The Merely Very Good

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The Merely Very Good
Jeremy Bernstein
The Merely Very Good
About the Author
Jeremy Bernstein (1929-- ): professor of physics and writer. After
getting his Ph. D. in physics at Harvard, he spent time at the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at the National
Science Foundation. He taught physics for 5 years at New York
University and then at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken,
New Jersey. But Jeremy Bernstein has also spent more than 30
years on the staff of The New Yorker magazine, writing mostly
about physics, computers, and other topics in physical science. He
moves as comfortably among sentences and paragraphs as among
equations . Some of his publications are: The Analytical Science:
computers---past, present and future (1964, revised 1981); Einstein
(1973); Experiencing science (1978) ; Science Observed: Essays Out
Of My Mind(1982); and The Merely personal: Observations on
Science and Scientists (2001).
Jeremy Bernstein knows both physics and writing well. Besides, he
is related to Oppenheimer , Dirac and Spender in one way or
another. Therefore he is in a position to come to the conclusion that
Oppenheimer and Spender are merely very good.
The Merely Very Good
► Para1
Why does the author state in this personal
way? 1)Use the personal way to appeal to the
readers. 2) Use it to state the personal view; 3)
this way is less resistant
► Why doses the author begin the essay with such
an incident?
► Such a beginning serves three purposes: 1)it adds
a personal touch to the subject; 2) recreating his
everyday thoughts makes it easier for readers to
identify with him, and in this way he will
communicate to them more effectively. 3)as a link
to weave the things together
The Merely Very Good
Para2 J(ulius). Robert Oppenheimer (1904---1967) : American
theoretical physicist who directed the Los Alamos (in New Mexico)
laboratory ( Manhattan Project) during the development of the first
atomic bomb (1942-1945). Oppenheimer grew up in a sumptuous
Manhattan apartment whose walls were decorated with paintings by
Vincent Van Gogh, and Paul Gauguin . In 1922 Oppenheimer enrolled
at Harvard , where he took an intense program that ranged from math
and sciences to philosophy and Eastern religions and French and
English literature, Oppenheimer graduated in 1925. In 1926 he studied
with Max Born at the University of Gottingen in Germany, from which
he received his doctoral degree in March 1927. In 1939, he fell in love
with Katharine “Kitty” Puening Harrison, a biologist and widow of a
Communist killed during the Spanish civil war, She, too, had belonged
to the Communist party. They married in Nov.1940 and had two
Oppenheimer became officially involved in the atomic bomb project in
Oct. 1941. This would come to be known as the Manhattan Engineer
District Project. In Nov. 1942 he was appointed Director of what was to
become the Los Angeles Laboratory, which would design and construct
the atomic bomb.
The Merely Very Good
People marveled at how he seemed to understand any concept
instantly. Almost everyone considered him to be their intellectual
superior. He had the greatest memory anyone had ever seen. He
seemed to keep all aspects of Manhattan Project in his head, along
with an impressive knowledge of the arts and literature.
Oppenheimer was also an advisor to the Target Committee, which
recommended Japanese targets for the atomic bombs.
Oppenheimer celebrated the end of the war and the success of the
Manhattan Project, but the death toll and chilling descriptions of
radiation sickness had a sobering effect .He informed government
officials that most scientists in this project would not continue to
pursue such work. “ I feel we have blood on our hands,” he told
President Harry S. Truman. In October Oppenheimer resigned from Los
From 1947 through 1952 Oppenheimer directed the Institute for
Advanced Study at Princeton, which became a leading center of
theoretical physics and attracted notable scholars in the social sciences
and humanities.
The Merely Very Good
► In
May 1953 when Lewis Strauss was appointed to
chair the Atomic Energy Commission, he moved to
revoke Oppenheimer’s security clearance, thereby
serving him from the commission’s work. In April
1954 the hearing on Oppenheimer began and in
May the security board affirmed Oppenheimer’s
loyalty but denied him security clearance.
► 美国物理学家 / 原子物理学家,他于1942年至
The Merely Very Good
Max Born(1982—1970): German nuclear physicist, who published a
paper in 1924 in which the term Quantum Mechanics was used for the
first time. Winner of Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954.
