Diapositive 1

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JICA’s Operations & Activities
(Incl. Private Sector Partnerships)
JICA Morocco Office
«Hand in Hand with a more dynamic Africa»
(TICAD V, Yokohama, June 2013)
The WEX Africa 2014 Internationale Trade mission
El Jadida 12 - 13 November 2014
Développement inclusif et dynamique
I. JICA’s Operations and activities
II. Private sector partnerships
I. JICA’s Operations and activities
Vision, mission and strategy
JICA’s activities
JICA Morocco activities
JICA’s support in the water sector
1. Japan International Cooperation Agency:
History, vision, mission & strategy
Développement inclusif et dynamique
Establishment of the new JICA
(merger JICA and JBIC – revised JICA Act)
JICA’s reorganisation as an incorporated
adm. Agency (review of programs)
Establishment of JBIC (merger of JEXIM & OECF)
Joint technical cooperation
with other interational organisations
Establishment of JICA
(JICA Act)
Introduction of the 3rd country
training program
Creation of JOCV
Establishment of OECF (Organisation
of Economic Cooperation Fund in Asia)
1. Japan International Cooperation Agency:
History, vision, mission & strategy
Inclusive and Dynamic Development
1. Addressing the global agenda
2. Reducing poverty through equitable growth
3. Improving governance
4. Achieving
 Integrated support
Comprehensive support combining policy and institutional improvement, human resource
development and improvement in infrastructure
Comprehensive support that encompasses different regions and issues
 Seamless
Providing quick and seamless support from disaster relief to support for
Dealing flexibly with development needs according to the various stages of development,
from the least developed countries to middle income countries
 Promoting development partnerships
Promotion of public-private partnership and participation of the public
Use of science and technology
Promotion of international collaboration
 Enhancing
research and knowledge-sharing
Reinforcement of the function of research on development based on an abundance of
information obtained from the actual site of cooperation
Leading the trend of international assistance through active diffusion of research results
2. JICA’s Operations & activities
JICA’s Overall Activities
 Bilateral agency in charge of
ODA execution, including
Technical Cooperation, ODA Loan
and Grant Aid.
 One among the most
renowned agency of bilateral
cooperation, working in more that
150 countries and regions
JICA’s Operations in FY 2010
Unit: JPY billion
Technical Cooperation
Through the Government
Grant Aid
Through the Government
Loan Assistance
Through the Government
Directly to private entities
(Private Sector Investment
Contribution per Sector (ODA Loan worldwide)
Unit: JPY Billion
Commodity and other loans
Social services
Mining and manufacturing
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Irrigation and flood control
Electric Power and Gas
3. JICA Morocco Office
Starting Operations: 1967
Four intervention area:
1. Economic competitivenss: support sustainable Economic Development and competitivness
2. Regional and social disparities: Poverty reduction (rural/urban disparity attenuation)
3. South/South Cooperation (Morocco-Japan-African counties)
Support Morocco in its endeavours in the development of African countries
4. Human Resources development and national capacity building
Three instruments:
1. Technical Cooperation (1967) : ~ 310 millions USD
2. Grant Aid (1967): ~ 337 millions USD
3. ODA Loan (1976): 34 projets réalisés et en cours de réalisation (~ USD 3 Milliards)
4. JICA support in the Water Sector in Morocco
1995: Aménagement dans le secteur de l’Alimentation en Eau (I) 60
millions USD
1997~2009 : Aménagement dans le secteur de l’alimentation en eau
(II) 90 millions USD
1999~2007: Approvisionnement en Eau potable en milieu rural (I) 50
millions USD
2000~2008 : Approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural (II)
24,6 millions USD.
2001~2008: Alimentation en Eau Potable d’Agadir 64 millions USD
2008~2015 : Approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural (III),
136 millions USD
2010~2017 : Alimentation en Eau Potable à Khouribga et Khémisset
154 millions USD
2011~2020: Projet d’Alimentation en eau potable à Fès et Meknès 174
millions USD
2005~2016 : Aménagement des Systèmes d’Assainissement (I) 42
millions USD
2007~2014 : Projet de Développement des Systèmes d’Assainissement
(II) 50,5 millions USD
2013~ : Projet de Développement des Systèmes d’Assainissement (III)
107 millions USD
4. JICA support in the water sector in Morocco
Procurement of major facilities (ICB):
Project’s title: « Sewerage System Development Project, III MR-P33 »
Date of the L/A signature: 26/03/2013
End of disbursement date: 17/01/2024
Loan amount(million yen): 10,790 (~ USD 100 Million)
Target areas: Ouarzazate, Nador, Targuist, Essaouira, Bouarfa, Berkane, El Aroui, Taourirt, M’rirt
Executing agency: ONEE (branche eau)
N° projet
Lot name (ICB)
Next step
STEP rehabilitation et extension
Basic Design (APS) studies at a
final stage (provisional EIA
studies ongoing
November 2015
STEP rehabilitation et extension
Detailed Design studies
September 2017
Anaerobic pond cover systems
ToR ongoing
June 2016
Laboratory equipment for water
quality (supply, setting up and training)
DCE non encore établis
March 2015
I. JICA’s Operations and activities
II. Private sector partnerships
II. JICA’s Private sector partnerships
1. JICA’s assistance tools
1.1 definition
1.2 PSIF
1.3 PPP F/S Assistance
1.4 BOP F/S Assistance
JICA’s Private Sector partnerships
1. Assistance tools
1.1 JICA’s private sector operations include the following:
Private Sector
Finance (PSIF)
surveys for PPP
survey for BOP
Assistance (Policy
Financial support to private projects through concessional loans and
equity investment, which will facilitate private finance into the field
where otherwise will not be feasible with just the available private
finance in the market
Project Development Assistance to PPP infrastructure projects/BOP business.
