Service-Oriented Architecture: UW's Migration Strategy

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Service Oriented Architecture: UW’s Migration Strategy a.k.a.

What is it and how do we get one?

Jim Phelps Sr. I.T. Architect, DoIT, UW-Madison [email protected] 1

What I’ll Cover

• • • • • • • Data vs. Service Three Tiers (slides included FREE!) Migration Strategy Sticky Bits Roadmap Next Steps (2 years) Summary 2

Integration is..

• Complex:

When systems change, interfaces need to be rebuilt

• Brittle: people) When interfaces fail, people are unhappy (and often blame the wrong • Expensive: Garther - “up to 50% of large enterprise’s IT budget is spent on interfaces and integration” (1) 3

A Simple Use Case

eReserves: • • Library has books on reserve for a course.

The Library checks those books out only to students in the course.


SIS Course Roster

Data vs. Service

Data Library Course Roster 5

SIS Cours e Roster

Data vs. Service

Data Library Cours e Roster SIS IsEnrolle d Service Service StudentID, CourseID Yes/ No Library 6


SIS IsEnrolle d Service Service StudentID, CourseID Yes/ No Libra ry 7


SIS IsEnrolle d Service Service StudentID, CourseID Yes/ No Libra ry of Sales System 8


SIS IsEnrolle d Service Service CourseID Yes/ CourseID Libra ry Portal System 9


Replication of all data Opaque Disconnected Point-to-Point Brittle


Pull as needed Transparent Connected One-to-Many


Robust Composite Apps 10

Data vs. Service

• Fundamental shift away from shipping data to providing services 11

Data vs. Service

• Move to SOA to: – Reduce cost – Increase security – Reduce data duplication – Gain transparency – Reusability 12

Migration Strategy - SOA


- business process analysis


- data definitions and standard schemas


- architecture and technical gaps


- helping hands

Organization - Change Management


Migration Strategy - SOA

• Process - Business Process Analysis – Prioritization - Most Pain, Most Gain – Define/Document Business Process – Look for optimization opportunities – Use disruption to your advantage – Data needs (timeliness, availability, etc) 22

Migration Strategy - SOA

• Information - Enterprise Data Definitions – Let the Business Process Analysis drive the data definition process – Don’t build a complete dictionary – Start with the most needed definitions – Build on existing standards 23

Migration Strategy - SOA

• Infrastructure - Architecture and Technology – Gap analysis - what pieces are missing – Do we have the right architecture in place?

– Business Process Analysis and Data needs drive the effort.


Migration Strategy - SOA

• Vendor - Evaluation to fill the gaps – Business Process Analysis – Enterprise Data Identification – Data Definitions / Standards Development – Service Design – Technology Gaps 25

Migration Strategy - SOA

Organization - Change Management – Culture shift from data to services – Staff training and support – New Expertise • Service Interface Designer (2) • Service Library Manager (2) – Integration Competency Centers (3) 26

People of the ICC

• • • • • Project Manager Services Architect Interface Designers Registry / Library manager Schema experts 27

Migration Strategy - SOA


Building the ICC

• Critical Success Factor • Centrally funded not a charge-back center • Unifying practices • Easier to enact and deploy standards • Manage the interface library (WS Registry a.k.a. UDDI Registry) 29

Organizational Change

• • • New Skills and the ICC Forces for Change Misalignments – Funding models – Employee Evaluation 30

Who is the force for change?


SIS IsEnrolled Service Service urseID Yes/No … ?

Library Point of Sales System ?

Portal ?


Force 1: Architectural Purity


It is good for the Enterprise.


We will all cooperate for the good of the whole.

Never works.

People don’t act for the good of all when their project / budget / timeline / comfort is at risk.

SIS IsEnrolled Service Service urseID Yes/No … Library Point of Sales System Portal 32

Force 2: Consumer


We want a Web service for …..


The first Consumer will drive the change.

Rarely works.

Need an alignment of good will between the Consumer(s) and Service Provider.

SIS IsEnrolled Service Service urseID Yes/No … Library Point of Sales System Portal 33

Force 3: Service Provider


It is the new “supported” way


The Service Provider will set the standard

Should work.

Especially if the Service Provider can eliminate other feeds and if they impose costs on new feeds.

SIS IsEnrolled Service Service urseID Yes/No … Library Point of Sales System Portal 34

How would this work

Service Provider eliminates multiple flat-file feeds - replaces with single Web Service.


How would this work

Service Provider eliminates multiple flat-file feeds - replaces with single Web Service.

• Consumer can: Use Web Service – Agree to SLA – ICC establish Security and Policy – Register use in the WS Registry 36

How would this work

Service Provider eliminates multiple flat-file feeds - replaces with single Web Service.