Gottingen Gottingen University has a history of over 260 years, which
was founded in the 1730s by King George II , who was also ruler of
Hanover. Hanover----British ruling family (1714-1901). When Victoria
ascended the throne in 1837, the crowns of Hanover and Great Britain
were separated. 汉诺威,英国统治家族(1741-1901),当1837年维多利亚
登上王位时, 汉诺威与大不列颠的王权相分离)
At the age of 23: Why is the age mentioned here? He graduated from
Harvard University in 1925 . Then he went to Germany to study, and
got his Ph. D degree in 1927. In 2 years time , he got his Ph D degree
which shows that he is a bright/ intelligent young man, few people can
get Ph. D in 2 years time.
Quantum mechanics: quantum theory. Especially the quantum
theory of the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules
The Merely Very Good
Para2 1. What is the role of the first sentence in Paragraph 2?
It is a transitional sentence. The first part of the sentence links the
paragraph with the previous one. The second part brings in a chief
character of the essay, Robert Oppenheimer
2.fellowship: sum of money paid by an institution for the support of a
graduate student, scholar, etc. doing advanced study in some field. 研
究员薪金, 学院或大学中给予研究员的财政资助
3. took his degree.., at the age of twenty-three. Why do you think the
age is mentioned here?
The age is mentioned to show he was young and bright. When such a
bright person is considered "merely very good" by the author, his
message will come across more strongly.
4. Born’s recollections ... were not sympathetic. What was Prof. Born's
view of Oppenheimer?
He did not have very favorable assessment of Oppenheimer.
The Merely Very Good
5.. I was conscious of his superiority in a way which was
embarrassing and led to trouble:
► I knew that Oppenheimer was a man of great talent but
his way of showing his talent at my seminars caused
uneasiness and resentment among people, especially
among his fellow students.
► Why was the way embarrassing?
► It was embarrassing because Oppenheimer was very rude
in interrupting speakers at Born's seminars, yet at the
same time his scientific superiority to the Professor was
evident to all present.
► Why did it lead to trouble?
► Oppenheimer's behavior offended his fellow students and
they protested to Prof. Born, demanding he put an end to
such behavior.
The Merely Very Good
Para3 Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) :Austrian physicist. He shared a
1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory.奥地利物理
Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976) : German physicist and a founder
of quantum mechanics. He won a 1932 Nobel Prize for his uncertainty
principle.维尔纳·卡尔. 海森堡 德国物理学家,量子力学的奠基人。因
Paul A(drien).M(aurice).Dirac (1902—1984) : British physicist, his
pioneer work in the quantum mechanics of the atom won him the
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 at the age of 31. A giant in his field,
Dirac has continued to make major contributions in many areas of
modern theoretical physics.
1. --- insofar as one could have a friendship 1) Did Dirac make friend
with Oppenheimer in a real sense? No. In Fact no one can be friend
with Oppenheimer
Did Dirac have friends? Not really.
Was there any limit to such friendship?
Yes, Dirac’s friendship with others would only go to a certain extent.
Were Oppenheimer and Dirac friends? They were friends only to a
certain extent.
The Merely Very Good
2. What are the similarities and differences of Dirac and Oppenheimer
as shown in Paragraph3
1)Both were young--- in their twenties 2) Both were physicists,
working on quantum mechanics.
3)But when Oppenheimer was showing his talent in doing calculation
better in the quantum theory, Dirac had invented the theory. Dirac was
already famous.
4) Dirac concentrated on physics while Oppenheimer also wrote poetry.
3. While Oppenheimer was interrupting Born’s seminar --- Dirac had
invented the subject:
What sort of image is created about Oppenheimer?
It gives readers the impression of a young man who was bright but
lacked creativeness, who could only follow other's step yet was
pompous and conceited.
4. I would imagine that the "discussion"... like an Oppenheimer
1) Why is the word "discussion" in quotes?
Because it is so-called
"discussion" since Dirac did not say anything or did not have a chance
to say anything. Hence there was no discussion to speak of.
The Merely Very Good
2) Does this show anything about Oppenheimer? Yes, it shows that
Oppenheimer was eager to offer his opinion without thinking of giving
others a chance to express their views. He liked to monopolise the
whole situation.
5. who asked, "How can you do both--- In physics we try to---,
whereas in poetry---:
Dirac's understanding of physics and poetry: Dirac thought that the
physicists tried to make people understand something nobody knew
before whereas poets were dealing with subjects people were familiar
Did Dirac think people could do both poetry and physics? Why (not)?
Dirac did not think people could do both poetry and physics because
the nature of the two things was diametrically different.
6. As interesting as it might have been--- devoted to poetry:
1) Did the author repeat this anecdote? No, he decided against telling
the anecdote.