JICA calls for proposals and private companies will submit their investment
ideas (proposal-public offering system). JICA will then award some good
proposals to be conducted under JICA’s budget. Proponents are required to
propose JICA of their necessary assistance from JICA (including finance,
grants, TA …..)
JICA can facilitate private finance in developping countries through
policy advice to the government and training to the Government or
private companies
JICA can support the private companies who intend to invest in
developping countries
JICA’s Private Sector partnerships: Assistance tools
1.2 PSIF (Private Sector Investment Finance)
(1) Outline
One of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Schemes
⇒ Purpose: Support economic development and Poverty Reduction
(MDGs and Poverty Alleviation, climate change and accelerating
growth through infrastructure development)
Scheme of
Flexible and
Loan (long tenor and low interest rate) & Equity
Direct Support for Private Companies
(available for JV with Government Companies)
⇒ therefore, request of other procedures taken by recipient
Governments are NOT necessary
Japanese ODA Loan
Recipient Government
Private Companies
(Project Companies)
Executing Agencies
1.2 PSIF (Private Sector Investment Finance)
(3) Major Conditions
Project Type
Private Project
Government Project
Financing Tool
Equity Investment (share of equity: max
25% of the total capital) / Loan
Japanese Yen (Loan)
Local Currency (Equity)
Japanese Yen
Terms of Loan
- Interest Rate
Concessional Level
- Repayment
Up to 20 years
(Up to 25 years in special cases)
(For Vietnam)
Normal ODA loan: 1.4%
Special Condition: 0.2%
Normal ODA loan: 30 years
Special Condition: 40 years
- Grace Period
- Maximum Share
Up to10 years
70% (80% in special cases)
10 years
-Initiated by the private company’s
-Short and simple procedures
-Initiated by official request of
government of recipient countries
Security Package
-Tailor made
-Sovereign guarantee is not required
-Sovereign guarantee or
Government borrowing
-Recipient of JICA`s PSIF selects
contractors for procurement at its
-JICA’s procurement guidelines
JICA’s Private Sector partnerships: Assistance tools
1.3 Preparatory Survey F/S (PPP/BOT Infrastructure F/S Assistance)
 F/S is necessary for project implementation.
 F/S costs are risk money for private companies. Conducting a F/S on challenging projects in developing countries
are in most cases impossible without financial support..
 JICA bears all or part of cost of F/S by means of soliciting proposals for F/S on PPP projects from Japanese private
companies and entrusting F/S to the proponents who submitted successful proposals.
JICA’s Support:
Max. JPY 150 mil. (USD 1,3 million) to cover part of Feasibility Study cost.
Eligible projects:
 PPP infrastructure projects in developing countries
 Preparation for utilizing JICA ODA assistance or PSIF
 Proponents should have an intention to invest in the project (not only construction)
Example of projects in which JICA is supporting the private sector (PPP scheme):
 Indonesia: Potable water supply with solar power system and small water desalination units (Toray industries, kitakyshi
 Bangladesh: Rainwater tanks with microcredit system (Institute for Skywater harvesting)
 Senegal: Village water supply with clean water system in West Africa (Yamaha)
JICA’s Private Sector partnerships: Assistance tools
1.4 Preparatory Survey F/S (BOP F/S Assistance)
 F/S is necessary for project implementation.
 F/S costs are risk money for private companies. Conducting a F/S on challenging projects in developing countries
are in most cases impossible without financial support..
 JICA bears all or part of cost of F/S by means of soliciting proposals for F/S on BOP projects from Japanese private
companies and entrusting F/S to the proponents who submitted successful proposals.
JICA’s Support:
Max. JPY 50 mil. (USD 0.45 million) to cover part of Feasibility Study cost.
Eligible projects:
Business that involve BOP as consumers of a good or service which leads to development effect; or
Business that offers BOP the opportunity of participating in its economic activity as an entrepreneur or employee, which
leads to developmental effect.
Example of projects in which JICA is supporting the private sector (conducting BOP F/S):
Project title: « Ait Baamrane Cactus development and intensification project » (Sidi Ifni (SMD region))
Proponent: JCB Japan / TOYO KOATSU Co., Ltd
Country: Morocco
Objetive of the F/S: create a pilot model for social business that can be scaled up to other sectors
JICA Morocco Office
Mr. Takashi YUKIZAWA, Loan Section Chief
[email protected]
Mlle Ouidad BENHADDOU, Programme Officer
[email protected]
Tel : (0537) 27 65 95/96/97/98/99
Fax : (0537) 77 95 92
Adresse :N° 9, Impasse Al Melia, Lotissement Falah, Lot 9, Agdal Riyad – 10100, Rabat, Maroc