CSU Extension Webpage Template, part 2

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Transcript CSU Extension Webpage Template, part 2

Defining the site, Directory Structure, Meta-tags
Defining the site
Always your first step when working with
 Telling DW where the Root folder is
 EVERYTHING on your site must be inside this
folder – images, documents, pages
 Your home page - index.shtml - is a file in this
folder (NOT in a folder inside this folder)
Setting local information
Site menu> New Site> Advanced tab
Category>Local info
Site name (for your use only)
Select root folder
Select Default images folder
 All
.jpegs, .gifs, .pngs are copied into this folder
Link checker – actual URL
 Useful
for absolute links that refer to pages/docs within
your site
Enable cache – “yes”
Setting local information (con’t)
Select Default images folder
 All
.jpegs, .gifs, .pngs are copied into this folder
Link checker – actual URL – useful for absolute links
to refer to pages/objects within your site
Enable cache – “yes”
Setting remote information
Remote info you will need:
Ftp host – (e.g. – yuma. colostate.edu)
 Host directory (blank, or “WWW/”)
 Login – your unique login
 Password – your unique login
 If you choose “Save” you will forget your password, so…
When you get email from ACNS – save a paper copy,
not just the email!
Test button will test connection
Use “Firewall Settings” to work way around a firewall
Directory Structure
We’ve given you 1 home page and 7 second level pages
Home page: index.shtml
Second level pages NOT within folders:
 About
Us (about.shtml)
 Contact Us (contact.shtml)
Second level pages within folders
 4H
 Agriculture (agri/agri.shtml)
 Family/Consumer (fami/fami.shtml)
 Horticulture (hort/hort.shtml)
 Master Gardeners (mast/mast.shtml)
The home page
The main page of your website
 Don’t
assume folks will always enter site from here
 Slightly more likely to enter from an interior page after
a search
 Show site structure in Navigation bar
 shtml
means interaction w/server needed
 .shtm works as well
Site structure and Directory structure
Figure out where to put your files
 Logical
 They
flow to pages, logical flow to files and folders
will be similar to each other
 Each
second level page (topic area) has own folder
 All pictures in one place (images folder)
 All documents in one place (docs folder)
 Each
topic area has its own doc folder
 You might break it down further – e.g. by year
4h_docs09, 4h_docs10, etc.
Sample Site Structure
Home page (index.shtml)
About Us
Contact Us
2nd level pages with little upkeep
Master Gardener
2nd level pages requiring own folders
From here, pages link to documents, calendars, other pages (remember the 3 click
Changing names of files and folders
You are NOT expected to have this specific set of
secondary pages
Copy and rename existing folders to make your own
Example: you need a PYN page
Right-click the “4H” folder, choose copy
Right-click, choose paste
Right-click new folder, choose rename, then rename it “pyn”
Right-click “4h.shtml“, rename it “pyn.shtml”
Right-click “4h_docs” folder, rename it “pyn_docs”
Make sure to add the new page onto your left navbar
Metatags contain information about the webpage
Title, descriptions, keywords that tell end-users and
search engines about the site
In Dreamweaver, the icon is in Insert Panel
Dreamweaver CS4 is good at many things, but not
Metatags, so we’ll do descriptions, keywords in the code
ALL pages need a title
Shows up in title bar at very top of browser window
Stay under 64 characters or it may be truncated
They can all share one title (Wapello County
Extension) or have a specific one for each page
(Wapello County Extension Horticulture page)
Between <head> and </head> tags
<title>Colorado State University Extension</title>
Often returned to someone using a search engine
A concise, accurate and inclusive description of your site
Under 50 words. Multiple sentences fine.
Feel free to steal from existing CSU Extension pages
Bring up page in browser, View menu, Source, then cut-andpaste into your own code
Between <head> and </head> tags
<meta name="description" CONTENT="Colorado State
University Extension is your connection to the
research, information and expertise of your landgrant university. We offer hundreds of
publications, and much much more.">
Used to help search engine “spiders”define and
categorize your site
Under 50 words, phrases are fine
Needs to be specific to your page – fine tune these to
accurately describe your site
Use words already plentiful in the text
Separate words and phrases with commas
Between <head> and </head> tags
<meta name="keywords" content="Extension, Outreach,
Colorado State University, CSU, Fort Collins, CO,
environment, lawn and garden, water issues, water
conservation, soil and crop sciences" />
More about keywords
Keywords frequently used in text, headers and links
increases Google Juice
Long tailed keywords
“printing excel 07 spreadsheets”
“pruning fruit trees”
“Exention” and “Extension”
Colloquial terms is addition to academic terms
“Laminitis” and “lameness”
Google Adwords
Put in either keywords or actual URL
is more encompassing
Allows you to look at actual data from Google
Get keyword ideas
Sort by Advertiser Competition column
Find “long tailed” keywords that have low
competition on the web
Google Adsense (con’t)
“Batch resize images” is a good keyword phrase for
my site – describes content, less competition
Registering Your Site
Search engines will eventually find your site on their
To speed the process, register your site with Google
and Yahoo (biggest 2)
Google: Homepage>About Google (at
bottom)>Submit your content to Google> Add your
URL to Google
Yahoo: Homepage>Suggest a Site(at
bottom)>Submit Your Site for Free