2) Why did he decided against telling the anecdote? Since those who
attended the conference were people devoted to poetry and he had
been asked to talk about the connection between physics and poetry,
such an anecdote, though interesting, might not be appreciated by the
audience. Such an anecdote would likely not be well received.
The Merely Very Good
Para4 Stephen Spender(1909—1995) British writer whose poetry
reflects personal emotional responses to social and political injustices.
His works include the collection The Still Center (1939) and Generous
Days (1971). His autobiography, World within World (1951) , is a
recreation of much of the political and social atmosphere of the 1930s.
his passionate and lyrical verse is filled with images of the modern
industrial world yet intensely personal. Spender was knighted in 1983.
斯彭德,斯蒂芬 英国作家,他的诗反映了他个人对于社会及政治不平
等的反感情绪。他的作品包括诗集 静止的中心(1935年)以及 慷慨的日
W.H.Auden(1907—1973) British-born American writer and critic . As
a young man he was influenced by the poetry of Thomas Hardy and
Robert Frost, as well as William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Gerard
M.Hopkins, and Old English verse. He formed lifelong friendships with
two fellow writers----Stephen Spender and Christopher Isherwood .At
Oxford his talent as a poet was immediately recognized .His collection
of poems , published in 1930, established him as the leading voice of a
new generation. His collections of poems such as The Dance of Death
(1933) and The Double Man (1941), established his importance in
20th-century literature.英裔美国作家及评论家,他的诗集,如 死亡之舞
(1933年)和 双重人(1941年)中的诗篇,奠定了他在20世纪文坛上
The Merely Very Good
1. the function of paragraph4: it brings the readers back to the
decision of going to the conference and introduces Spender and Auden,
thus presenting to the readers the two pairs of contrast: Dirac and
Oppenheimer and Auden and Spender.
2. S1 Pitted against these excellent reasons ... that finally carried the
day: There were two reasons for my going to the conference set
against going and they became decisive in my final decision.
to carry the day: to win; overcome the opposition of others, e. g.
They found that my views, with which they mostly disagreed, often
carried the day.
3. What were the two very powerful reasons for the author's going?
1) he wanted to cheer up his girl friend who was rather discouraged as
a result of the rough going in writing. 2) he would like to meet
Stephen Spender.
program means the arrangement is nor final
4. This,--- was decisive: Why was this so important to the author?
The author was eager to meet Spender not because he admired
Spender's writing but because Spender knew things about Auden who
meant a lot to the author.
The Merely Very Good
5. He is, for me, one of those whose writing about their writing is more
interesting than their writing itself: According to the author, Spender
belongs to the group whose writings about their lives. experience, that
is, whose autobiographies, are more interesting than their literary
6.Obsession n. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an
unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of
anxiety. 着魔,萦绕, 感情困扰,常伴有焦虑的症状
7. Like English bishops on the Quantum Theory What is funny about
this statement?
Quantum Theory is a serious scientific subject , it deals with laws in
physics, with new understandings of nature unknown to people in the
past. physics believes that nature can be revealed through science.
while Bishop is the person who is in charge of the church and makes
preach or delivers sermon They believe everything is created by God.
So It is funny if a bishop explains Quantum Theory, it sounds
ridiculous to put the two together.
7. Auden must have been to Spender... They focused like laser beams.
In this part the author brings up two important points: one is the idea
of "great" and "merely very good"; the other is the reason for the
difference: focused attention versus an unfocused approach.
The Merely Very Good
Laser beam: traveling in the same direction and essentially of the same
wavelength (the same frequency), i.e., color. A laser beam does not
diverge (分叉)by a significant amount and maintains a high energy
Para. 5
1.This was the director's mansion: 1)The director here refers to
director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Oppenheimer
at that time was the director. 2) mansion: a large, imposing house
2. Spender did not notice that, ... the odd horse on the grounds. The
horse refers to a real horse Oppenheimer brought back from the
western part of the United States.
3.van Gogh Vincent (1853-1890) Dutch postimpressionist painter
whose early works, such as The Potato Eaters (1885), portray peasant
life in somber, dark colors. His later works, including numerous selfportraits, a series of sunflower paintings (1888), and Starry Night
(1889), are characterized by bold, rhythmic brush strokes and vivid
colors. His long struggle with depression ended in suicide凡·高.文森特,
荷兰后印象主义派作家,他的早期作品,如 吃马铃暑的人,用低沉的,
列向日葵花的画,和 星夜(1889年),以大胆的、有节奏的绘画技巧和鲜
The Merely Very Good
4. Why did Oppenheimer want to show people the painting of van
Oppenheimer wrote poetry. The display of his collection of paintings
also revealed the artistic side of his character. He may not be able to
appreciate art but he wanted to show he had artistic taste. This is also
an example to show his unfocused interests.
