HTML and Web Pages - Marquette University

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Transcript HTML and Web Pages - Marquette University

JavaScript – return function,
time object and image
Function that provides a return
 We seen function eg. displayText()
 We seen function with parameters
function f1(varName) eg. markBox(cell)
 Today we tackle function that returns
something. It could return a number, a string,
a boolean or even an “object”
 Might need it for TIC TAC TOE assignment –
especially for checkWin()
function calcArea(l, w) {/* function calculates and returns */
var area = l*w;
return area;
function calcPerim(l, w) {
return (2 * l * w); //a short cut without using temp var
function calc() {
var wid=parseFloat(document.simpleForm.widthBox.value);
var len=parseFloat(document.simpleForm.lengthBox.value);
calcArea(len, wid);
calcPerim(len, wid);
document.simpleForm.showArea.value = area;
document.simpleForm.showPerim.value = perimeter;
Example of function return
function calcArea(l, w) {/* function calculates and returns */
var area = l*w;
return area;
function calcPerim(l, w) {
return (2 * l * w); //a short cut without using temp var
function calc() {
var wid=parseFloat(document.simpleForm.widthBox.value);
var len=parseFloat(document.simpleForm.lengthBox.value);
var area = calcArea(len, wid); // call a fn with parameters
var perimeter = calcPerim(len, wid);
document.simpleForm.showArea.value = area;
document.simpleForm.showPerim.value = perimeter;
Exercise: Displaying Time.
 For this exercise, you need to be able to use the previous
jex12.html to help you. You DO NOT need random function.
 The only part is how to create current time.
 There is a Date object. Use the code here below to create a
timeStamp variable that is of object type Date(). See the code
below in order to get the hrs, mins and seconds.
var timeStamp = new Date();
hrs = timeStamp.getHours();
mins = timeStamp.getMinutes();
seconds = timeStamp.getSeconds();
 Note that hrs, mins and seconds are declared as numeric
integer. In order to print them in HH:MM:SS, you need to
concatenate into string ie.
displayString = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + seconds;
Exercise: Displaying Time.
displayString = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + seconds;
Then you write the following code to display the time.
document.simpleForm.displayTime.value = displayString;
However, if any of hrs, mins or seconds are less than 10, then
the time might look wierd, eg.
9:4:5 which actually suppose to mean 09:04:05
Therefore you need to write some if conditions to include a "0" in
displayString can be concatenated to itself. For example if
displayString shows "bc" and you want to make it "abc", you do
displayString= "a" + displayString;
displayString shows "bc" and you want to make it "bcd", you do
displayString = displayString + "d";
Exercise jex14.html: From trial to
 First try and get the seconds out of the time stamp and see if
you can animate the seconds moving and stopping.
 Once this works, then you try and get the whole time to display
correctly. Do not worry about the 09 vs. 9 minutes at this point.
Once you are able to display the time, then you start to write the
if condition to check.
 Once this works, then you can use
style sheet to modify your textbox.
Look at POP/TART exercise
Image Roll Over
 You have seen this applications of image roll over in many web
pages especially for menu choices etc.
The two event handlers that deals with image roll over are
 This is when the mouse is on top of the image
 This is for handling the event when the mouse leaves the
You need to preload all the images into arrays in order to
facilitate this feature.
Example – in body of HTML
<A href="links.html" onmouseover = "change(0)"
onmouseout = "changeback(0)">
<img src="links1.gif" width=97 height=26 border=0 align=bottom></A>
<A href="pics.html" onmouseover = "change(1)“
onmouseout = "changeback(1)">
<img src="pics1.gif" width=97 height=26 border=0 align=bottom ></A>
<A href="demos.html" onmouseover = "change(2)"
onmouseout = "changeback(2)">
<img src="demos1.gif" width=97 height=26 border=0 align=bottom ></A>
Example – JavaScript code
var roll_in = new Array();
var roll_out = new Array();
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
roll_in[i]=new Image();
Be careful here. You may
roll_out[i]= new Image();
have to adjust the “index”
of the images. Sometimes
it will be whichOne + x
where x is the number of
displayed images prior to
the roll over images
function change(whichOne) {
document.images[whichOne].src = roll_out[whichOne].src;
function changeback(whichOne) {
document.images[whichOne].src=roll_in [whichOne].src;
Exercise jex15.html – Web page with
image roll over.