• Consumer can: Use Web Service – Agree to SLA – ICC would establish Security and Policy – Register use in the WS Registry • Request a Flat File – – – – Go through review Pay to build & maintain feed forever Pay for whole cost of feed Agree to policy re:use, security, privacy etc.


Force 3: Service Provider

SIS Service Agree Or Pay $$$ Library Point of Sales System IsEnrolled Service urseID Yes/No … Portal 38

Organizational Change

• • • New Skills and the ICC Forces for Change Misalignments – Funding models – Employee Evaluation 39


• How we fund projects • How do we measure our employees 40


• How we fund projects – DATA - “please build an app for me” – SERVICE - “we need these reusable services” – Looks a lot like “Overhead” 41


• • How we fund projects – DATA - “please build an app for me” – SERVICE - “we need these reusable services” – Looks a lot like “Overhead” How do we measure our employees – DATA - “I built these apps for these customers” – SERVICE - “I made these reusable services” – Hard to measure “value” 42

Organizational Change

• • • New Skills and the ICC Forces for Change Misalignments – Funding models – Employee Evaluation 43

Other Sticky Bits

• Standards • Policy & Security • Governance 44

Security/Policy Enforcement

• Two models – Embedded (written into the interfaces) – In-line (proxy) Service SIS Library StudentID, CourseID IsEnrolled Service In Line Embedded Yes/No 45

Phylogeny and Standards


Phylogeny and Standards


WS-Security 47

Security/Policy Enforcement

• Two models – Embedded (written into the interfaces) – In-line (proxy) Service SIS Library StudentID, CourseID IsEnrolled Service In Line Embedded Yes/No 48

Governance - Complex and Difficult Mix When you hear the words:

Funding, Policy, Security and Architecture

in the same talk, you know that


can’t be far behind.


Governance - Complex and Difficult Mix 50

Identity Management framework

Identity Management Leadership Group Registrar & H.R. co-chair Members include: Business Leaders Technical Leaders Authentication Authorization Coordinating Team Access To Data ID Card Evaluation Technical Assessment and Policy Recommendations 51

SOA Management framework

SOA Leadership Group Integration Competency Center 52

Roadmap to SOA

UW System Highway Business Application Highway Campus Highway 53

Roadmap to SOA - 1000’ view UW System Highway • Integration Competency Center (ICC) • Registry • Establish Governance • Development Standards • Common Tools 54

Roadmap to SOA - 1000’ view Business Application Highway • Analysis of Interfaces • Analysis of the Business Processes • Reduce the number of Interfaces • Apply standard data definitions (schemas) • Migration to Services 55

Roadmap to SOA - 1000’ view Campus Highway • ICC or ICC Partners • Establishment of Governance • Analysis of Business Processes • Reduction of Interfaces • Migration to Services 56

Next 2 Years • • Analysis of Interfaces – – Document the interface and business process Starting with “Course Roster” • • • Look to refactor interfaces Reduce the number of interfaces Use standards for data representation (IMS) Request Official University Transcripts Electronically (ROUTE) – Expose two interfaces as Web Services (Student Bio-Demo and Holds/Fines) 57

Next 2 Years - D2L Interfaces

• • Refactoring the Grading Interfaces – Opportunity to make changes – Use disruption - Look for opportunities Refactor the Course Roster interface – Already using standards for data representation (IMS) 58

Building the ICC

• Critical Success Factor • Looking at building an ICC • Report to a Deputy CIO • Service Team model (includes members from groups working on Web Services) – Middleware – Applications Development – Others 59


• Why SOA/Web Services? – Reduce the cost of maintaining interfaces. – Buffer systems from changes. – Protect data. Provide Security. – Transparency. – Enforcement of business rules (FERPA).

• This means Security, Governance and Policy 60


• • • • ICC is critical. – Must be seen and helpful not an extra cost and burden to projects.

Governance, Policy and Security are sticky issues We have opportunities in front of us right now (D2L, PS8.9, etc) The door has opened for SOA.




Enterprise Application Integration, Revere Group Presentation -

June 26, 2003


Service-Oriented Architecture, A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services, Thomas Erl -

Prentice Hall


Introduction to Integration Compentency Centers,


Enterprise Service Bus, David A. Chappell -

O’Reilly 5.

VantagePoint 2005-2006 SOA Reality Check, Anne Thomas Manes, Burton Group


Thank you.


SOA - UW’s Migration Strategy a.k.a.

What is it and how do we get one?

Jim Phelps, Sr. I.T. Architect, DoIT, UW-Madison EDUCAUSE MWRC06, March 2006 [email protected] Copyright Jim Phelps, 2006. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.