5.Where did his small collection come from? Did the collection expand?
Why (not)?
He had inherited the collection from his father but he had never added
to the collection. This showed that he was not really interested in art
collection. The constant display and the never adding anything bring
light to his character.
Para6 1.... Oppenheimer appears in Spender’s journal--- Spender’s
own life: In his book, Spender fails to give a connected, complete
picture of Oppenheimer and does not mention that Oppenheimer's
background and situation has quite a lot to do with Spender.
Disembody v. 1) To free (the soul or spirit) from the body.使(灵魂或幽
灵)脱离躯壳 2)To divest of material existence or substance.使脱离实
The Merely Very Good
Para7 1. Oppenheimer has been "tried" for disloyalty to this country
and that his clearance had been taken away.
1)clearance: official, especially governmental, authorization allowing a
person to examine classified documents, participate in confidential
projects, etc通过审查,可以接触机密文件,参与保密项目,即通俗语言
中的“通过政审”, “政审合格”
2) Why is "tried" in quotes? Oppenheimer bad not been tried by a
court but was called before a three-member Security Board set up by
the Atomic Energy Commission to hear accusations against him and to
defend himself. The hearing lasted for four weeks.
3) Did the hearings prove that Oppenheimer was disloyal to the
country? What was the final conclusion? No, even the Security board
had to admit in its final report that it had not found any act of
disloyalty committed by Oppenheimer. The final decision of the
Atomic Energy Commission was to deny security clearance. In other
words, he could no longer have access to classified materials.
4) What is the real reason for the “trial”? The real reason is
Dr.Oppenheimer opposed the development of hydrogen bomb by the
United States. The “trial” took place in 1954, the time of McCarthyism n.
The Merely Very Good
2. Did this have anything to do... she was upstairs "ill" ?
Does the author think she was really ill? No, he thinks it is only an
excuse, so "ill" is put in quotes
the implication of this question is the author believes that Kitty
Oppenheimer deliberately tried to avoid meeting Spender.
3. There were so many things the two of them might have said to each
other, but they didn’t: The author is showing that there were many
things they could have discussed but they only talked about incident
far from the American scene. They talked about recent event involving
Cold War issues but not the politically more sensitive matters that had
involved them both.
Paras. 8--9
Para8 1. ---but no one had actually encountered him, despite
rumored sightings:
1) Had any one met him personally? No.
2) Did that mean there was no news about him?
No, there were unconfirmed reports about people having seen him
from a distance.
The Merely Very Good
2.-- - he had no school or following and had produced very few
1) school: a group of people held together by the same teachings,
beliefs, opinions, methods, etc.学派
2) following: a group of followers or adherents追随者
3. He had essentially no collaborators ----, ---by only one person.
Why didn't Dirac really have collaborator? because Dirac held that
breakthrough ideas in physics could only come from an individual.
4. the last two sentences--- He taught his classes.., --- no better way
to present it.
1)How did he teach his class at Cambridge? He read aloud from the
book he had written on the subject.
2) Why did he teach in that way? He believes that when he wrote he
had given much thought to the subject and he considered his writing
the best presentation of the subject. Since that was the case, he
would rather read his great text.
The Merely Very Good
Para9 ... and attempted a profile of Dirac...: and tried to write a short
biographical and character sketch of Dirac. profile : A biographical
essay presenting the subject's most noteworthy characteristics and
achievements. 人物特写,人物概评, 表现主要人物最值得注意的特点和
Paras. 10—11
Para10 the role of the first sentence: it brings the story back to the
year 1981 so as to carry on the story. It serves as a flashback.
flashback: A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is
inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative. 倒叙,闪回
镜头, 一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的
What was Dirac's remark when he was passing the Lincoln Tunnel
once with T. D. Lee? Is this a good suggestion?
He said if the toll was doubled and the tollbooths were halved, the
tolls collected would be more or less the same. It is a good suggestion,
It can cut down costs because fewer tollbooths will mean fewer toll
collectors. The Port Authority of New York did the same thing a few
years later.
The Merely Very Good
T.D.Lee : Lee Tsung Dao(1926---) Chinese-born American physicist.
