesthood?
Stole, chasuble, and chalice and paten.
What is the origin of the word seminary?
It means seed bed, a place where vocations to the priesthood are
planted and have a chance to grow.
What should a young man do if he thinks he might have a
vocation to the priesthood?
He should pray a lot and then talk to a priest with whom he can
discuss this vocation.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Guided Exercise
Priests engage in a vast array of other duties and activities within
their priestly lives.
Work with a partner to list some tasks and undertakings that priests
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
What is the original meaning of the word bishop, or episkopoi?
It means overseer. Bishops oversee their local Christian communities.
How does the bishop visibly represent Christ?
He represents him as teacher, shepherd, and priest.
Who is the only valid minister of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
A bishop.
To whom can every validly ordained bishop trace his ordination back to?
To an Apostle.
Which levels of Holy Orders can a bishop confer?
All three levels.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
What limit is there on episcopal ordination?
Current Church law specifies that a bishop can only ordain with the
permission of the Pope.
What is a bishop’s authority in his own diocese?
He has full authority to teach, govern, and sanctify.
What are the symbols of a bishop?
Mitre, ring, bishop’s chair, and crosier.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
How is the bishop involved with each parish?
He is ultimately responsible for every parish. He is responsible for the
education and formation of his priests, decides which priests will be
assigned to which parishes, and visits the parishes to learn about their
What is episcopal collegiality?
Each bishop in the world is united with every other bishop, under the
leadership of the Pope. This relationship is the same as existed between
the Apostles and Peter.
What are the two kinds of Church councils?
Local and general, or ecumenical, councils.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Focus Questions
Although our individual bishop is not infallible, what should our
attitude be toward his teachings?
We should adhere to what he asks with a religious submission of mind.
What makes the decisions of an ecumenical council infallible?
Ratification by the Pope.
How many ecumenical councils have there been?
When was the last ecumenical council?
The Second Vatican Council from 1962-1966.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Guided Exercise
Do a web search to find out the following information about your
local bishop:
What is his name?
Information about Your Bishop
When was he was appointed
How old is he?
Where was he educated?
What is his motto?
What are some of his goals?
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Write a paragraph summarizing the office of either a parish priest or
diocesan bishop.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Homework Assignment
 Pp. 166-171.
 Questions: 22-27.
 Workbook: 24-38.
 Practical Exercise 3.
4. Priests and Bishops (pp. 162-166)
Alternative Assessment
Free write for five minutes on the qualities you most wish to see in
your parish priest.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Anticipatory Set
Write about and then discuss the following question:
Why does our secular culture, in general, not understand a male, celibate
This lesson will discuss some very countercultural practices.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
What are the matter, form, and minister of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
What is the life of a diocesan priest like?
What are religious order priests?
Why do Latin rite priests not marry?
Why is the Catholic priesthood confined to men?
The matter of Holy Orders is the laying on of hands; the form is the prayer in which
the minister asks that the ordained receive the graces needed to carry out the ministry of
deacon, priest, or bishop; and the minister is always a bishop.
Diocesan priests pursue a very wide variety of ministries; however, in the Latin rite
they live celibacy, obey their diocesan bishop, offer the Eucharist daily, and pray the
Liturgy of the Hours.
Some members of religious orders exercise a priestly ministry and live the vows of
poverty, chastity, and obedience, along with the particular charism of their order.
In the Latin rite, priests live life-long celibacy for the sake of the kingdom of God.
The Catholic Church has an all-male priesthood because that is Christ’s will.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
What is the matter of Holy Orders?
The laying on of hands by the bishop.
What is the form of Holy Orders?
It is the laying of hands on the head of the ordained and the prayer
of the bishop. It also includes some other rituals and an anointing
with chrism.
Who is the minister of Holy Orders?
A bishop only.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
What do all priests have in common?
Whatever their particular ministry, they always act in persona Christi capitis (in
the Person of Christ the Head).
What commitments do diocesan priests make in the Latin rite?
Life-long celibacy and obedience to their bishop.
What is incardination?
It refers to a priest being incorporated into his diocese and functioning
under the authority of his bishop.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
What must a priest do if he wants to spend time in another diocese
to live, work, or study?
He must obtain the permission of his bishop and get formal permission
from the bishop of the new diocese to exercise, under normal
circumstances, his priesthood.
What are priests to do daily?
Offer Mass and pray the Liturgy of the Hours.
What other spiritual norms should a priest regularly complete?
Frequent Confession, mental prayer, spiritual reading, and visits to the
Blessed Sacrament.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
What is a religious priest?
He is a priest who is a member of a religious order.
What are the vows that all religious take?
Chastity, poverty, and obedience. Extension: Consecrated persons following the
Benedictine tradition take vows of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Manners,
which includes the aforementioned vows.
What does the vow of poverty mean?
It means that a member of the order owns nothing. The order itself may own
property necessary for it to carry out its mission.
Who do religious obey?
Their superior in their order and the bishop of the diocese in which they serve.
What are some additional vows that some religious orders take?
Obedience to the Pope or serving the poor.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
Why did many of the Apostles and early followers of Christ not
They wanted to imitate Christ, who didn’t marry, to give themselves
completely to the Christian ministry.
In Matthew 19:11-12 what does Christ mean by “eunuchs who
have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of
He means those who have freely given up marriage to gain and advance
the kingdom of God.
Why did St. Paul advise people not to marry, even though, he
said, it was legitimate to do so?
He said that marriage causes many worldly troubles, whereas the
unmarried can be totally dedicated to God.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Guided Exercise
A Think/Pair/Share on the following question:
Why is it an advantage for the Church to have unmarried priests?
Guided Exercise
A focused reading of the last two paragraphs of the section on Celibacy
on page 169 (beginning, “Far from undermining” and “Virginity or
celibacy”) using the following question:
How do high esteem for marriage and celibacy reinforce each other?
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Guided Exercise
Work with a partner to come up with an apologetics, based on our
textbook, for why the Catholic Church does not ordain women as
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Focus Questions
In what sense are all Catholic women already priests?
All members of the Church share in the common priesthood of the faithful,
and have the ability to turn all the events of their lives into spiritual
sacrifices that they can offer to God for themselves and all other persons.
How is the ministerial priesthood a service to the people of God?
God established the ministerial priesthood to bring the Sacraments to the
people of God.
What is greater for an individual, to be the means by which Christ’s
grace is brought to others or to actually receive these graces?
To bring the Sacraments to others is a great thing, because it is a vocation
and a service. To receive the Sacraments is even greater, because one
receives Christ.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Guided Exercise
Discuss the selection from Pope John Paul II’s book on his priestly
vocation (p. 171) using questions such as the following:
Based on what the Pope has written here, how do you think he would respond to a
person, man or woman, who demanded to be ordained a priest because he or she has “the
What “exchange” do God and a young man make in discerning a vocation and which
one gains the most from it?
How does this passage communicate that giving up a human family is a little thing
compared to a vocation to the priesthood?
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Write a paragraph on why the Latin rite of the Church has a celibate
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Homework Assignment
 Pp. 172.
 Questions: 28-32.
 Workbook: 39-58.
5. The Celebration of and Life in Holy Orders (pp. 166-171)
Alternative Assessment
Write a Letter to the Editor explaining why the Church says it does
not have the authority to ordain women to the priesthood.
The End