Together with Frank Yang (杨振宁),he won a 1957 Nobel Prize for
disproving (反驳,证明―――不正确)the principle of
(守恒)of parity(量子数的均衡).李政道,华裔美国物理学家。因其证
Dirac interrupted his silence to remark that--- : He made his break in a
continuity of silence. Imply: He continued to be silent after that.
Port Authority: port administration, government commission in
charge of the traffic, regulation, etc. of a port.港务局
Engene Paul Wigner (1902—1995) Hungarian-born American
physicist. He shared a 1963 Nobel Prize for research on the structure
of the atom and its nucleus. 维格纳,尤金·保罗,匈牙利裔的美国物理学
Para11 1.Christopher Isherwood (1906---1986) : British-born
American novelist and playwright,, best known for his stories about
Berlin in the early 1930's Goodbye to Berlin (1939), which became
the basis for the musical Cabaret (1966), is considered among the
most significant political novels of the 29th century.英裔美国作家,因
描写20世纪30年代早期的柏林而闻名,作品包括 再见了,柏林(1939年),
这部书后来成为歌舞片 歌厅(1966年)的基础
The Merely Very Good
2. --- the mere wearing of which makes one feel instantly better.
Does the author really think the wearing of it will make one feel
instantly better?
No, he is being a little ironical. He is hinting here that Spender likes
expensive clothes because he cares much about status. To such a
person, the wearing of a brand name, expensive shirt will certainly
make him feel better.
3 Blue-bell: (in Southern England ) plant with blue or white bellshaped flowers风铃草
4. He had on a club tie of some sort. a club tie: is a tie with the
symbol of the club on it. A club is usually an expensive institution,
rendering service only to its members. Membership fee may be
expensive but the environment is very nice and the service is very
good. Being a club member is usually a status symbol. Club tie:
signifies that you are the member of the club, here it shows that
Spender enjoys the expense in the club.
Why does the author mention a club tie'?
The purpose is the same
as mentioning the shirt, to show Spender’s taste and sense of status.
The Merely Very Good
Paras. 12—13
Para12 1. One probably should not read too much into appearance ..,
as if it were some sort of life raft:
Maybe one should not attach too much importance to appearance
How did those attending the poetry workshop look like?
looked very eager to learn to write poetry as if without poetry they
could not survive.
2. access: The right to approach, enter, exit, or make use of: 接近权,
has access to the restricted area; 有权进入禁区;has access to
classified material. 有权使用已归类的材料 We have few access to
primary / original material.
2. ... pretty tired of being an avatar for his now dead friends---Auden,
C. Day Lewis, and the rest--- especially that of Auden: What was he
tired of?
He was tired of being the embodiment of his friends, He wanted to get
rid of their influence. He was tired of being a person in whom people
would find traces or influences of his more famous friends Auden, C. D.
Lewis and others. In other words, he no longer wanted to be seen as
one always under the influence of others. He wanted to be recognized
in his own right.
The Merely Very Good
Avatar : An embodiment, as of a quality or concept; 具体化,
the very avatar of cunning.狡猾的原形
► Para13 He seemed to be on autopilot: The questions Spender asked
came out automatically, unthinkingly. He was rather mechanical,
without giving the writings much thought.
► Paras. 14—16
► Para14 1. Jacqueline Bouvier Onassis (1929—1994): born in a socially
prominent family in New York and worked (1951—1953) as a journalist
and photographer before marrying(1953) John F. Kennedy . As first
lady, she planed and constructed the restoration of the White House
and had Congress declare the White House a national museum. After
the assassination of President Kennedy , she returned to private life
and later married (1968) the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis,
who died in 1975. From 1978 until her death she was an editor at
The Merely Very Good
2. Somehow, I was getting increasingly annoyed--- , but more:
Did the author have a reason to feel increasingly annoyed?
No, especially he had no reason to turn his anger at Spender. This is
what we call transferred anger.
Did Spender owe them anything?
No, Spender, like the author, was invited there to conduct a workshop.
Para16 1. T.(homas) S.(tearns) Eliot,(1888-1965) American-born
British critic and writer(美裔英籍批评家与作家)whose poems The
Waste Land (1922) established him as a major literary figure. He also
wrote dramas, such as Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案(1935),
and works of criticism(作品评论). He won the 1948 Nobel Prize for
2. But look, the morn in russet mantle clad/ Walks o’er the dew of yon
high eastward hill. (When morning comes, ghost disappears , the sun
is shining) 瞧,清晨披着金黄色的斗篷走来,踏过那边东方高山上的露
珠。These lines were taken from the opening scene of Shakespeare's
Hamlet(Act1 Scene1) , the rising dawn marks the necessary departure
of the ghost.
These lines mean : But look, the morning in reddish brown color cloak
walks over the dew of the high hill over there to the east.
The Merely Very Good
3. He looked at it with an expression ... . There was total silence in the
Why did he have such an expression? What sort of feeling was
Sadness indicated that Spender felt he could never compete with
Auden who could produce such unforgettable lines. He himself could
never write such beautiful lines;
Wonder indicated Spender's admiration. he wondered how could one
produce such beautiful lines?
Regret indicated that Spender felt sorry that he had never written lines
of such beauty. it is Auden, not he, who wrote such beautiful lines.
Envy was self-evident.
Paras. 17--18
1. S1 I had not thought of all this... , it all came back to me, nearly.
the role of this sentence: It brings the scene from 1981 to the time of
writing. The sentence serves as a transition, linking his encounter with
Spender in 1981 with the concluding part, the message the author
wants to impart to his readers.
The word "nearly" is used here because almost everything came back
to the author except
the line Spender wrote on the blackboard.
The Merely Very Good
2. My companion of 15 years ago is my companion no longer.
Fifteen years ago when the author decided to go to the conference
he "was in the beginning stages of a love affair with a young lady".
Now he has parted with the young lady.
3. I am a compulsive collector of data from my past: I always have an
irresistible, even irrational impulse (or urge) to keep all the papers
containing information of my past activities.
4. to see if it jogged to my memory: to find out if the line would make
me recall the thing/would revive my memory
Para18 1. Why did Spender think it would not be very difficult to
imitate the late Auden?
He thought so because in Auden’s late poetry, there is a kind of
eccentric appearance which some young people eager for success and
with proficient writing skill can pick up and imitate.
2. Why did he think it would be difficult to imitate the early Auden?
Because the poetry of early Auden is simple yet original.
The Merely Very Good
3. What does the line mean?
The beauty of the moon has no history. In other words, it is not the
result of gradual development. This beauty has been absolute from the
time of the moon's coming into existence.
Paras 19—20 the last two paragraphs play the role of presenting the
concluding remark, revealing/telling the key message to the readers.
What are the things the author wants to tell the readers?
1) Great poetry and great physics cannot be imitated. As Dirac put it,
“the real great ideas in physics are had by only one person".
2) Great poetry and physics are pushed (driven) ahead by
unanticipated genius.The merely very good cannot contribute to the
development of either poetry or physics.
3) To be original and profound, one has to be focused. As the author
says, Auden and Dirac focused like laser beams. This, according to the
author, is the cause of the difference of being great and being merely
very good.
The Merely Very Good
Princess Margaret( 1930---2002) Countess of Snowdon, sister to the
Queen of UK, a hardworking and much loved member of the royal
Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898-1988)Austrian-born American physicist. He
won a 1944 Nobel Prize in physics for his study of magnetic movement
of atomic particles.奥地利裔美国物理学家。因其在原子粒子核磁共振法
Talmud The collection of ancient Rabbinic writings , consisting of the
Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority
in Orthodox Judaism. 犹太教法典, 古代拉比著作的合集,包括《密西拿》
Hebrew: The ancient Semitic language of the Israelites in which most
of the Old Testament was written ; the official language of Israel. 希伯
来语, 古代希伯来人使用的闪含语
Sanskrit: the classical old Indic literary language, still used in the
rituals of the Northern Buddhist church 梵语
The Merely Very Good
► How
does the author manage to bring the people
he wants to compare into the article?
► How does the author manage to bring the people
he wants to compare into the article?
► His decision to go to the conference
► 1) Oppenheimer's anecdote: Oppenheimer and
Dirac meeting at Gottingen, talking about
poetry and physics
► 2) Spender's being at the conference --- Spender's
obsession with Auden--great versus merely very
The Merely Very Good
► How does the author develop the article?
► He uses the 1981 conference as the benchmark
(基准)and goes back to earlier times and in the
last two paragraphs returns the scene to the time
of writing. This technique of montage is used
largely in cinema. For example:
► The 1981 conference and the author's
indecision→(flashback to 1925--1927) earlier life
of Oppenheimer and his relations with
Dirac→(back to 1981) the author's decision:
Spender and Auden → (flashback) Spender and
Oppenheimer (1956) → (1958) Oppenheimer,
Dirac and the author →
► (back to 1981) meeting with Spender → (bringing
the scene to 1996) concluding remark.
The Merely Very Good
The End